She moved her trembling limbs, dragging them down onto the floor and there she knelt. What had Lalita told him?

He picked up a tablet and tapped the flexible screen, reading off the list sent by Lalita.

“Running twice—”

Her head jerked up. “I was—”

“Late for a lesson. Don’t interrupt me,” he said sharply. “Giggling. A lot of disrespectful giggling. What is it with humans and their need for humor?” He shook his head. “Don’t look at me, Freya. Head down, bottom up.”

She lowered her head and resumed the position.

“Answering back. Questioning decisions. Disregarding your selected clothes?”

“Might I say wearing just a thong is not clothing, it’s underwear. I felt bare.”

“I’d hoped you’d overcome your difficulties with nudity. I think we can address that issue today as well as your punishment.”

Heavens above, what had he planned?

He opened a drawer and fetched a few items, placing them on a nearby cabinet, then he blocked her view so she couldn’t see what he had picked. “I want to punish your bottom. By the time I’ve finis

hed spanking your ass, it will be bright red. Then, I shall insert a butt plug and you will walk naked to Lalita’s chamber and present your spanked bottom for her to inspect.”

“What!” she screeched. “That’s so—”

“A very hard spanking if you continue to answer back.” He settled himself in a low chair. “You will approach me. Remember the correct protocol for this is to crawl with your head lowered. Then ask to lie on my lap.”

Her mouth continued to open and shut, unable to find a suitable riposte to his instructions that wouldn’t involve her bottom paying the price. She decided to change tactics. Marco liked to discipline, it was part of his natural dominance, but what if she made herself so desirable, he would turn the spanking into something she might actually enjoy? Was that possible? To take pleasure in pain?

She crawled toward him, swaying her hips from side to side, and pretended she was an elegant feline stalking its prey.

He coughed. “Freya. What are you doing?” he asked softly.

She lifted her chin and batted her eyelids at him. “Obeying you, sir.”

“It won’t work. I know what you’re up to.”

It was still worth a try. “Please, sir, may I lie across your lap,” she said with as much seduction as she could muster.

He sighed as she draped her body over his knees, lifting up her bottom and dangling her head and legs on either side.

There was a long pause. “What should you be saying?” He drummed his fingers on one of her thighs and her scalp tingled in unison.

“Please, sir. Spank my disobedient bottom.” She couldn’t believe she just asked a grown man to spank her. The request made her feel childish and silly, but at the same time, she wanted him to touch and caress her, satisfy the awakening arousal.

This was the third time since she’d arrived on Tagra that a man had smacked her bare bottom and this time, she had to lie still and count the blows—protocol meant he had to report the exact number to Lalita.

“One, two, three,” she rattled off, barely keeping up with the rapid rise and fall of his hand.

On and on he spanked, zig-zagging between each buttock and bouncing off each cheek as if he’d a drumstick in his grasp. She rested her weight on the floor, taking the strain with her hands, while her toes perched on the other side of the chair.

“Eleven, twelve, thirteen,” she panted. She kicked her legs back and he smacked them back down. “Fourteen, fifteen. Ouch!”

“This is just the warm-up, Freya. I want you to try hard to be the best jenjin this Volta has ever had here. Don’t disappoint me. How many?”

She had kept count quietly while he’d spoken. “Twenty-five. Sir.”

The surge of adrenaline that had come at the beginning of the spanking had dissipated. The raw pain of the first few smacks had turned into a continuous fire where one slap merged into another and even when he targeted the same spot several times, she absorbed the discomfort by thinking of other things—like his cock plundering her flooded pussy. A retired spy had mentored her in subterfuge and taught her to vanquish fear and anxiety by focusing on a happier outcome. Lost in her fantasy world, she tried the same technique, except Marco kept speaking to her, distracting her from slipping away by lecturing in a wonderfully stern tone.