“You’ve reviewed your conduct with His Eminence?” Celestina asked.

“Yeah, I know how we’re going to act,” I glumly said.

Celestina chuckled. “Cheer up. You’re dressed beautifully, and you’re going to a ball with the most powerful vampire in the region. And, they serve delicious food.”

“That last one is probably the most tempting part, though hopefully I’ll be able to make my case with a few of the wizards who are a bit higher up and might be able to help me out.” I slipped the strap of my clutch over my wrist and checked my hair—the stylist had curled it and sprayed it within an inch of its life so it sat demurely on my shoulders. My hair wasn’t as thick or luxurious as Celestina’s, but the stylist had managed to make it gleam like spun gold, and I shoved it back in braids and ponytails so much these days—so it wouldn’t get in my face during a fight—it was kind of shocking to have it down again.

Celestina slipped on her own shoes and grabbed her clutch. “Shall we?”

I followed her when she swept out of the sitting room, playing with the clasp of my purse as I tried to push my nerves down.

The concept of being Killian’s date made my head explode, but I was pretty sure he’d keep the night entertaining at least, and I had to use this opportunity to speak to the other wizards. I had gotten a start on the re-registration papers this week, and it was abundantly clear it was going to take me days to get through it all. I needed the subcommittee to officially acknowledge me and block Mason while I screwed around with their stupid paperwork.

My thoughts buzzed in my brain as I obediently trailed behind Celestina, who led us down to the second floor and through the maze-like innards of Drake Hall, all the way to the giant sweeping staircase that would dump us right out at the doors.

I almost rammed into Celestina when she stopped at the top step and loudly cleared her throat.

Killian stood near the double door entrance, talking to Josh and Gavino—our other guard for the night. When Celestina coughed, Killian looked up at us as he finished placing his second cufflink on.

Celestina pointedly stepped aside so she no longer stood in front of me, then beamed as she elegantly swept down the stairs.

I was a lot slower. I had to pick my way down—between my heels and the long skirts of my dress I wasn’t going to risk falling face first down the stairs.

Killian stared at me, but wandered closer to the staircase, so he was waiting for me at the bottom by the time I reached it. His eyes traced my dress and my hair. “You look lovely,” he said with no embarrassment or reluctance. (I wondered if that was a Killian thing, or if all vampires were capable of that because once you got old enough you just never. ever. cared.)

Because I’m me, I couldn’t help the blush that heated my cheeks. “Thank you. And thanks for everything—the dress and hair, and all of that.”

Killian nodded, then leaned over so his lips hovered just above my bare shoulder, and sniffed my skin.

It was about then I really wished he still had some shame left in him so I wouldn’t feel quite so alone as I felt my blush burn even brighter on my cheeks.

To make it worse, he threaded his hands through my hair and raised his head so his mouth brushed my ear. “You’re quite worth it. Shall we leave, my date for the evening?”

“Yep, let’s go!” I grabbed fistfuls of my skirt and yanked myself from his grasp before marching to the front door, his laugh curling around me like smoke.

I grumbled under my breath about inappropriate vampires having twisted senses of humor—but just loud enough that I was certain he, Celestina, Josh, and Gavino could all hear.

I heard Celestina’s throaty chuckle and Gavino’s guffaw even after I popped outside. I gleefully cast a smirk over my shoulder, then hurried down the stairs and to the SUV with the vampire driver waiting just in front of it. “Open the door, open the door!” I pointed to the front passenger’s seat as I hopped down the last step.

The driver sucked his neck into his shoulders, then looked to the drivers of the cars directly in front and behind him.

“Don’t,” Killian ordered, his voice cutting through the cool evening air.

The driver quickly moved to stand in front of the passenger door, blocking me from it.

I turned around and scowled at Killian. “Spoilsport.”

Killian quirked an eyebrow at me. “If you are my date for the evening, wouldn’t it be ridiculous for us to arrive sitting apart?”

“You just don’t like getting left out.”

Killian heaved his eyes up at the sky. “Yes, because you and the day’s driver can exchange secretive information in the open cab.” He opened the back door and gestured for me to climb in.

“Whatever, Mr. I-can’t-sit-alone.” I eyed the SUV seats and struggled to properly gather up my skirts and clutch so I could heft myself up.

I must have taken too long, because Killian took it upon himself to scoop me up.

“Thanks—but watch where that hand is going,” I warned him as he twisted at an odd angle to set me inside.

Killian raised an amused eyebrow at me. “Where do you think it’s going?”

“Just keep it away from my butt!”

“You are wearing yards of fabric. I don’t think I could feel your butt even if I tried.” He set me down, his hand trailing across my lower back as he stepped back.

I scooted farther down the bench seat to give him space to cram his long frame in. “Doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.”

“Why are you so protective of your butt anyway?” Killian speculatively looked at my seat as he slid in.

“It’s inappropriate.”

It was, but I was neglecting to add that Killian was too hot to go around touching my butt without taking a few years off my life. Such a shame.

Killian sighed. “Wizards.” He shifted his gaze to the driver. “Move out when the rest of the motorcade is ready.”

“Yes, Your Eminence,” the driver said.

The car was silent for a few seconds as the SUV slowly rolled forward.

“Since you’re my date, does that mean if someone else touches your butt at the Summer’s End Ball, I am allowed to maim them?” Killian abruptly asked.

“It shouldn’t be a problem. You are the first person I’ve met in my entire adult life who picks me up bridal style,” I said.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You’re either super old, or you have a hidden romantic streak.”

“If I say the latter does that mean I can kill any potential butt-touchers?”

“I told you it wasn’t going to be a problem. And can we stop talking about my butt?”

“You are the one who is so insistent it be guarded and left alone.”


Killian had a good laugh at my squawks of outrage, but I was just glad we finally dropped the subject of butts by the time we arrived at the Curia Cloisters.

The ball was held in a small piece of the fae realm—not unlike the Paragon’s pocket realm—that was owned by the Regional Committee of Magic. Fae Courts and fae nobles were the only ones who could afford to have a place in the fae realm, given how toxic it was and all the spells and magic required to keep a space clean and safe over there. But smaller slivers were sometimes gifted to political organizations, like the Committee.

The doors to the realm were set up in the Curia Cloisters, so the drivers dropped us off at the doors. Celestina, Josh, and Gavino ringed around us as Killian led me to the front doors, but I paused when I recognized a suitcoat with House Medeis piping.

I froze mid-step and convulsively squeezed Killian’s arm when the wizard I was studying turned around.

It was Felix—you couldn’t miss his shiny hair or dazzling beauty even without vampire sight. But he looked awful. The circles under his eyes were so dark, I thought for a moment they might be bruises. Even standing up he just seemed…bent and tired—as if every muscle in his body was so exhausted he couldn’t really stand.

He was surrounded by a few House Tellier wizards, his expression stony even as they nudged him and laughed at him.

Mason must have made him come—though I have no idea why. He had that awful magic-canceling bracelet on, so it wasn’t like Mason could make him use magic.

Our gazes met, and Felix’s eyes widened fractionally before he pointedly looked away, and then turned his back to me. He tucked his hands behind his back so the House Tellier wizards couldn’t see, then made a shooing motion.

He wanted me to go inside…

“Is everything all right?” Killian asked.

I tried to speak, but something was wedged in my throat. “Yeah.” I peeled my gaze off Felix and smiled weakly at Killian.

He glanced at Felix, then pulled his arm from my grasp so he could curl it around my waist. “He is from Medeis?”


Killian cocked his head as he listened, though he nudged me toward the door. “It sounds like he was dragged along. They are discussing the horde of House Tellier wizards that are back at House Medeis. Perhaps he’s collateral?”

“Or they’re using him to say House Medeis supports Mason, and everyone else is collateral,” I whispered.

Killian rubbed my shoulder. “There’s nothing you can do about it right now.”

“Yeah, but it shows that I have to do something,” I said. “I need to talk with the wizards on the Wizard Council.”

We strolled down the hallway, passing the visitors’ desk. There were signs that pointed out the directions to the realm gate, and when we reached the entrances—wooden doors surrounded by fog and placed in the middle of the hallway—Celestina produced our invitation for inspection.

A werewolf—obvious by the golden gaze and muscled arms—took the paper and glanced it over before she bowed to Killian. “Welcome, Your Eminence Killian Drake and Adept Hazel of House Medeis. Please, enter.” She pulled one of the wooden doors open, and motioned for us to step through the fog. o;You’ve reviewed your conduct with His Eminence?” Celestina asked.

“Yeah, I know how we’re going to act,” I glumly said.

Celestina chuckled. “Cheer up. You’re dressed beautifully, and you’re going to a ball with the most powerful vampire in the region. And, they serve delicious food.”

“That last one is probably the most tempting part, though hopefully I’ll be able to make my case with a few of the wizards who are a bit higher up and might be able to help me out.” I slipped the strap of my clutch over my wrist and checked my hair—the stylist had curled it and sprayed it within an inch of its life so it sat demurely on my shoulders. My hair wasn’t as thick or luxurious as Celestina’s, but the stylist had managed to make it gleam like spun gold, and I shoved it back in braids and ponytails so much these days—so it wouldn’t get in my face during a fight—it was kind of shocking to have it down again.

Celestina slipped on her own shoes and grabbed her clutch. “Shall we?”

I followed her when she swept out of the sitting room, playing with the clasp of my purse as I tried to push my nerves down.

The concept of being Killian’s date made my head explode, but I was pretty sure he’d keep the night entertaining at least, and I had to use this opportunity to speak to the other wizards. I had gotten a start on the re-registration papers this week, and it was abundantly clear it was going to take me days to get through it all. I needed the subcommittee to officially acknowledge me and block Mason while I screwed around with their stupid paperwork.

My thoughts buzzed in my brain as I obediently trailed behind Celestina, who led us down to the second floor and through the maze-like innards of Drake Hall, all the way to the giant sweeping staircase that would dump us right out at the doors.

I almost rammed into Celestina when she stopped at the top step and loudly cleared her throat.

Killian stood near the double door entrance, talking to Josh and Gavino—our other guard for the night. When Celestina coughed, Killian looked up at us as he finished placing his second cufflink on.

Celestina pointedly stepped aside so she no longer stood in front of me, then beamed as she elegantly swept down the stairs.

I was a lot slower. I had to pick my way down—between my heels and the long skirts of my dress I wasn’t going to risk falling face first down the stairs.

Killian stared at me, but wandered closer to the staircase, so he was waiting for me at the bottom by the time I reached it. His eyes traced my dress and my hair. “You look lovely,” he said with no embarrassment or reluctance. (I wondered if that was a Killian thing, or if all vampires were capable of that because once you got old enough you just never. ever. cared.)

Because I’m me, I couldn’t help the blush that heated my cheeks. “Thank you. And thanks for everything—the dress and hair, and all of that.”

Killian nodded, then leaned over so his lips hovered just above my bare shoulder, and sniffed my skin.

It was about then I really wished he still had some shame left in him so I wouldn’t feel quite so alone as I felt my blush burn even brighter on my cheeks.

To make it worse, he threaded his hands through my hair and raised his head so his mouth brushed my ear. “You’re quite worth it. Shall we leave, my date for the evening?”

“Yep, let’s go!” I grabbed fistfuls of my skirt and yanked myself from his grasp before marching to the front door, his laugh curling around me like smoke.

I grumbled under my breath about inappropriate vampires having twisted senses of humor—but just loud enough that I was certain he, Celestina, Josh, and Gavino could all hear.

I heard Celestina’s throaty chuckle and Gavino’s guffaw even after I popped outside. I gleefully cast a smirk over my shoulder, then hurried down the stairs and to the SUV with the vampire driver waiting just in front of it. “Open the door, open the door!” I pointed to the front passenger’s seat as I hopped down the last step.

The driver sucked his neck into his shoulders, then looked to the drivers of the cars directly in front and behind him.

“Don’t,” Killian ordered, his voice cutting through the cool evening air.

The driver quickly moved to stand in front of the passenger door, blocking me from it.

I turned around and scowled at Killian. “Spoilsport.”

Killian quirked an eyebrow at me. “If you are my date for the evening, wouldn’t it be ridiculous for us to arrive sitting apart?”

“You just don’t like getting left out.”

Killian heaved his eyes up at the sky. “Yes, because you and the day’s driver can exchange secretive information in the open cab.” He opened the back door and gestured for me to climb in.

“Whatever, Mr. I-can’t-sit-alone.” I eyed the SUV seats and struggled to properly gather up my skirts and clutch so I could heft myself up.

I must have taken too long, because Killian took it upon himself to scoop me up.

“Thanks—but watch where that hand is going,” I warned him as he twisted at an odd angle to set me inside.

Killian raised an amused eyebrow at me. “Where do you think it’s going?”

“Just keep it away from my butt!”

“You are wearing yards of fabric. I don’t think I could feel your butt even if I tried.” He set me down, his hand trailing across my lower back as he stepped back.

I scooted farther down the bench seat to give him space to cram his long frame in. “Doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.”

“Why are you so protective of your butt anyway?” Killian speculatively looked at my seat as he slid in.

“It’s inappropriate.”

It was, but I was neglecting to add that Killian was too hot to go around touching my butt without taking a few years off my life. Such a shame.

Killian sighed. “Wizards.” He shifted his gaze to the driver. “Move out when the rest of the motorcade is ready.”

“Yes, Your Eminence,” the driver said.

The car was silent for a few seconds as the SUV slowly rolled forward.

“Since you’re my date, does that mean if someone else touches your butt at the Summer’s End Ball, I am allowed to maim them?” Killian abruptly asked.

“It shouldn’t be a problem. You are the first person I’ve met in my entire adult life who picks me up bridal style,” I said.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You’re either super old, or you have a hidden romantic streak.”

“If I say the latter does that mean I can kill any potential butt-touchers?”

“I told you it wasn’t going to be a problem. And can we stop talking about my butt?”

“You are the one who is so insistent it be guarded and left alone.”


Killian had a good laugh at my squawks of outrage, but I was just glad we finally dropped the subject of butts by the time we arrived at the Curia Cloisters.

The ball was held in a small piece of the fae realm—not unlike the Paragon’s pocket realm—that was owned by the Regional Committee of Magic. Fae Courts and fae nobles were the only ones who could afford to have a place in the fae realm, given how toxic it was and all the spells and magic required to keep a space clean and safe over there. But smaller slivers were sometimes gifted to political organizations, like the Committee.

The doors to the realm were set up in the Curia Cloisters, so the drivers dropped us off at the doors. Celestina, Josh, and Gavino ringed around us as Killian led me to the front doors, but I paused when I recognized a suitcoat with House Medeis piping.

I froze mid-step and convulsively squeezed Killian’s arm when the wizard I was studying turned around.

It was Felix—you couldn’t miss his shiny hair or dazzling beauty even without vampire sight. But he looked awful. The circles under his eyes were so dark, I thought for a moment they might be bruises. Even standing up he just seemed…bent and tired—as if every muscle in his body was so exhausted he couldn’t really stand.

He was surrounded by a few House Tellier wizards, his expression stony even as they nudged him and laughed at him.

Mason must have made him come—though I have no idea why. He had that awful magic-canceling bracelet on, so it wasn’t like Mason could make him use magic.

Our gazes met, and Felix’s eyes widened fractionally before he pointedly looked away, and then turned his back to me. He tucked his hands behind his back so the House Tellier wizards couldn’t see, then made a shooing motion.

He wanted me to go inside…

“Is everything all right?” Killian asked.

I tried to speak, but something was wedged in my throat. “Yeah.” I peeled my gaze off Felix and smiled weakly at Killian.

He glanced at Felix, then pulled his arm from my grasp so he could curl it around my waist. “He is from Medeis?”


Killian cocked his head as he listened, though he nudged me toward the door. “It sounds like he was dragged along. They are discussing the horde of House Tellier wizards that are back at House Medeis. Perhaps he’s collateral?”

“Or they’re using him to say House Medeis supports Mason, and everyone else is collateral,” I whispered.

Killian rubbed my shoulder. “There’s nothing you can do about it right now.”

“Yeah, but it shows that I have to do something,” I said. “I need to talk with the wizards on the Wizard Council.”

We strolled down the hallway, passing the visitors’ desk. There were signs that pointed out the directions to the realm gate, and when we reached the entrances—wooden doors surrounded by fog and placed in the middle of the hallway—Celestina produced our invitation for inspection.

A werewolf—obvious by the golden gaze and muscled arms—took the paper and glanced it over before she bowed to Killian. “Welcome, Your Eminence Killian Drake and Adept Hazel of House Medeis. Please, enter.” She pulled one of the wooden doors open, and motioned for us to step through the fog.