In the end, his grandfather had one piece of advice. Complete the bonding as soon as possible.

Birds sung on a nearby tree and he smiled, lifting a strand of her hair and turning it in the morning light. She appeared delicate, but she was a willful thing.

Thoughts returning to Cain, his jaw locked, and he released the strand of hair. His brother’s actions threatened his very existence. The cruel thoughtlessness wounded Adam in ways he didn’t want to examine, so he focused on his rage.

She was his salvation, and Cain tampered with that. For whatever reason, be it a poor joke or the sophomoric overstepping of a fool, his behavior changed everything. His transgressions threatened the life of an immortal and therefore were a punishable crime.

Anna’s chest lifted as she drew in a deep breath and turned in his arms. When her lashes fluttered open, she stilled.

“Good morning, ainsicht.”

Her heart missed a clip and pink rushed to her ivory cheeks. “Good morning.”

“Did you sleep well?”

She smiled, eyes shy, mouth tempting. “Better than I have in weeks.”

He couldn’t resist her, so he kissed her softly. She pulled back and he frowned. “What is it?”

Her bare shoulder shifted, and she pulled the covers over her chin. “I haven’t washed up yet.”

He laughed. “And you think you’re less appealing certain times of day?” He rolled on top of her and yanked the blanket away from her face. Her proximity alone, left him fully aroused. Her soft body beneath him, cushioning his weight and welcoming him with warm, luscious curves turned him harder than granite. “Give me that mouth of yours.”

She squeaked as he kissed her deeply. His body moved over hers and soon her tension subsided, and she molded around him—a perfect fit.

He pressed his erection between her thighs, finding her wet and ready. His fingers slipped through her folds and she gasped when he nudged the tip of his cock inside.

“Are you sore from yesterday?” He could not lose sight of her fragility. She was still human and therefore needed more time to heel.

“A little.”

“Then I’ll be gentle.” He pushed in and a breathy moan escaped her.

He closed his eyes and savored the first moment of returning inside of her. The heat. The tightness. Nothing had ever held him so close, so right.

As he rocked over her, she wreathed her arms around his neck and watched him. He could stare at her forever. Her eyes searched his face.

“Are you looking for something in particular?” He brushed a kiss over her soft lips.

“Last night... Your eyes...”

“They change when my emotions are heightened. I’m accustomed to controlling the response.”

“Are you controlling it now?”

It had become such a natural instinct to hide any notable differences, he had to manually command his muscles to retract. His vision shifted and her breath hitched. “There.”

She blinked up at him, a small divot forming between her brows. “Your eyes are almost feline.” Her voice translated awe more than fear.

His body glided slowly in and out of her, the languid pace allowing his focus to split. “We have better eyesight.”

“And hearing?”

“And better hearing.” He dipped his head to her shoulder, licking up the column of her neck. “For instance, I can hear your heart quicken when I do this.”

She gasped and arched into him, soft keening cries breaking the conversation in favor of pleasure. In comparison to last night’s coupling, this was very different, but he enjoyed it all the same. His addiction to her body didn’t surprise him, but the sensations did.

He’d kissed other females, but nothing compared to kissing Annalise. His body didn’t respond to others the way it responded to her. Her blood called to him, and soon their blood would be the same, linking their souls and entwining them for all ewichkeit.

Her nails dug into his muscles as she trembled beneath him. His spine tingled as every pleasure sensor in his body fired off. Together, they reached completion, falling into a fit of blissful giggles and kissing as they caught their breath.

“You’re very good at that for having no experience.”

He sat up, glancing over his shoulder with a look of pure male arrogance. “Are you saying you’re fulfilled?”

She smiled and rolled to her side, her hair tumbling to her elbow as she balanced her jaw on the heel of her palm. “Consider me thoroughly fulfilled.”

He pulled on a pair of pants and bent to kiss her as he buttoned the front. “Then consider me thoroughly pleased.”

Her smile shifted. “Are you going somewhere?”

He poured fresh water into the bowl and wet his palms, pressing a few drops to his face before pulling on a shirt. “I need to approach the Council today.”

“What’s the Council? Can I come with you?”

He tucked in his shirt and fastened his suspenders. “The Council is our board of Elders who control the Ordnung. And no, you must stay here. Females are not permitted inside Council meetings.”