He was leaning against the far wall, his arms folded over his chest, his ankles crossed. But it wasn’t a stance of relaxation. He gripped his upper arms tightly and one foot tapped impatiently on the floor.

The ball of nausea forming in her stomach worsened. She eyed the floor in front of him; the cold hard surface was not the same as the rich carpet of her room. She slowly knelt, then slid her arms forward until outstretched. With her bottom raised, she waited.

She wore tiny panties and two triangular patches over her nipples, which were held in place by a weak bra strap. Attached to the cups were silly tassels—she’d been showing a few jenjins her dance moves prior to her harp practice. The girls had giggled a great deal and copied her gyrating hips and foot movements. She’d enjoyed those dance lessons and also making plans for the theater studio Marco planned to create in the factory. Life on Tagra, her captivity, had improved immeasurably since Marco had told her he loved her.

Did he still? He loomed over her and sighed. “Tell me everything, now. I’m fighting the urge to walk out of here and not come back, but I know that will leave me bitter and pained. So, tell me, what have you been doing with one of my men?”

She peeked up between her arms. “Sir. Please don’t do anything to him. He’s not the brightest—”

“I asked you to explain yourself.” She couldn’t ignore the tension in his voice. “The letter?”

“Was written by Gellis to her lover, Jophran. Three years ago, she moved up here and has had no word of him since. I gave her paper and she wrote to him, but I don’t think she expected me to find a way of getting them to him. I persuaded the young man, I admit, with deceit. I told him the letter was for my father. I’m not proud—”

“No, neither am I, for that matter because this wasn’t the first time, was it?”

“No. Today was the third time. You found out?”

“The cameras were moved and Lalita saw you give him the note. This Jophran, he replied to those messages?”

“He told Lucca to tell me, meaning Gellis, that he is alive and in good health and misses her.” Freya bit back a slight sob. “Gellis is very relieved. He was a teacher, who taught subversive texts and wrote dissenting articles in pamphlets. He’s not a bad man.”

“But he is a convict.” Marco stepped back. “Why do you act this way, Freya? To test me? Have I not given you what you wanted? I love you. I care for you. I’ve given permission for your ideas. Yet you remain secretive.”

“Don’t change your mind about those things, please, sir. I don’t want you to make life harder for anyone but me.” She sat back and clasped her hands together.

“Lalita wants you removed from the Volta.”

Freya’s mouth hung open in a horrified gape. It would mean the end of her relationship with Marco. She couldn’t breathe and pressed her palm to her chest. “No,” she mumbled. “No, please.” Tears splashed down her cheeks and her head drooped.

“I said Lalita. Not me.” He crouched before her and tipped her chin up. “I refused to send you away. She wants you punished for breaking her precious protocols and I agreed. You deliberately evaded surveillance. And as for me, I saw you flatter a naive man with your guile. That is hard to forgive.”

He dropped his hand and rose.

She blinked, fighting with her angst. “I… I… want you to punish me. I don’t regret what I did for Gellis and Jophran. They’ve lived apart for three years without contact and even after all that time, they still love each other and live in hope of being together. I only wanted to establish he is down there and still feels the same. Then, I would have pleaded for you to find him work up here and they could see each other—”

“Enough, Freya. I get why you did it. It’s the how which displeases me.” He stood before the row of implements and she flinched when he touched the thickest rod.

What would he do to her?

A flash of understanding passed through her like a bolt of lightning. Whatever he wished.

She laid her hands on her thighs and straightened her back. The realization dawned on her that she desired his discipline and almost craved it. She would be held accountable for her actions and he would cleanse her.

“Sir, love is powerful. It makes me stronger. Strong enough to risk everything. I love Earth. I love you. I’ve discovered I’m capable of so much when filled with passion and if that means enduring a spanking for you, then I will.” She returned to her prostrate pose and raised her bottom higher.

“Oh, Freya,” he said. “I shall spank you, but not as Lalita described. I shall take you over my knee and put an end to this hurt between us, and you will feel my forgiveness. Lucca will be removed from his duties here, but I won’t punish him. He’s young, too young to be stationed in the Volta. As for Gellis and Jophran, I shall see what I can do to give them the chance to meet occasionally. You know I would have done that for you if you’d simply asked.”

Her lower lip trembled. “I know that now. I thought… when you said you loved me, that you didn’t really mean it like I do.”

He picked up a stool and sat on it. “I mean it exactly like you do.” He tapped his lap. “Come, Freya. You need this. I do too.”

She lay over his knees and supported her weight on her hands and toes. He hooked his fingers around her panties and lowered them, allowing them to drop down to her ankles. With her bottom bared, he looped his leg over hers and pinned her waist down with his left arm.

“No warm-up. No pauses. A long, hard spanking.”

She clenched her sex and sensed the leaking. It happened so easily when he spoke with authority.

“Yes, sir. I’m ready.”