“Survivors…” David said. Then it occurred to him. “Of the plague.”

Kamau looked at him with even more confusion.

“I’ve been… out of the loop for a while. I need you to bring me up to speed.”

Kamau told him about the global outbreak and the fall of nations around the world. The rise of the Orchid Districts and the Immari master plan. David took it in. It was truly a nightmare scenario.

“They bring the survivors here,” David said. “What do they do with them?”

“They separate the strong from the weak.”

“What do they do with the weak?”

“They send them back, on the plague barges. They feed them to the sea.”

David sat down at the table, trying to grasp the horror. Why?

Kamau seemed to read David’s mind. “The Immari are building an army. The largest in history. The rumor is that they found something in Antarctica. But there are so many rumors. They say Dorian Sloane has returned. That he cannot be killed. What Rukin told you is true: there was an explosion yesterday in Germany, at the Immari Headquarters. There is talk of all-out war, but the Allies have another problem. They say that their miracle drug, Orchid, no longer works, that the wave of death has restarted around the world. People believe this is the end.”

David rubbed his temples. “You said you thought you knew why I was here.”

Kamau nodded. “You are here to destroy this place, are you not?”

As the words were spoken, David made up his mind. Was this the measure of a soldier, to fight a just fight, even if it was lost? What else could he do? He desperately wanted to find Kate, but he wouldn’t run, not from this. In that moment, more than any other in his life, he knew what he was. He would die fighting. Actually, it was becoming a habit for him. He tried not to think about that, about awakening in the tubes, about what he was. Here and now—that was what mattered. “Yes. I’m here to destroy this place. You said you would help me?”

“I will.”

David eyed Kamau, still trying to decide whether he trusted him. “Why haven’t you tried before? You’ve been here for…”

“Two months.” Kamau paced away from David. “I did not know the Immari plan before I arrived here. Nor did I know Clocktower was their covert ops branch. I was shocked and horrified when I learned the truth.”

David knew the feeling. He let Kamau continue.

“I was trapped here in Ceuta. The world was desperate. I only knew that survivors came here and found refuge. I had no idea… that I would make a deal with the devil to survive. There was no way for me to take the base. I had no choice. Before yesterday, there were almost a hundred thousand Immari troops stationed here.”

“And now?”

“About six thousand.”

“How many would fight with us?”

“Not many. I would trust no more than a dozen with my life. And we will be asking for their lives.”

A dozen to fight six thousand. Losing odds at best. David needed an angle, some fulcrum to change the dynamic.

“What do you need, David?”

“Right now, some rest. Can you hold Rukin off, keep him from figuring out who I am?”

“Yes, but not for long.”

“Thank you. Come back at oh-six-hundred, Captain.”

Kamau nodded and left.

David climbed into bed. For the first time since he had walked out of the tube, he felt confident, grounded. He knew why: he had an objective now, a mission to complete and an enemy to defeat. That felt good. Sleep came quickly.


Immari Sorting Camp

Marbella, Spain

The Immari soldiers had directed Kate and the other survivors who had pledged to one of the white resort towers, assigning two people to each room. The sun had set hours ago, and Kate peered out the sliding glass door now, just as she had seen the Orchid residents gazing out yesterday, when Martin had led her out of the spa building, revealing the camp for the first time.

There were no lights on the Mediterranean. She had never seen it so dark. There was only a faint glitter across the sea, from a city in northern Morocco.

“You taking that bed?” her roommate asked. She motioned to the bed closest to Kate, near the window.


Her roommate set her things on the other double bed and began ransacking the room—looking for what, Kate couldn’t imagine.

Kate wanted to open the pack and search for anything she could use, but she was too drained, physically and mentally.

She placed the backpack under the covers, climbed in, and let sleep take her.

She wasn’t in an Atlantean structure, Kate knew that instantly. It felt more like a villa in a Mediterranean city, perhaps from Marbella’s Old Town district. The marble-floored corridor led to an arched wooden door. Kate had the impression that if she opened it, something important would happen, some revelation.

She took a step.

There were two doors to her right. She heard movement inside the closest.


The movement stopped.

She walked to the door and slowly pushed it open.


He sat on the end of a king-sized bed with disheveled sheets. He was shirtless, bent over, unlacing his tall black boots. “There you are.”

“You’re… alive.”

“Apparently I’m hard to kill these days.” He looked up. “Wait. You thought you’d never see me again. You’ve given up on me.”

Kate closed the door. “I never give up on anyone I love.”

Kate awoke with an eerie sensation: she could remember every second of the dream, as if she had been there. David. Was he alive? Or was her mind giving her hope? She needed to focus. Martin. Escape. Those were the priorities now.

The first rays of sunlight were creeping into the room, and her roommate was already up.

Kate opened the backpack and began searching it. She opened the small notebook and turned to the first page.

Martin had scribbled a message to her.

My Dearest Kate,

If you’re reading this, they’ve caught us. For the past 40 days, this has been my greatest fear. I tried 4 times to get you out. But it was too late. Of the 30 patients that died in the trial, I hoped each one would lead us to a cure. But we ran out of time. Since your father disappeared 29-5-87, I spent every waking hour trying to make you safe. My failure is complete.

Grant my last wish: save yourself. Leave me. It’s all I ask.

I am proud of the woman you’ve become.


Kate closed the notebook. Then she read it again. Martin’s message to her was clear. And touching. But she sensed there was something else. She took a pencil from the pack and circled all the numbers. Together, they read: