There he sat in the front row of the audience, with the tallest and blondest of the idiot triplets draped over him. He was all smiles, laughing at the host’s horrible jokes and arranging his features into appropriately sympathetic expressions during the more “heartwarming” segments of the endless recap. He was the master of control, even in the hour of victory.

She wanted to punch him in the face, but she wouldn’t.

She wasn’t that person anymore. She wasn’t the unstable woman who had taken out a hit man and never would be again. Serge had helped teach her that, and she loved him for it, which of course made hating him more difficult. He’d taught her other things too, lessons that she would never forget. What she’d had with Serge—no matter how brief—had been worth the heartbreak.

Heartbreak faded with time. Her logical mind knew that, even if the aching in her chest made her want to curl into a ball and cry in front of the entire viewing audience.

“Welcome back to the thrilling finale of Real-Life Rules to Catch a King, the reality show that has…”

Kat tuned out the rest of Brian’s spiel and concentrated on her smile. He said the same thing every time, anyway. It wasn’t as if she had to pay attention. Instead, she let her gaze drift in Serge’s direction, her breath catching and her smile faltering when she caught his eye.

He was looking at her.

For the first time this entire, endless evening he was actually looking her straight in the eye.

He misses me. She felt the certainty of it as if he had whispered the words in her ear. He missed her, maybe even missed her a lot.

Then why hadn’t he called? And why had he thrown her out in the first place?

“Maria, Katarina, could you please join me at the microphone?” Brian’s voice was a hushed, dramatic monotone, underscored by an ominous drum roll.

You would think they were going to announce that one of them would be beheaded in the public square. The theatrics were killing her, almost as much as the spark of emotion she had glimpsed in Serge’s eyes.

“Ladies, the long road ends here and now,” Brian said, his voice dripping with artificial emotion. “Is there anything you would like to say to the people who have taken you into their homes and their hearts?”

“I would like to say thank you,” Maria said, her accent as charming as her tremulous smile and the tears glistening in her big brown eyes. “My children and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

“Katarina?” Brian turned the microphone in her direction, his eyes glistening as well.

“I have to echo Maria,” Kat said, telling the truth. She was grateful for the people who had given her a second chance, even if Brian had already pounced on her last nerve. “Thank you to everyone who made me beli

eve that we can overcome our past, no matter how awful it might be. I don’t think anyone can know how much this opportunity has meant to me, but I appreciate it so very much.”

“Beautiful, ladies. Really beautiful.” Brian sniffed dramatically. “It’s a shame that we can only have one winner. But now, for the moment that has the entire Kingdom holding their collective breath. The winner is…”

Another dramatic pause while he opened the envelope….

“Katarina Masterson,” Brian said, the upward lilt of his voice letting everyone know he wasn’t quite finished. “You have performed well this first season. You have proven yourself to be a woman of class, intelligence and caring in every challenge. You have been an inspiration, touching not only our imaginations, but our hearts, as well. Katarina you will…not be taking home the grand prize tonight. Maria del Gato, congratulations on being the first winner of Real-Life Rules to Catch a King!”

Kat kept her smile in place as Maria screamed and cried and thanked God and the people of the Kingdom for her win. It wasn’t hard to do. Kat was genuinely happy for Maria.

Besides, what in the world would she have done with all that money?

Nothing. She’d been rich before, and knew money couldn’t buy happiness. It could buy food and toys and admission to the Kingdom’s better schools, however. It was best that the cash prize go to supporting Maria and her children.

“But the night’s surprises are not yet finished, ladies!” The excitement and cheering died down a bit, replaced by excited murmurs from the audience at Brian’s announcement.

“Katarina, you will be taking home a second-place prize of ten thousand dollars.” The host smiled, but pressed on before Kat could express her gratitude for the unexpected gift. “But that’s not all! Katarina Masterson, one of our judges has something they’d like to ask you.”

Kat felt her stomach drop as the King of Outer Kartolia stood up from the row of throne-like chairs lining one side of the stage.

He had to be kidding. This was just a publicity stunt to remind people that Outer Kartolia existed, right?

But the King’s expression looked sincere as he started to speak.

“Katarina, you have captured my heart these many weeks. I would beg for the chance to let me win yours. Come to my country, get to know my people, and see if you can imagine yourself a part of our world.” The king was attractive, no more than twenty-something, and his voice was hoarse with emotion.

Unless he was an incredible actor, the guy had really fallen for her. A few weeks ago, she would have called him a chump, but she’d gone soft where love was concerned.