
“Serge?” Kat poked her head cautiously into the entrance of the men’s locker room. “Hello? Is there anyone in here?”

It was after eleven on a Friday night and the place appeared deserted. She hadn’t seen a soul except Serge and herself—other than Molly, who had been on her way out—since she’d walked past the attendant at the ground-floor entrance.

Still, she didn’t want to burst in on any strange men unannounced.

“Serge?” she called again, hearing nothing but the sound of a single shower’s spray hitting the elegant Italian tiles. Decadently outfitted showers were one of the touches that made her club the most exclusive in the city.

She should have sold her lifetime membership after she was released from the dungeon and pocketed the money, but it was one of the few places where she still felt welcome. Though she’d never had tons of friends at the club, the few people who had known her—like Molly—seemed glad to see her back at the gym, looking healthy and determined to stay that way.

“Hello?” she called one more time before easing through the doorway.

So this was the men’s locker room. It looked exactly like the women’s except it was done in muted browns and yellows instead of peaches and pinks. She preferred the more masculine colors herself, but she had longstanding issues with pink. Some redheads could pull it off, but she didn’t consider herself one of them.

The sound of the shower led her down the hallway at the rear of the room, where she prayed she would find Serge. Surprising him at the urinal wouldn’t be remotely sexy. The shower was better, especially if she wanted to pull off the “kiss and make up” thing. Her hands shook as she opened the glass door that led into the shower and hot tub area, more nervous than she could remember being in years.

She paused just inside, taking a deep breath of hot, humid air, fighting the urge to flee. There was no reason to be nervous. What man wouldn’t want a naked woman to surprise him in the shower? Right?

“Right,” Kat whispered, ignoring her racing heart as she peeled off her white t-shirt and black spandex pants.

The sports bra, underwear and socks went next. And then…

Then she was naked and freezing in the middle of the men’s locker room, getting ready to surprise a man she wasn’t even one hundred percent sure was Serge.

Shit! She should have thought of that before stripping down. What if Serge hadn’t gone to the locker room? What if he’d headed down to his limo without bothering to shower in his haste to get as far away as possible from her? What if—

Quit freaking out, and take a peek inside! It’s not too late to grab your clothes and run.

Right. Kat tiptoed to the last shower stall, cursing the wavy glass that made it hard to see who was behind it. She could make out a hint of tanned skin and dark hair and that was about it. Half the men in the gym met that description.

She was just going to have to take a chance and hope that she wouldn’t flash a stranger. “If you’re not Serge, then I’m not here for you,” she said as she opened the door to the shower.

Not the sexiest greeting, but it got the point across.

Thank God, it wasn’t a point that needed to be made.

“Even if I weren’t myself, I would try my best to convince you I were.” Serge smiled and shot her a heated look, appearing unsurprised to see her nude in the men’s locker room.

The man was impossible. Did nothing shock him?

He nodded for her to join him. “You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Kat stepped into the stall and closed the door behind her, an electric thrill of anticipation running through her body.

He was also beautiful and unbelievably sexy. All his hard, sculpted muscles were on display, slick from the shower and practically begging for someone to run their tongue over them and lick away the beads of water. His shoulders looked even wider than they had in his suit and the raw power in his arms was obvious as he ran hands through his hair, flipping it out of his eyes. More curly black hair dusted his chest and tapered to a trail that led her eyes down o

ver his flat stomach and then inevitably lower.

God help her, he had the most perfect cock she’d ever seen. It was the same shade of dark tan as the rest of him with a thick head and a luscious ridge of flesh where head became shaft. It was perfect. He was perfect.

So perfect, she almost couldn’t believe that he was hot for her and her nonexistent breasts and apparently undesirable scrawniness.

“I hope this is okay,” Kat mumbled, her confidence flagging. She tried to smile, but failed and was seriously considering making a run for it when Serge captured her around the waist with one strong arm and pushed her back against the cold tile.

Kat gasped as his body pressed tightly against her, the contrast of his heat at her front and the cold tile at her back making her nipples diamond-hard. His cock pressed against her belly, thick and demanding. She tried to wedge her hand between them and get her fingers wrapped around his shaft, but he captured her wrists, pinning them to the tile above her.