She seethed at his reference to the so-called conquest. “Earth, it’s called Earth. We made a peace treaty. There was no defeat.”

He glared at her and the guard, whose hand remained firmly grasped around her upper arm, pinched it harder, drawing her back and away from the counter.

The man jabbed his finger in the air and stabbed at an imaginary point in front of him. “Do not interrupt me.” He lowered his hand. “As I was saying. Some of the prisoners of war, those who resisted, were sent here until Earth sensibly accepted the terms of defeat. There hasn’t been an Earthling on Tagra for a long time and you are the first female Earthling to be incarcerated on this colony. Ever.” He smiled with the last word. “You’ve much to learn.”

“I was aware of the soldiers sent here, but there would have been women soldiers captured too. Surely they were the first human females held captive?” The history of that era remained cast in shadows. Nobody dared dredge up the past and recount those terrible days when Earth came close to destruction.

“Women warriors!” he scoffed and shook his head. “The Vendu are the warrior race and we rely on our men to fight. Women are the nest makers and bringers of joy when the weary soldier returns from battle.” He clucked his tongue. “Any woman found in uniform would be sent home, where she belongs.”

Freya narrowed her eyes and dispatched an angry glare, but the man turned away and focused on the details flashing up on the monitor.

“It appears you have been allocated work in the laundry complex. Only the most trusted, long-serving prisoners live in accommodation with washing facilities—water is precious. You will work every day there, ensuring fresh clothing and bedding is issued to all prisoners. Tagra is a hot planet. You might find you need to wear little to keep cool.” He chortled. “Most females prisoners prefer to keep cool.”

“So I’m not the only female here?”

“Oh, no. We have many sent here from all over the empire. Disobedient females, just like their male counterparts. Thieves, rebels, and spies, like yourself. Now. Before you are assigned your accommodation, food vouchers, and work clothes, you must undergo an extensive medical exam.”

“What!” Freya gaped. “I had one before I left Earth.”

The guard at her shoulder snorted. “That was to ensure you could survive the stasis procedure,” he said.

“Then, what is this one for?” she asked.

“You might carry diseases that require quarantine,” said the man behind the counter. “You also are the first female from your planet. A record will need to be made of all of your facets. Our medics will need to know how to treat you if you fall ill. It is very thorough.”

Goosebumps prickled down Freya’s back and she licked her dry lips. “Thorough?”

“You’ll find out.” He pointed to a door. “Take her down there. Exam room two. They’re waiting for her. I understand they’ve been excited about her arrival for some time.”


“The doctors. They’ve never seen an Earthling. You’re a novelty. Quite unlike other convicts sent here.”

Chapter Three

The guard had to push Freya through the door into the medical suite. Her legs had started to shake so badly, she could barely walk. “There you go. Don’t fret,” he said, almost kindly. “They’re doctors. Not military.”

The door banged shut behind her and she stood before the two men, both of whom were dressed in white tunics and pants, and were carrying recording devices—thin tablets almost like paper.

“Prisoner sixty-two, one. Correct?” one announced, reading off his screen.

“Freya Caspari.” She wasn’t going to give up her name for anyone.

The slightly taller man smiled. “Freya. If that makes you more comfortable, then we’ll call you that.” They looked very alike, almost twins. The same build, the same buzz-cut hair and the square-set jaw, which was common amongst the Vendu. However, unlike the burly soldiers on the transport, these men were wispier, less imposing. The Vendu were a mighty race of humanoids, their bodies typically lean and muscular. The density of their muscles gave them incredible strength compared to humans. Their eyes could focus in on smaller details and their sense of smell was heightened and sensitive. However, their hearing appeared no different as she muttered under her breath, “Bastards.”

They twitched in unison, but seemed not to have heard what she said.

“You’ll need to strip naked and then we can start. This might take a while, so if you need a drink, please say so.” The taller man pointed at a chair. “Place your clothing there. You’ll be issued with new ones.”

“Naked? Where is the nurse? A female chaperone?” She glanced around the vast exam room with its beds and cabinets. One examination table gave her palpitations. It had the familiarity of a gynecological setup with stirrups and adjustable leg rests.

The short man smirked. “Nurse? Doctor Curzon and I are fully qualified to conduct this examination. The presence of additional personnel is unnecessary.”

“But… but you’re men,” she stuttered, taking a step backwards.

“We’re doctors. I am Doctor Han and I’m an expert in alien physiology. I’ve conducted many examinations of aliens.” He seemed pleased with the declaration, but Freya had heard not one word of comfort or reassurance.

“Please. This is very scary for me—”