“What are you doing?” Eleanor looked down to where Frank was still slowly finger-fucking her with one hand, while his other had begun to explore—

“I’m touching my pussy. And my ass. Is this my ass, Eleanor?” He teased the tight, puckered hole with one slick finger, drawing a gasp from her lips.

No one had ever touched her there. But then she’d never let a complete stranger order her to undress and spread for his mouth either. She’d also never come like that, and nev

er felt so close to coming again just from the slightest manipulation of a man’s hands.

“Yes, it is,” she whispered, a shiver running through her at the look in his eyes. She had never dreamed a man, even her husband, would look at her like that—like some priceless, beautiful creature he felt honored to have in his care.

Care—that was the word. She felt cared for, treasured, protected. She felt safe for the first time in over a year, which was ridiculous considering the man who had been terrorizing her might be on his way here and this man was a complete stranger. But Frank didn’t feel like a stranger. Eleanor felt close to him, accepted and understood, a sensation that was nearly as drugging as lust.

And possibly as addictive.

“Thank you.” Frank pressed a kiss to her thigh as his finger began to tease at her rear entry, working in and out, in and out, until Eleanor was aching for more, actually wishing that he would penetrate her more deeply.

She moaned and lifted into his next thrust, giving him a clear invitation to take more, push harder, deeper. But he only smiled and kept up the teasing rhythm. He did, however, add a second finger to her pussy.

Immediately, her walls began to contract in response.

“Don’t close your eyes, baby. Let me watch you this time,” he said as her eyes fluttered and threatened to close.

Eleanor sucked in a deep breath and willed herself to meet Frank’s intense blue gaze as he slowly fucked her ass and her pussy with his thick fingers. The forced intimacy pushed away the crest of her orgasm, but made every inch of tissue between her legs throb even more fiercely. She had never been this aroused without climaxing, and wouldn’t have previously thought it possible.

It was like discovering there was another two hundred feet of mountain still to climb when you were sure you were already at the top.

“Just relax, let everything go.” He slowly, gently, pushed another finger into her ass. She fought against the urge to clench her thighs, struggling to ignore the slight sting as he pushed inside her body and established a deeper, firmer rhythm.

She was so full, so unbelievably full and hyperaware of the thin wall of flesh that separated the two parts of her body. It was wonderfully erotic, sensual as hell, but also terrifying.

She had never felt this laid bare or been this invaded by another human being. It wasn’t just his hands or where he put them or what he did with them. It was the intensity with which he surveyed her, demanding every last part of her, body and soul, be offered up for his pleasure.

Damn him, it was his pleasure, no matter that she was the one getting ready to come for the second time, and for some reason that knowledge broke something inside her.

Eleanor whimpered as she started to come.

Tears rushed down her cheeks even as her womb contracted in fierce, clutching waves. Frank wrung every last bit of passion from her body, coaxing more and more cream from her with gently undulating fingers, but his eyes never wavered from hers. He didn’t flinch away from her tears or her abandon; he continued to drink her in with eyes that promised so much more than any stranger could ever give her.

When her quaking finally began to give way to a more generalized tremble, Frank eased his fingers away

“F-frank, I—”

He didn’t let her finish, but silenced her words with his entire body. Before she could register that he was moving he was on top of her, crushing her back against the couch, claiming her lips with a kiss that stole the last of her soul from her body. She melted into him, every barrier in her heart crashing down as he angled his mouth and loved her with his teeth and tongue.

“You were amazing.” His hands roved over her body with an easy familiarity that sparked excitement to life within her again.

“I cried,” she said, letting one hand venture to the front of his loincloth.

He moaned as she stroked him for the first time, tracing the outline of his engorged cock. He was indeed enormous, more than she would have thought she’d enjoy—at least before tonight.

But hell, if her ass could relish two of his thick, blunt fingers, she knew her pussy could handle the hot shaft that now twitched under her curious fingertips.

“I want this, Frank. I want you,” Eleanor said, not afraid of what they were about to do. What they’d already done was more intimate than half the sex she’d had in her life.

There was no reason not to take this further, not to discover if the connection between them would be even more profound if he were to climax with her as he tunneled in and out of her core.

“Um…Captain? Are you ready for company in there?” asked a strange voice from some other corner of the room.

Eleanor’s eyes flew wide. “Who is that?” She scrambled to cover herself even as she realized it wasn’t necessary. Frank’s large body concealed her, but for some reason that didn’t make her feel better. She wouldn’t feel better until her breasts were back in their corset and something was covering her bare pussy. “Who, Frank? And where?”