She ouched and shrieked, but nothing interrupted the stream of slaps. Stings turned to a blur of burning heat, then to a fiery blaze of pain. There was no relief from the onslaught of his smacks and she wished he would rub away the soreness.
“Do not disrespect me, Freya. There is no shame in submitting. It is an honor to be here and there is nothing these women haven’t seen when it comes to intimate activities.” He ceased spanking and left the weight of his hand on the furnace he’d created.
She sniveled, feeling the welling of tears in her eyes.
“I will apologize. I’m sorry.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. He wore the face not of an angry man, nor one engaged in sadistic pleasure. A row of lines had formed on his forehead, as if he was filled with heartache. Below her hips, she expected a hardening of his cock, but he showed great restraint. This was a test for both of them. So what kind of man had she let into her life? One who would ignore her wishes or listen to them?
“Please, Marco,” she whispered. “Please, sir. Stay with me. I’d rather you did the enema than strangers. I need you to do this for me. I’m anxious.”
He released her from the trap of his leg and drew her onto his lap in an embrace. He kissed her forehead. “If that is what is stopping you, then of course I’ll stay. Why didn’t you say that before? We’ve much to learn about each other, Freya, and it won’t help if you don’t talk to me openly.”
She picked at the torn ends of her clothing. “This is ruined.”
“It is no longer required. Take it off. Walk into the bathroom naked and kneel. It will show your humility and please Lalita. She is an important person. After me, she holds much power. She was trained in the emperor’s Volta.”
She rose and said nothing as Marco ripped the remains of her overall off her shoulders and back. They fell in a heap by her feet.
Reentering the room, her legs shaking with nerves, she lowered herself to her knees in front of Lalita and bowed her head. “Forgive my rudeness. Please help prepare me as you see fit.”
Lalita helped Freya to her feet. “There, what’s done is done. Do you have an expression like that on Earth? We Vendu don’t bear grudges once a punishment is done. Now, Gellis will bathe you. You may wait outside, governor.”
“No. I’ll stay and watch. I shall perform the enema.”
A brief frown appeared on Lalita’s face before she wiped it away. “It is your prerogative, sir.”
Her nerves slowly stripped away. The two maids were jovial and joked about a bird’s nest forming in her hair. After they’d washed her hair with shampoo laced with the potent aroma of flowers, Gellis snipped away the ends with scissors. She fashioned a style that suited Freya and braided the hair into a long ponytail.
Lalita maintained control. She issued orders, instructing what lotions and creams to spread on Freya’s skin. She supervised the filing of torn fingernails and toenails, the choice of nail polish and makeup. Only the plucking of Freya’s eyebrows caused discomfort. By the end of the lengthy process, Freya had almost forgotten her nudity.
Marco leaned against the wall throughout, arms folded on his chest, watching without comment. Now and again, she’d glanced over at him and he returned the gesture with the briefest of smiles. It warmed her heart to see him there, waiting patiently and offering subtle encouragement.
As the women finished, she grew anxious again. The love chair beckoned and from out of a cabinet, Lalita retrieved the tubing and vessel, which would contain the water to wash out her insides.
Freya pressed her thighs together and her legs turned into lead posts.
“Come.” Lalita waved at the chair. “Up you get.”
Four people watched as Freya inched her way into the contraption. She had to bend her knees tight, so that her heels came close to her warmed bottom. She slid her feet into the footrests and they held her in place. Spread so wide and open, she turned her head to one side and studied the wall, attempting to avoid eye contact with anyone. Her most vulnerable area wasn’t the only thing on display, as her red ass cheeks were as well.
A large hand cupped her sex. She flinched and jerked her head around. Marco was standing between her knees and he slid his finger inside her pussy.
“So wet,” he remarked. “So desirable.” The heel of his hand massaged her mound as he pushed another finger inside her.
Freya tilted her head back and stretched her arms above, hunting for something to grip.
“Yes, Freya,” Marco murmured. “Desire it. Make this your pleasure.” He nodded to Lalita, who drew two looped straps around Freya’s wrists. She didn’t tighten them, but allowed Freya to pull on them as Marco continued to excite her clitoris.
“The lubricant,” Marco ordered. While he continued to masturbate her pussy, Lalita squirted oil onto the fingers of his other hand.
The cold gel slid along the furrow between her buttocks as he sought out her puckered hole. He ringed it with the lubricant and gently probed her anus. She moaned and closed her eyes.
So close to a climax, she bit on her lower lip and stifled a cry of delight. It was in the midst of this that Marco inserted the nozzle of the tubing and pushed it deep inside her. The penetration had no negative impact on her arousal; instead, it heightened the sensation.
He thrust three fingers in her pussy and agitated it with increasing vigor. “Fill her,” he commanded.
The swelling took time to notice. She twisted her head from side to side. “I want to come,” she gasped.
“Wait,” Marco insisted. “You’ll come when you can take no more.”