“Music is for quiet contemplation; nobody should ruin it by dancing,” had replied Lalita curtly.

When not meditating, Freya had often been left in the hands of her maids, who’d constantly sought to touch her up, as if she was a masterpiece in need of extra brushstrokes. She’d sighed repeatedly when they’d insisted on buffing her nails or shaving her privates. When Gellis, during a routine massage, had muttered under her breath about the hard life in the factories, Freya shut up. She often thought about Abby and Jean, wondering how they were coping. A little guilt had seeped in and she’d thanked Gellis.

She turned to complete another length of the pool and as she closed in on the far end, she lifted her face out of the water and touched the side of the pool with her outstretched hand. The room had gone silent. Brushing the drops off her eyelashes, she came face to face with a pair of shiny black boots. Slowly, she tilted her head back. What a colossus Marco was when he stood above her. He’d planted his legs astride and rested his hands on his hips.

She licked her lips, which had suddenly gone dry. Did he expect her to kneel in the pool? Everyone else in the room had knelt with their heads bowed; nobody had left. She and Marco had an audience—what did he plan to do in the presence of witnesses? She started to move toward the steps.

“Stay there,” Marco ordered.

She snapped her back straight and looked up at him again. He was undressing. Tiny gasps relayed around the room as the other jenjins sneaked a view of the governor’s fine physique.

He removed his jacket and shirt and exposed the lines of his tattoos, then without any sign of embarrassment, he dropped his pants. The length of his upright cock drew another ripple of exclamations.

Was he really going to do this? She froze to the spot and remained there as Marco stepped down into the water and swam toward her. Why hadn’t he dismissed the others?

Approaching her from behind, Marco looped his arms under her breasts and slotted his hard cock against her lower spine. He kissed the top of her head and at the same time, slid his right hand down over her belly and between her legs. He dove his middle finger inside her tight pussy.

Freya shivered, but it wasn’t because she was cold. She felt incredibly warm, yet she was covered in goosebumps. “We’re not alone,” she whispered in English.

“I know,” he replied in the same language. “You’re mine. I want to show them that you’re mine.”


He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Because I can. I’m the governor and you’re my beautiful jenjin. They will see how I cherish you. Need you.”

Freya couldn’t find within her the willpower to be indignant, nor was she inhibited by his openly flirtatious behavior. To hide her growing arousal, she clamped her thighs together and squashed his exploring digits.

Marco chuckled softly. “Open up, little jenjin. Open up for me.”

She nearly hesitated, but something about his stern, yet encouraging tone of voice wiped out her resistance. She slid her legs apart.

“Hold onto the edge.” He’d switched back into Vendian and spoken louder.

“I’ll hold the edge, sir.” She remembered the etiquette and obeyed, clutching the tiled rim of the pool.

Nobody had left the room. Thankfully, none of the women present were kneeling on her side of the pool. She had a clear view of the closed double doors.

Marco hitched her hips backwards and her chin dipped down, nearly touching the surface of the water. He sought out her pussy with the head of his cock and she braced herself for it, perhaps too much. When he thrust inside, it didn’t give around him; instead, she felt a pinch of discomfort. It reminded her of the night she’d lost her virginity. She shook her head, dismissing the unfortunate memory—it hadn’t exactly gone to plan.

Marco cupped her breasts in his hands and gently squeezed the nipples. She groaned—why was that sharp pain so enjoyable? He nudged his cock a little deeper and her tight channel stretched around his engorged head.

“Do this for me,” he whispered in English. “Make me complete. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He moaned as she opened up and welcomed his entire shaft. He kissed the back of her neck as he rose up inside her, claiming her pussy with one firm lunge. “Good girl.”

He pounded his hips against her bottom, forcing the water to part between them. Beneath the waves that splashed against the pool side, he fucked her with long strokes of his cock, while she clung to the side, gasping with each thrust. The sloshes of water masked any other sounds in the room. She dare not look over her shoulder, fearing that catching sight of the quiet voyeurs in the room might cause her to tense and ruin the delightful sensation of his cock exciting her g-spot.

He was the governor. He could do as he wished. The man represented the authority of the emperor. All governors of colonies, whether they were penal, military-based, or newly created home worlds, had the backing of the imperial house. Marco was the de facto ruler of Tagra, and she, the lone Earthling, had become everything to him. What more would he expect from her if he could fuck her in so blatant a manner without shame?

“I’m close,” she hissed. “Oh, please, sir. I beg you.”

Beg for it, Lalita had told Freya when she’d shown her how to kneel on the bedroom floor. “Show him your desperation and it will stoke his too. If he controls your pleasure, then you will make him happy.”

He embraced Freya tighter with one arm and used his other hand to slip between her legs and rub her clitoris. Her knees started to buckle, but he held her up, keeping her chin out of the water.

“Come, then,” he growled. “I want to feel it.”

She cried out. Afterwards, she’d probably find it mortifying that she actually screamed during her orgasm. But, she couldn’t help it. His spurting cock rocketed inside her, while the rough use of his fingers on her clit forced her orgasm to extend beyond its natural peak.

When he finished pumping his cum into her pussy, he pushed her against the side, sandwiching her between the hard wall of the pool and his beating heart, which thumped against his chest wall. “Leave us!” he shouted.