“I’m forty-one. I’ve got another good decade or two left in me.”

“I’m thirty-two, but I guess you knew that,” Kat said, reaching down to stroke his rapidly swelling erection.

“Actually, I thought you were older.”

“Jerk,” she said, sticking out her tongue.

“I just meant that you have an old soul.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of humor and lust that left her no choice but to smile back.

“Likely story.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips, before she began kissing her way down his chest, her mouth practically watering for a taste of his cock.

Of course, if he kept teasing her about her age, she might have to torture him more thoroughly than she’d planned…

“Wait.” He took her upper arms in a firm grip and pulled her back to her feet. “Food first, then we can decide what comes next.”

Before she had time to protest, the water was shut off and her body tenderly wrapped in his towel He took her hand and led her back into the—thankfully—still-empty locker room.

After he was dressed, Serge stood lookout so Kat could dash to the women’s side without putting on her dirty gym clothes. By the time she’d moussed her hair, put on clothes and applied a little mascara and lip gloss, she had almost comes to terms with how excited she was to be going to dinner with Serge. He was an unexpectedly nice guy, and there was nothing wrong with enjoying herself sexually.

Who cared if he was the biggest slime ball in the Kingdom? Better a slime ball than an attempted murderess.

Besides, she’d known Serge’s reputation from the start. The first time she’d met him he was sharing a bed with three nearly naked boob monsters for God’s sake. He was the type of guy you had fun with, nothing more. Despite her earlier worries, she was fairly certain she would be able to keep her heart firmly in her chest.

Serge was the perfect candidate for a first foray back into the world of male-female relationships. He was casual, he was controlled, and he was excellent in bed—though they hadn’t technically hit the sheets yet. He wouldn’t be hurt. She wouldn’t be hurt. They were simply two rational adults enjoying a mutually pleasurable, no-strings-attached sexual relationship.

If she’d been in the mood to be introspective, she might have admitted that his honesty and understanding had won her respect and budding affection. But she wasn’t feeling introspective. In her post coital haze, Kat chalked her excitement up to a fabulous cock and the promise of Fettuccine Alfredo. She did like his cock, and pasta wasn’t bad, either, especially when topped with cheese.

Maybe she could convince him to coat his cock with cheese…

Now there was an idea that had her slinging her gym bag over her shoulder and heading out of the women’s locker room with a spring in her step, never imagining how fast she was going to fall for the man waiting for her just outside the door.


Two months later

Kingdom City Reporter

November 12th

Reality Television’s Latest Sensation

Real-Life Rules to Catch a King, the reality show that has the women of the Kingdom shining their tiaras and kings everywhere running for the hills, is a runaway success. One part “how-to” programming, one part game show, and one part soap opera, Catch a King has everything it takes to keep an audience coming back for more.

Now in its final three weeks, the show has become so hugely popular that a second season, showcasing all-new queens and all-new challenges, has already begun preproduction. This time, however, the producers had no difficulty signing some of the biggest names in the monarch business.

“They’ve seen how we work and they know they can trust us to be respectful, while still delivering the intimate details the audience loves to see,” Matthew Orlando, junior producer for Catch a King stated when asked why big names would put their reputations in the hands of a new production company.

But many wonder if the second season will be as riveting without the more colorful queens. Would we enjoy the “choosing the bait” challenge as much without the drunken antics of the former Queen of Pleuvaria? Would the “first night in the castle” challenge have the same punch without the two ex-wives of Carl the Younger battling it out for the bedroom of their choice?

And can a second season hope to capture our imagination without the presence of the most surprising of the contestants, the former Queen Katarina de Barden? Watching this ex-con and would-be murderess charm her way to victory in seven of the eight challenges thus far has been the most fascinating aspect of Catch a King. Is she really a reformed sweetheart, or is this the same façade she used to capture her first king? Could this be the charm that convinced a woodsman with no prior criminal record to attempt to take the life of the beautiful Snow White?

These are the questions on the Kingdom’s mind as we tune in to episode after episode, hungry for clues that will give us the final verdict on the former Queen of Mean. Is Katarina de Barden—now using her maiden name of Masterson—going to show her true colors before the final challenge? Will we finally be certain she deserved her early release from the dungeon? And will she win a proposal from one of the eligible kings judging the competition?

Luckily for the show’s producers, the Kingdom can’t seem to get enough of king catching, or of the unlikely star of this reality blockbuster, Katarina de Barden.

