“The only person who will be receiving a punishment here today is you, Emily,” Robert said, turning from the window. Slowly, he pulled out a revolver almost identical to the one Cindy had whipped out a few minutes before.

Maybe they had been a wedding present—his and hers weapons of destruction.

“You’re the one who wrote the letters,” Eleanor said, trying to look as if she were only just now realizing the truth.

“I always thought you were too attractive to have a name like Eleanor. Once we get you settled in your new home, I will always call you Emily.” Robert smiled. “It’s a soft, pretty name, and you will learn to be soft and pleasing to me, won’t you, Emily?”

“Robert, you’ve been threatening to kill me. I’m not going anywhere with you, and I’m certainly not going to—”

“That was only to lead the authorities to assume your death when you disappear,” he said in a soothing voice. “I won’t hurt you, unless you give me no other choice. If you come quietly and do your best to please me, I will reward you as I reward my other mistresses.”

So he had other mistresses.

Eleanor wondered if Cindy knew about that, and was surprised not to hear a scream of outrage from the other room. Her stepdaughter had to be watching, didn’t she? Unless, of course, everyone had left and she was alone with Robert, foolishly thinking that the cavalry would come riding in at any moment.

She sucked in a deeper breath, struggling to stay calm. “But you’ve always hated me. I can’t believe you want to spend time with me at all, let alone in that way.”

Robert laughed a fond—but completely crazy—laugh. “I never hated you. I find you a delightful contradiction, Emily. So strong yet so vulnerable. And I’ve seen the way you look at me. The invitation has always been clear.”

Her brows shot up. “I’m not sure what type of invitation you’re talking about.”

“You were jealous of Cynthia. You wanted to be the object of my interest. That’s why you did your best to stand in the way of our marriage.”

Eleanor laughed. She would rather spend a few years in the dungeon than sleep with Robert.

Robert scowled. “Laugh all you like, but you’ve secretly longed to be taken by the ruler of the realm.”

Eleanor shuddered. “You’re crazy. I wouldn’t sleep with you for all the money in the treasury. Now get out of my place of business before I call the police.”

“I’m the one holding the gun,” he said, anger creeping into his tone. “I’ll be giving the orders from now on. Put this coat on and find some sensible shoes. We’re leaving.”

Eleanor backed away from Robert and the coat he held out. “I’m not going with you. You repulse me, and you’re my stepdaughter’s husband. Aren’t you concerned with how Cindy will take this?”

She risked a glance over her shoulder. Robert had said more than enough to incriminate himself, where the hell was the Queen’s guard?

“She’ll never know,” Robert said, continuing to advance.

“Don’t you think she’ll suspect something?”

“Cynthia doesn’t have a suspicious bone in her body. I adore that about her. I adore everything about her, but she bores me in the bedroom.” He shrugged as if his wife were a toy he’d grown tired of. “She doesn’t like to play the games we like to play, Emily. You know what it’s like to ache for something more.”

Eleanor cringed, bile rising in her throat. “I don’t know anything about my stepdaughter’s sex life, and you don’t know what I ache for.”

“I will,” he said with a smile that sent a chill down Eleanor’s spine.

He was completely insane, and nothing she could say would convince him that she didn’t crave the privilege of being his mistress. It was time to run—she would wonder why her captain had failed her later, after she was safe.

Eleanor turned and did an ungraceful half-gainer over the couch, landing in a crouched position that she hoped would afford her cover if Robert decided to fire the gun, and bolted for the west dressing room. She needed to get out of the line of fire. Then she could lock the door behind her and make a run for the rear staircase. From there, it would only be a few—

She screamed, hitting the floor as the gun fired behind her.

“Freeze, Queen’s Guard, you’re under arrest.”

Before Eleanor could lift her head, Robert landed on top of her with enough force to take her breath away. For a small man, he was still damned heavy. Gray spots bloomed in front of her eyes as she rolled over and grabbed for the gun he was now aiming at her face.

“I’ve got her, good work, men,” the king shouted, pressing his pistol to her throat.

“No, I’ve got you, sir.” If she’d thought Frank’s voice intimidating before, she’d been sadly mistaken. Now, as he gripped the king by the neck and pants and pulled him into the air, the man’s every word radiated pure, unadulterated menace.