He held out his hand. “I will, sweetness.”

She grasped his hand and followed him out of the door. She wanted to tiptoe behind Marco and hide in his shadow. Instead, he kept her at his side and whispered words of encouragement. “Chin up and back straight.”

When they passed a small group of jenjins, Freya expected quiet laughter. Instead, the women bowed and showed little fascination in her red posterior. They seemed more taken by Marco’s presence in their midst.

Soldiers saluted as they exited the pleasure room. Wiping the grins from their faces, they snapped to attention. Marco squeezed Freya’s hand. It was what she needed from him. He considered this part of her punishment, but perhaps he was right. His intention was to crush her fear of nudity and humiliation, and maybe it was working.

She swung her hips and ignored the heat in her ass. They were close to Lalita’s private rooms when Marco let go of her hand. “Good. Now remember to do as you’re told. She wants you to be successful, Freya. She’s not out to make you fail.”

Lalita welcomed the governor by rising from her chair and bowing. “Freya. Yo

u look enchanting,” she said with sincerity.

“Tell Lalita how many spanks you received.”

“Thirty-nine. I’m sorry I have not be courteous to the overseers and laughed at them. I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just nervous,” said Freya, casting her eyes down.

Marco pointed to the floor.

It almost crippled her, having to prostrate herself at their feet and stick her jeweled bottom in the air. She managed with as much grace as she could muster given her jelly legs.

“A well-punished bottom, governor. Do you wish her to wear the plug in your absence?”

“An hour a day. That will be a sufficient reminder. Continue with her training, Lalita. I shall be back in two days and I have every hope that she will behave in my absence.”

“Very good, sir.”

“I have to return to my office. Please ensure Freya’s bottom is soothed and she is given a bath.”


Freya listened as Marco gave his instructions and she wished he could stay and take her back to the bedroom. The realization of how much she needed him brought tears trickling down her face.

“Would you excuse us, please, Lalita.”

The door closed behind her and Freya and Marco were alone. “Up,” he said.

She staggered to her feet and wiped the wetness from her eyes. “Do you have to go?”

“Yes, little jenjin. I do.” He brushed a rogue lock of hair from her face. “I want you to do something for me.”

“What?” She snuggled into his arms and rested her head against her chest.

Marco stroked her back. “I want you to consider a tattoo for me.” His hand paused mid-caress as she snatched a breath.

“Tattoo. I don’t know. That’s a permanent mark.” What would it signify—that he owned her?

“Not necessarily. There are tattoos that last a limited period. I fancy seeing a fire rabbit running around your back.” He traced his finger between her shoulder blades.

“Run?” She peeped up at him, wondering if he was joking.

“An animated tattoo—it’s not permanent, the ink wears off. We discovered the art form on planet thirty-six. The ink moves between your skin cells. It’s painless and harmless. Usually it takes a few minutes to complete the transition. A fire rabbit has bright eyes that glow in the dark. It reminds me of you.”

She considered his request as he kissed the crown of her head. “Will you miss me?”

“Yes. Always. You can’t imagine how hard it is to keep you out of my dreams.” He tipped her chin up and kissed her lips.

“I’ll do it. Your fire rabbit. If it makes you happy.”