He pointed to an open field. “Beyond that field and those trees, that is where I’ll build our home.”

A wave of anger struck him like a slap. Lowering his hand, he continued escorting her.

The sun had set, and lanterns burned in every window of his parents’ home. They were expecting them, and he could sense his mother’s anticipation from several yards away. He could only hope their friendly reception would be reciprocated.

He held the gate open for Annalise to pass. “My parents are eager to meet you. You’ve already met my younger sister Grace. My brother Cain lives here as well. I’ll introduce you to my older sister, Larissa, another day. She no longer lives here.”

“Did she choose to leave, or did someone just steal her out of bed one night and claim her like property?”

He grimaced at the venom of her words. “You may mock me, but not our traditions. Larissa has made an honorable marriage to a man named Silus. That’s all you need to know.”

“I bet she tells it a different way.”

He caught her hand and forced her to stop walking. “Marriage is private business between man and wife. You must never speak about such things to mated or married couples.”

She frowned. “Mated?”

“Mating is different from marriage. It’s ... more involved, more significant. My sister is only married to Silus as my mother is married to my father. What mates share is quite different. You’ll see.”

“Goody. Can’t wait.”

Her derision concerned him. “Anna, finding one’s mate is an immeasurable gift.”

“Well, maybe one day I’ll find mine.” She yanked her hand free and smirked cruelly.

He drew in a deep breath, forcing his temper to quell. “It’s not wise to joke of such things. I’m your mate. While you might not accept that as true, I’ll not have you implying you’re a better match for someone else.”

Their eyes locked in challenge and her body shook with the anger he sensed. “Do me a fucking favor and stop assuming you have some sort of control over my future. It only makes me hate you more.” She pivoted away and continued walking.

He rocked back, her words flung so carelessly, so cruelly, that he needed a moment to recover. He should throttle her for speaking to him that way. Part of him wanted to inform her that she could hate him all she wanted. It wouldn’t negate their fated tie to an eternal life together.

Doubling his pace he caught up to her and stepped ahead of her on the path. “I never imagined such a filthy mouth on such a beautiful woman,” he muttered.

“Get used to it, dickhead.”

He ground his teeth and heaved another breath. She’d learn. Eventually she’d learn to control her speech and her temper, just as he controlled his.

She followed him up the porch steps and he took a fortifying breath. His vulnerability showed like the tender underbelly of a babe when he looked back at her. He hadn’t expected her to have such an effect on him. “Please,” he said softly. “My mother is recovering from a tragedy. I beg you not to upset her.”

Concern flashed in her eyes, interrupting the mask of anger. “What kind of tragedy?”

Her curiosity surprised him. A quick read of her emotions showed only sympathy. “She miscarried.”

The soft inhalation of breath showed a sort of empathy only a woman could claim. “I’m sorry.” Her gaze cut away, a deep V forming between her brows. “How old is—”

“They’re waiting for us.”

All chatter stilled as they entered the house, depositing them directly in the kitchen where his immediate family waited, except Cain and Larissa. Grace’s warm, welcoming smile calmed a bit of his nerves.

His mate’s anger faded to uncertainty and her face paled. Moved by instinct, he clasped her cold hand in his, covering her trembling fingers with his free hand. “It’s all right.” He couldn’t see why the sight of his family would startle her so. Perhaps it was a combination of everything.

Her weakness again showed as she shuffled closer, but she refused to lean into his side, proving she was still cross with him.

“This is Annalise.”

Relief and joy flowed from his mother in a wave of her undisguised happiness as she stood from the table. He had yet to set eyes on her since returning. Her color looked better and, before now, he hadn’t seen her smile in weeks.

“My son.” She opened her arms and pulled him close in an embrace so full of affection it impacted him in ways he hadn’t expected. Breathing in her familiar scent, he drew from her confidence in him. “God has returned you to us.” She clutched his face, giving him one more long look, and then turned her attention to Annalise.

“Anna, this is my mother, Abilene.”

His mother pulled his mate into her arms and hugged her close. “You are a true blessing to this family, child. Thank you for seeing my son home safely.”