“You’re not a man.”

“Careful. You don’t want to unleash my temper.”

“I told you my secret, now leave. No one wants you here.”

His head turned. “You really have quite the mouth on you.” He released her hair, letting the strand fall down her shoulder. “You still don’t get it. I have as much right to be here as him. This is my home. We’ve always shared everything, even.” He dragged a finger down the center of her face. “Right down the middle.” His finger traced her lips and she jerked her head away.

He chuckled. “Well, you know how the story ends.”

“No. Tell me. How does it end?”

He stepped back, and she nearly lost her balance. “Adam wins as usual. Why do you think they’re preparing for a wedding you haven’t agreed to? He’ll do exactly as the Elders say. That’s why they favor him.”

“They can’t force me to marry him.”

He grinned. “You’d be amazed by the things they can force.”

“Adam wouldn’t force me. I trust him.”

“How charming. But Adam’s always wanted an obedient wife. Do you truly trust him not to try to change you? If you did, why not marry him? Or are you too afraid your authority will vanish?”

“Adam doesn’t want to change me,” she argued.

He laughed. “Silly girl. He absolutely wants to change you. He wants to change everything about you, from the way you survive, to the place you live. He even wants to choose the God you trust. I’m the only one offering you another option. I’m offering you a chance to leave and still enjoy all the perks of immortality.”

“Go away.” She took a step closer, set on shoving out the door if she must. “You betray him by even being here.”

He took a step back but continued to smile as if her anger were comical.

“The next time I see you, I’ll be immortal. And I won’t be so calm. How dare you come here and try to change my mind. I’m his only chance of survival. Does his life mean nothing to you?”

He leaned forward, catching the back of her neck and forcing her head to the side. His mouth pressed close to her ear. “Your adrenaline’s making your blood pump faster, sweet. I’d not take another step if I were you.”

She pulled at his arm, but he wouldn’t budge. “Get off of me.”

“Rest assured, this will be the last time you see me.”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Because once I walk out that door, I’m as good as dead.”

The door blew open as rain poured onto the porch. Wind hit her face and she squinted at him. “You think I’m the cruel one, Annalise, but I’m the only one actually giving you a choice. I’m the only one willing to sacrifice my life for your happiness. His shadow’s a cold place to spend eternity. Unless you truly believe you’ll stand as his equal.”

She shoved him toward the threshold. “Even on his absolute worst day, he’s a better man than you!”

The den lanterns flickered as a gust of wind whistled through the house. Cain’s eyes flashed as he bared his fangs. She covered her face and screamed as a deafening boom crashed outside. Squalls screeched along the house, growing until the wind roared like a freight train.

And then ... silence.

Her arms uncovered her head and she blinked at the empty kitchen. Her heart raced as she ran to the door. Wide puddles flooded the yard as water dripped from the trees. Nothing but stars filled the sky.


She spun and saw Adam running through the side yard. She held up her hands as he hopped the railing of the porch. “Stop!”

He stilled, his eyes wide with concern. “What is it?”


He frowned. “You’re shaken.”

“Oh, God.” She rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck. He caught her against his drenched clothes. “He was here. Cain was here.”

“Cain was at the house?” He set her down, his eyes searching the dark fields.

“Listen to me, Adam. Something’s not right. He said things—”

“Do not trust anything he says.”

“Why would he lie to me?”

“Why would he do any of this? He’s not well, Annalise. I forbid you to speak to him.”

Her face hardened and she stomped her foot. “You forbid me?”

“He’s dangerous.”

She scoffed. “You act like I invited him here! If everyone could stop marking their territory around me for one minute and listen to me, you all might actually figure this out! Adam, your brother thinks I was called to him.”

He growled. “You were called to me. This is why I don’t want you speaking to him.”

“What if I was called to both of you?”

“He’s feeding you lies!”

“Put your anger away for a second and think about it. He envies you so deeply. I don’t think he’s doing this to hurt you. I think he loves you, Adam.”

“No. He’s trying to end me.”