“She might not believe you.” Lucilla glanced over her shoulder to the overseer sitting in the corner of the room watching them eat. “What if he is there?”

“He told me he was spending tomorrow in the barracks with the soldiers. They’re been trained in new stop-and-search techniques.” Freya had been increasingly a party to Marco’s diary. She felt a pang of guilt knowing the trust he placed in her when he revealed information. However, he’d shown no interest in individual prisoners and she doubted he would do anything for Lucilla given his busy workload.

“What difference would it make if you did find out about my case?”

“Information is the starting point,” she quoted her mentor. Spying was all about finding information, but using it was somebody else’s prerogative. “Once we know more, then it might become clear why you are here. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then you should be released.”

“I still don’t think you should do this, Freya. What if you’re caught?”

“I’m already in prison, what more can they do to me?” She knew the answer to that question and it wasn’t in the hands of anyone but Marco and he would make sure she was thoroughly punished. However, until she had some knowledge of Lucilla’s circumstances, it wasn’t possible to anticipate what Marco might do.

What also drove her was the need for some adventure. The humdrum of Volta had become too rigid in structure and almost too placid in temperament. It was like living in a surreal bubble where the jenjin went from task to task without a care for the rest of the colony or its issues. She hated not knowing what was happening to her friends in the canyon. After days and days of cooled air, she even missed the heat and dryness of the outside.

“It’s worth a try.” Freya picked up her spoon and returned to eating. She needed to work through the details of her plan in her head.

* * *

If she was counting on good fortune to help her, it came in abundance. Not only was Marco out of his office, but early in the morning, she found out that Lalita would be absent during the morning. The rumor mill maintained the current theory that Lalita visited the captain of the barracks and the couple had formed a relationship.

Lalita’s deputy, Meesha, was less formidable and easier to gull. It would take some tact, but Freya was convinced she could persuade the woman she’d been invited to Marco’s office. She dressed in a long gown, rather than a mini-skirt, and bundled her hair into a bun. She hoped the formal appearance would persuade Meesha.

“He summoned you?” Meesha queried, sitting in Lalita’s chair. “I’ve not received a message from him.” She tapped her tablet, then eyed the disk on the back of her hand with suspicion. “This is most irregular.”

“He wasn’t expecting to see me today, but an unexpected gap in his diary has opened up and I’m to hurry there. We wouldn’t want to disappoint him.” She emphasized the ‘we’ aspect.

Meesha dithered for a few seconds, grinding her teeth together. “Very well. I’ll have you escorted by Gellis.”

“That won’t be necessary—”

“It is absolutely necessary. Why would the governor expect you to arrive alone?” Meesha’s voice had tightened.

The ruse was in danger of failing. “He wouldn’t. Of course, Gellis will come with me.”

Once the maid appeared, Freya left the Volta with Gellis by her side. It was the first time Freya had stepped out of the building in a long while. A month, she calculated, according to her own personal calendar system.

“Once we’re there, you’d best be discreet,” Freya advised.

“You’re very lucky to be the governor’s jenjin—to have such freedoms. I would love to be able to simply leave here and…” Gellis halted.

“What?” asked Fr

eya as she hurried across the city’s plaza.

“Nothing,” Gellis muttered. “It’s just a silly dream I have.”

Freya’s head was too busy working out how to dupe Marco’s assistant to question Gellis further. Entering the governor’s headquarters, they weren’t challenged until they reach the outer chamber. Puto was at his desk.

He looked anxious and his eyes flitted between the two women. “Yes? What are you doing here?” He peered at his schedule.

“I’m to fetch something from the governor’s office.”

Gellis spluttered, but when Freya nudged her arm and winked, the maid shut her mouth.

“What? I can do that for him.”

“Er. It’s in one of his drawers. It’s a private matter, and he specifically asked me to take it to the Volta… to use later… on me.” She lowered her voice, thinking fast on her feet of excuses.

Puto’s face flushed crimson. “I see. Do go in.” He waved at the door and the lock released.