She wriggled, swerving her hips from side to side until it was necessary for Marco to press his hand on her back and pin her in place. The spanking was the relentless kind that gave no opportunity to assimilate the pain, nor much time to snatch a breath between smacks. He switched between buttocks, clapping the flat of his palm against her lobes and targeting the same spots on each. She drummed her feet on the floor and the spoon in the bowl rattled against the sides. When she bucked against the edge of the table, a piece of fruit rolled off.

“Are you going to calm down?” he asked.

The plume of heat his spanking had produced intensified and she wondered how in so short a space of time she’d gone from elation to ill temper. What about those words of love he’d whispered, telling her how important she was to him?

“Is this is how it’s going to be?” she blurted. “Love me, then spank me?”

“Yes.” He paused, clutched her ass cheek and squeezed it until she cried out. “Because you’re still my jenjin and still my responsibility. I’ll continue to care for you and discipline you and that doesn’t change one iota because of everything else I feel. If anything, it makes this essential. No girl of mine, alien or not, speaks to me disrespectfully or screams at me as if I’m to blame. I’m trying to help you, Freya.”

She sniveled. “Some help,” she muttered.

“Say that again?”

“Nothing. Sir.”

He cracked his hand across her rump and she jerked. “Sorry, sir.”

“Better.” He returned to circling his palm around each tender spot. “Do you know why they teach meditation at the Volta?”

“To be mindful of every moment in my life and not cloud my thoughts with the past or future,” she repeated, as taught. “To seek solace in silence and endurance.”

“Endurance. Exactly. You’re enduring your captivity and you’ll continue to so. You also will channel that anger away from here where we’re supposed to be relaxing. It’s not welcome.”

She flattened her body against the table. The stiff tension in her limbs had only made the stings of his slaps worse. She buried her face in her arms and held still. A smidgen of guilt followed on from his request. “I just feel so hopeless sometimes.” She sniffed.

He stroked his hand down her spine and goosebumps rippled to the surface of her skin as she clenched her pussy in response to his tender touch. “I was trying to tell you that your evidence is flawed. If you can prove to your Earth’s authorities that Tony was malicious in his intentions—”

She lifted her head. “But how?”

“Write to your father again, and this time, stop hiding the truth from him. Ask him to do something about Tony’s betrayal and tell him your future depends on it.”

“My future…” Her lower lips wobbled. “What about our future?”

He trailed his fingers between her ass cheeks, halting by her anus. “Don’t cloud your thoughts. Here and now is our time together.”

Why after such a hard spanking was she filled with desire for him? Her anger had not been redirected toward Marco; rather it had been quashed by his firm hand on her bottom. He leaned against her hot ass and it was obvious what he had in mind. So soon after their last fuck, he was ready again to take her. The warm head of his cock glided along her furrow.

“Part your ass cheeks,” he commanded. “A good hard fuck is what you need from me. It will help you remember that I decide what is best for you, and that includes spankings.”

The husky voice was impossible to ignore. When he made his demands, it was as if he was hotwired to a part of her brain she’d no control over, or maybe she had, but just refused to believe she had within her the submissive woman he desired. She slid her arms down her sides and did as he asked, holding each cheek aside so he could gain easy entry. With his hands firmly gripping her waist, he nudged against her pussy entrance, collecting the dew she’d made during her spanking. Why her juices surged when he spanked her, she still couldn’t understand. He coated his cock with her generous offering, then pushed the smooth head firmly against her puckered asshole.

“Relax, sweetness. I’m going to do everything in my power to prove your innocence. That is how much I love you.”

She dre

w in a deep breath and during her long exhale, he entered her.

* * *

Freya missed seeing stars. Standing outside, she rested against Marco’s shoulder and he draped his arm around her. The wind had stilled, allowing the sand to settle in a pattern across the dunes. The cliff overhanging the ravine kept the intensity of the blazing sun out of their eyes. However, without a night sky, there were no constellations.

“I miss darkness. Real darkness,” she said.

“I know what you mean.” He sighed. “It’s relentless. The barracks has a dark room where the soldiers can relax. It helps them rest.”

“The prisoners have no choice when it happens. The lights go out and then, boom, darkness.”

He stroked her arm. “It’s best to control it, create an artificial night-time and not have them squabble over time. Time is an arbitrary concept on Tagra.”