The commotion outside the room was abrupt, swift, and involved many voices. She snapped her head around just as the collar of the doctor’s immaculate tunic was grabbed. Flung around, the man had no time to react as a fist met his chin and sent him flying backwards.

The fist belonged to Marco.

“Nobody touches my woman. Nobody,” he snarled, jabbing his finger at the sprawled Dr. Han.

Nursing his jawline, the doctor scrambled to his feet. “You will hear from the imperial…”

“Get out!” Marco roared.

Dr. Han hesitated. By the door waited two startled guards, their eyes widening as the governor’s fists clenched into tight balls. Freya guessed some power struggle was happening—who had the real authority?

The doctor moved and stepping around Marco, he walked to the door. Looking back over his shoulder, his cheeks flamed red with anger, he scowled. “You’ll regret this.”

Marco ignored the last remark and signaled for the guards to leave the room.

Freya burst into tears. “I thought you’d gone. He took me… made me…” she stuttered between sobs.

He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “I’m here. Let’s untie you.” He reached across and loosened each cuff in turn, then he drew the bed sheet out and used it to wrap her up like a parcel. “I was contacted just as we were about to enter the wormhole. Once inside it would have been impossible to turn back until we reached the other side. I ordered the pilot to return to Tagra.”

She couldn’t stop shivering with both shock and relief. “You’re really here.” Her stiff limbs refused to cooperate as if the drug kept her paralyzed. “He wanted to…” She couldn’t say the words and the tears flooded her face again.

Marco swept her into his arms and lifted her off the bed. He carried her out of the infirmary, ignoring the curious expressions of the medics and guards on duty. Once out of the building, he took a path away from the plaza and the Volta.

Freya had burrowed her face into his chest and curled up. Marco’s strength easily accommodated her weight and he continued to carry her as if she were a delicate package. He strode with a purpose, his jaw set firm, suppressing his anger. She was safe in his arms—how erotic and reassuring—and carried across the city in plain view of his subordinates while not one of them questioned his actions.

It wasn’t until they reached a small flight of steps that Freya realized they weren’t anywhere near the Volta. “Where are we?”

“My residence.” The door automatically sensed his presence and swung open.

A balding man scuttled out from the shadows. “Governor… we weren’t expecting you.” The man bobbed his head. The sight of Freya in the arms of Marco had raised his eyebrows high.

“I’ve returned. My trip to Halos is canceled. Please ensure we’re not disturbed. By anyone.” Marco walked past the stunned servant and continued into the heart of the building.

“Please put me down. I can walk.” She wriggled her toes, feeling the life spring back into them.

Another door and another room. Unlike the Volta with its grandiose pillars and ornate decorations, the residence of the governor was plainer and masculine in tone with shiny surfaces and metallic trims around the walls and doors. Marco laid Freya on his bed, which occupied one side of the chamber. She picked at the corner of the sheet, trying to calm down.

Marco smiled. “The color has returned to your cheeks.”

“Why am I here and not at the Volta?” She released her arms and he held both her hands and squeezed them gently.

“You’re not going back there.” He leaned over her and she felt the warmth of his breath and his delicious smell. Now that her fear had been quelled, she needed him so much. Her inner sanctum, the one that the doctor had wished to violate, craved Marco’s cock to such an extent that she felt the dampness on her thighs.

He peppered her with kisses and she moaned with delight. “But I’m your jenjin. Lalita won’t allow it.” What was he playing at? What about the rules?

He hovered over her. “Lalita might consider the jenjin hers, but not you. You’re mine. She knows this, because she was the one who contacted me and warned me about Dr. Han. She might come across as austere, but when it comes to the threats being made to the jenjin, she’s not so strict about the rules. She doesn’t want anything to happen to you, any more than I.”

“Lalita? I thought she hated me.”

“I doubt it. She’s not as cold as she appears. I admire her discipline, but that doesn’t mean she’s incapable of benevolence. When Han ignored the protocols—he didn’t have my permission to take you—then she did what was necessary to protect you. Did Han hurt you? Was I in time?”

“I don’t think he did anything to me. He’d drugged me, but I think he wanted me awake while he…” Freya struggled to describe the medic’s plans.

He kissed her quivering lips. “Don’t. I don’t need to know. He’s obsessed with you.”

“Why?” What made her, the only Earthling, so special?

Marco eased away and rose to his feet. “You need some nourishment and a bath, then we can talk more.”