When he reached the door, he pounded out a knock. The locks clicked. “At least she locks her doors,” he mumbled.

He hadn’t given any thought to explaining his presence, and that mistake became abundantly clear when the door opened and she staggered back, her mouth opening in preparation to scream.

Adam raced into the apartment and cupped a hand over her mouth, cradling her body so she didn’t fall. “Shh, don’t scream.”

She didn’t listen, but his hand muffled her cry.

“We need to leave this place, Annalise.”

Her nails scraped at his arm, forcing him to hold her tighter.

“Do not fight me.”

She clawed at his arm, kicked her legs, and screamed so forcefully tears came to her eyes. Her heart rate spiked, rattling his senses. He could taste her terror.

“Please stop fighting me. You have nothing to fear. I won’t hurt you.”

She caught hold of his hair and yanked painfully, taking several strands with her as she balled her fists in her hand and jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.

“Do not hit me, ainsicht.” No matter what he said, she wouldn’t listen. If she didn’t calm herself, she’d wind up hurt. Hoisting her onto his lap, he turned her around and looked her in the eye. “Sleep.”

Her head lulled and her body stilled. Panting with exertion, he lifted an eyelid. She was out cold. He got up and inspected the gashes and scratches on his arms.

They would heal. He glanced over his shoulder to where she slept on the floor. “You’re a feisty little thing. I’m not sure you have an obedient bone in your little human body.”

He sighed. What was he supposed to do with her now?

He looked at her again, her heartbeat slowing to a restful pace. “I cannot abide the thought of another man touching you, ainsicht. Not even if he’s only thinking it.”

She didn’t respond, not that he expected her to. She should be out until morning. Then her questions would come.

Slipping his arms under her limp body, he lifted her to his chest. It was the first time he physically held her to him, and, in that moment, he knew he’d never let her go.

There was no going back and no sense in delaying the inevitable.

He’d make it right with her in time. Once he had her away from so many distractions, he’d explain everything, and she’d understand the gift they’d been given. But something inside of him warned that eternity might not be long enough when it came to her seeing the world from his point of view.

Chapter Fifteen

Her hips rolled as weight pressed deliciously into her body. Teasing fingers loosened her clothes, trembling with haste and planting warm kisses on every unveiled inch of flesh.

“Hurry,” she begged, as cool evening air sent shivers over her skin. Her nipples hardened. She pulled his hand against her chest, cupping his fingers around her breast. “I need you.”

“I’m here.” Fingers skated up her bare legs, hooking over her panties and jerking them down.

She gasped as strong arms turned her to her belly. Heated skin, coarse with hair, scratched at the back of her thighs. Her body wept for his, begging for him to fill her, possess her. She’d waited so long.

“Adam, please.” His name came out as a plea, stroking her the air between them as his hands cupped her front, pulling her closer.

His hard arousal ground against, greedy and teasing. “Open for me. Surrender to everything I offer.”

Her body responded, singing like the fine strings of a violin responding to a bow. He played her like an instrument for his pleasure and he the master of her song. Sharp and achingly beautiful, she cried for his possession, each needy note drenched with desire, swollen with need.


He jerked her hips back, hitching her body at an angle that would allow him entrance. “Not Adam.”

“Wait. Where’s Adam?” The press of his arousal stole her breath. She twisted in his grip, spinning to her back to face him. His head ducked, his mouth closing around her nipple. “Wait!”

Sharp pain, bit through her as his mouth tightened, pulling. Fire raced up her spine as he suckled her flesh. Hungry, wet kisses bathed her skin in damp heat as busy fingers spread her folds.

“Hush now. Adam isn’t here.” His arm banded around her, pulling her closer until her back bowed and searing pain knifed through her chest.

“No! Who are you? Where’s Adam? Please!”

Hot flesh pressed against her sex, thick with arousal. “Adam doesn’t matter anymore.”

“No! No! Adam!”

Annalise’s eyes flew open as her body nearly jackknifed off the bed. Where was she? Her already fast-beating heart doubled its pace as she scanned the unrecognizable room. Wallpaper. Heavy drapes. A dark television on a dresser. Adam. “Holy fuck!”

“You’re awake.”

She scrambled to the headboard and the blankets fell away revealing her naked body. “Oh, my God!” She wrenched a pillow over her chest and fell off the bed.