Silus bolted to his feet. “I came here out of respect—”

“And I respectfully listened to your request. I’ve seen into your mind, I know your intentions, and I’ve chosen to deny your request. I think it’s best for you to wait here for your wife’s return.”

A storm of fury flashed in his eyes. “I’ll appeal to the Council!”

“You’ll lose.” This conversation was over. Eleazar stood, dominating the other man in height and stature. “The Council granted your request to wed the girl. But their generosity has limits, as does my patience. Get out of my office.”

“Sir, I beg you. If she’s among the English—”

“I leave this evening on private Council business. I’ll be sure to search for her in my travels.” Something told him it wouldn’t take long to find her—a little country mouse lost in a jungle. “But you will remain here.” He ushered the other man to the door, opening it in an invitation for him to leave.

“I was not aware you were leaving.”

“Confidential Council business. I know I can trust you not to speak of it to others.”

“Of course.”

More lies. Eleazar gave him a pointed look. “Good day, Silus.”

“Right. Good day, sir. I’ll await your return.”

He locked his jaw. The male might be waiting longer than expected. What on God’s green earth would he do with a willful female who didn’t seem to possess a submissive bone in her body? He continued to question God’s judgment, pairing him with such a young female. Compared to him, she was a baby. They would have nothing in common and he dreaded his fate since the moment it announced itself in a dream.

Though the calling had come after her wedding to Silus, he assumed the male might prove some good in molding her into a more ... mature female. He’d obviously failed and Eleazar could no longer ignore his responsibilities, any more than he could ignore the urge to throttle Silus.

Now, he had no choice but to go off on a merry chase, following her to God could only imagine where. Enough playing around. She was not a child, and her actions were humiliating to all. It was time for her to grow up. If he had to accept his fate, then so help him God, he’d see that she also accepted hers.

Chapter Fifty

Adam raced the dawn, his legs swiftly carrying him to the place he needed to be as the sun claimed its throne in the sky. The heat on his back was the first he’d felt in days, the symptoms of the calling finally receding. But with the loss of pain, came the loss of trust.

Though his emotional connection to Annalise had been severed, he could hear her in other ways. Her sorrow roped around him, cinching his heart tight and leading him home. The need to comfort and protect her driving him harder than any assumed loyalty to his Elders ever could.

He reached the house and hesitated, fearful her forgiveness would not be easily won, but determined to earn her trust again by any means necessary. Staring up at his bedroom window, he listened for the soft pattern of her breathing. He breathed deep, scenting the fragrance of her skin and the salt of her tears.

Forgiveness would be hard won, but he’d spend the rest of eternity trying to earn her trust again. They said the war was the calling, but he knew the battle had just begun. His wife—a fiercely independent, once mortal, willful English female—was not a woman to underestimate.

He was honored to accept the challenge of trying to tame her, as much as he was certain he’d fail. Now that he knew her, he did not wish her docile or tame. He wanted her fierce and true. He wanted his Annalise exactly as she came to him.

A twig snapped behind him and he turned. “Gracie.”

His sister eyed him with cautious suspicion. “I heard your thoughts.”

He hadn’t been worried about hiding his intentions. “How is she?”

Gracie didn’t greet him with her usual smile. Her eyes studied him with foreign regard. “Where is Cain?”

“Gone.” He opened his mind, sharing the memory of their conversation.

“He left without a goodbye.” Her disappointment wafted at him. Had Cain not been consumed by his own demons, he would have made a point to see the family one last time.

“I think a goodbye would have been too painful.”

“For him. What about Mother? She doesn’t understand any of this, Adam. Her boys tried to kill each other yesterday. No matter what resolutions the two of you found, she still lost a son.” She shook her head. “He’s never coming back.”

Adam swallowed, knowing he was no replacement for Cain. “I don’t know. He needs ... time.” They all needed time.

After his brother’s sacrifice today, he could not think ill of him. Adam’s happiness came down to two people, Annalise and Cain. “You must not hold his actions against him, Grace. Not on this day at least.”