“Please,” she begged, tears sliding down her cheeks. “Just go.”

“Throw me out. Show me what you’re made of,” he said. “Come on, Eleanor, you’ve got a reputation for eating men alive.”

She didn’t respond. She simply squeezed her eyes closed and silently begged for him to leave, or for the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Either would satisfy at this point.

“But maybe you’ve bitten off more than you can chew,” he added, the taunt in his voice finally pushing her over the edge.

“You’re right, I have. Is that what you want

to hear?” Eleanor spun to face him, defeated, not even bothering to wipe away the tears that were no doubt making long black trails down her face. “Is that what it will take for you to leave?”

A strangled laugh escaped her lips as she looked at the man in front of her. If she had to lose it in front of someone, at least it was a guy like this. People might cut her a little slack. It would take a hell of a dominatrix to take care of Big Baldy, as she’d dubbed him when he first walked in the door.

She had hoped the nickname would help her take him a little less seriously.

No such luck.

Seeing him standing, she guessed he was at least six-foot-four and weighed in at double her own one hundred and thirty pounds. His head was completely shaved, but his impressively muscled chest and tree trunk legs sported a healthy growth of coarse, reddish-brown hair, a testament to the testosterone no doubt surging through his body. Big Baldy was imposing all the way around, from his huge hands to his ice-blue eyes to the way his bare toes curled into the carpet. Even the cream loincloth the girls at the front desk had given him couldn’t make him look ridiculous.

Instead, the damn thing allowed him to showcase the perfection of his body. He was composed of pure muscle, with a chiseled face as striking as the rest of him. He was a damn attractive man, more attractive than any lover she’d ever had. He probably had a different woman in his bed every night, all more than willing to fulfill his desires free of charge.

But it wasn’t his physical presence or stud factor alone that cowed her. It was the commanding note in his voice and the aura of dominance that radiated in the air around him. It had intimidated and aroused her from the second she had met his eyes. He was the only Dominant in this room, and they both knew it.

What’s worse, she wanted him, and they both knew that too. She was an idiot to have thought she could top him, to even have had the guts to try.

“Listen, I—”

“You’re crying.” Baldy’s gaze softened, but his unexpected compassion only made her want to sob harder.

Damn Baldy, why did he have to play nice? Niceness got to her like nothing else.

Compassion was the one emotion she’d never seen on a client’s face, and it made her want to run to Baldy and fall into his arms, to take comfort in his strength. She would gladly take whatever punishment, sensual or otherwise, he would dish out if only he would hold her afterwards.

In fact, her fantasy of being bent over and fucked from behind only became more attractive when she imagined him cradling her in his lap after they were done, kissing away her tears.

Maybe there, wrapped in his heat, she might finally feel safe for the first time in years.

Fuck, Eleanor.

Get rid of this man before you do something really stupid.



“You win, okay? You’re right, I’m a fraud.” Tears flowed freely down Eleanor’s face and her nose began to run. “Now will you go?”

“Don’t cry. We can work through this,” he said in that same commanding tone, but with a softer edge to his words. He reminded her of her high school track coach delivering a pep talk to the relay team.

Just what she needed, a dominatrix pep talk.

The entire situation was so absurd that she started laugh-crying again, making unfeminine snorting noises that should have scared Baldy away if nothing else had already. Not only was she a fraud, she was an un-sexy fraud who snorted when she cried.

Could she be more undesirable?

And why was she concerned with being desirable to a man she wanted out of her presence as soon as possible?

“You need to take a few deep breaths,” he continued, crossing toward her with slow, measured steps that banished her laughter.