The ingratiating doctor smiled. “Why, you, naturally. Now that the governor has no need of you for a while, you’re free to come with me. I’ve been waiting for you, Freya.” He snapped his fingers at the guards. “Bring her.”


“Can do nothing. She has no means to prevent me.” The delight in his face was all too apparent.

Freya kicked at the first guard and sank her teeth into the arm of the second one. She wasn’t going to leave the Volta without a fight. The two men manhandled her toward the door, tearing her thin dress in the process.

“Get off me,” she screeched.

A sharp jab stung her neck. She twisted just in time to see Dr. Han remove the needle from her neck. The room became fuzzy and her legs wouldn’t move. He’d drugged her, the bastard. She opened her mouth to utter one last protest, but nothing came as she spun into darkness.

* * *

Waking up, she tried to turn over, but her limbs wouldn’t move. She licked her dry lips and opened her eyes. Above her head, bright lights dazzled and she saw only whiteness. To her horror, she realized she was bound naked to a bed with her legs and arms spread wide, each one cuffed to the four corners. Nausea swamped her already anxious system and her stomach heaved. She cursed and pulled on the bindings, desperate to escape.

“Ah, you’re awake.” The familiar voice of Dr. Han came from somewhere out of view. She lifted her head, trying to find him. The doctor was crouched before a cabinet and sorting through the contents. “I think I have everything I need.”

“What am I doing here?” She angled her head, trying to peer around the room and weigh the threats. She had to keep her cool.

“Don’t worry. You won’t be harmed. I’m sure the governor wants you back intact.” He strolled across the room with his paper-thin tablet, tapping the screen.

“He wouldn’t want me here at all. He will be furious,” she snarled.

“What can he do? And why would he care? You’re his jenjin—the prisoner whom he happens to fuck.” He lay the tablet down and perched on the edge of the bed. When he brushed aside a rogue lock of hair lying over her nose, she flinched and tossed her head about, knocking his fingers away. “Now, now,” he chided. “The only reason I’ve tied you down is because you’re not one for behaving.”

“Where is Dr. Curzon?” She hated being on her own with Dr. Han. Even though the other doctor had spanked her, he seemed to stick to the rules.

“Off duty.”

“The female medic? Shouldn’t she be here?”

He shrugged. “Working in the infirmary. All those poor women who demand her attention. My time has been greatly freed up since her arrival, your arrival, too, which has had an unfortunate impact on my work.”

He blamed Freya, she could tell by the sarcasm in his voice. She had the ear of the governor and he knew it. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked again.

“According to my research, humans are prone to allergies. My proposal is to determine if that includes contact with alien semen. Naturally, I will have to trial various samples—”

“Semen?” Her lips quivered and she wished she could snap her knees together. Lying in a state of vulnerability with no one to protect her, she dreaded what he was about to do.

“I’ve collected sufficient examples from many humanoids, Vendu included, and by mimicking the ejaculation into your vagina and rectum, I hope to determine if these allergies will impact your sexual compatibility with other species.”

She screwed her face up in disgust. “You’re going to impregnate me. Violate me!”

He rose and brushed out the creases in his tunic. “Such harsh descriptions. From what I remember, you need only have your clitoris stimulated and you will be sufficiently receptive. It might require several days of work, since you’ll need to be cleansed between each sample.”

“You bastard,” she shouted in English.

The rigid lines of his artificial smile smoothed out. “If necessary, I’ll drug you. There is no point in you being conscious if you intend to make trouble for me.”

Freya’s eyes widened. “Assault me while I sleep?”

“Study you while you rest would be my preferred explanation.” He clapped his hands together. “So, let’s begin. I shall set up the monitoring equipment, then…” He turned, muttering to himself as he picked up something from the nearby equipment trolley. “You

remember this?” He held up the horrible clamp he’d wanted to use on her when they first met. Her heartbeats pummeled harder, nearly tearing a hole in her chest. “I can see that you do.” He grinned. “This will be how I will stimulate you. If you want to orgasm, I shall delight in watching you. The more information I collate, the better.”

“For whom?” she sneered.

She tried to tilt her pelvis away from him without success. He slapped his hand on her inner thigh and sting of his palm brought tears to the rims of her eyes. She closed them. Looking at Dr. Han made her retch with anger and humiliation.