He didn’t mean his frantic fingers; he meant the liquid dripping into her bottom hole. The bloating gradually became apparent and she clung onto the straps. It seemed irrelevant, the discomfort of the enema compared to the need to come.

“You’re doing so well, my sweet,” he said softly, bending over her.

She opened her eyes. The others had stood back and disappeared out of her peripheral vision. She saw only Marco as he leaned over to kiss her nipples in turn. He circled her clitoris with his thumb. “I can’t get enough of this little thing you possess. I want to control its every desire. Tell me, Freya, my little Earthling, what does it need?”

She panted as he reached below. She clenched her cheeks as hard as she could, given the angle of her legs. “Please, I want to come.”

“You can. When I think you’re thoroughly clean.”

“I am, I am, sir,” she declared.

His eyes sparkled and his lips twitched into a small grin. “I decide, don’t I?”

“Yes, sir,” she agreed swiftly.

“This is your submission to me. You will let go of everything you have burdened yourself with. Your homesickness, your sadness and despair and I will make you mine.”

Tears pricked at her eyes. He spoken of all the things she dare not think about. “Please, I beg you, let me come.”

“Very well. I’m going to count down from three and you’ll come when I’ve finished.” He eased back and shifted his fingers deeper inside her molten pussy while his thumb worked its way under the hood of her clitoris and tapped it gently.

“Three,” he whispered.

“I can’t hold it.” She lifted her hips off the recliner and pushed down onto his hand.


“Now, please say now.” She thrashed her head from side to side.

“One.” He stilled his hand. “Come for me.”

The orgasm ripped out from deep within her, washing away more than the enema ever could. She thought she might faint with the contractions, which squeezed his fingers, crushing them in pulsating waves. The fullness in her bottom had created an amazing effect on her orgasm. She wanted to feel it again, perhaps not in the same way, but she was damn sure he’d use her ass for his pleasure soon.

“Thank you,” she cried.

He withdrew his hand and carefully drew out the nozzle. “Now, you can get up and finish off.”

Her eyes sprang open as she spied the audience who’d watched her lose herself in the middle of an enema treatment. “Marco, I can’t… oh, please don’t…” She felt the faintness rise again, but for a different reason.

“You can have your privacy. This I understand. Humans are most particular about this, I know. Lalita, there is no need to have her observed. Ever. She will always have this privacy, understood?”

“Naturally, if that is your wish.” She snapped her fingers at the maids. “Leave.”

Freya eased herself off the seat as the door swung shut behind them. She was alone for now at least.

When she left the bathroom a little while later, feeling quite comfortable, she expected to find Marco waiting for her; instead, there was only Lalita.

“The governor, sadly, has been called away on urgent business. He requests that I show you around the Volta.” She opened a drawer. “Here are your undergarments.”

Freya crept over and peered inside. Countless panties, except most of them seemed to be no more than scraps of materials. Some had sequins sewn in, others tassels, but most were no more than thongs. Lalita picked a skimpy golden pair and held t out. “Put this on, Freya.”

She then opened the doors of the wardrobe and selected the tiniest dress Freya had ever seen. When she drew it over her head, the white satin came to just below her bottom. The sides were open from hem to armpit. Lalita selected a thin golden cord and tied it around Freya’s waist.

“There. You’re quite beautiful. For an alien,” she remarked.

The Volta was far larger than Freya anticipated. Most of the girls slept in small dormitories. Only she, as the governor’s personal jenjin, had her own rooms. There was a gymnasium, where girls ran on treadmills with only the addition of a bra to aid their comfort. They swam naked in a swimming pool, where their bronzed bodies glistening under the sunlight, which streaked in through the windows.

The other jenjins seemed curious about her arrival, they pointed and whispered amongst themselves, until Lalita glared at them and escorted Freya to quiet spot surrounded by greenery.