
He turned to his mate.

Her brows lifted toward her hairline. “You’re growling.”

He sucked in a calming breath and straightened his posture. For his own sanity, he needed to put yesterday’s events behind them as soon as possible.

He kissed her brow. “I won’t be long.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Annalise left the bedroom to find Grace shortly after Adam left. Anyone’s company would be better than the company of her thoughts at the moment.

She found Grace in the kitchen working on some sort of needlepoint. Her fingers plucked and pulled a needle through a hoop so fast, Anna wondered how she could see what she stitched.

“Good morning, Anna,” Grace welcomed, without turning her attention from her work. “Did you sleep well?”

She edged into the kitchen, hoping to find food, but not seeing any signs of breakfast. “Yes, thank you.”

“There’s a plate on the woodstove for you.”

Spotting the dish of thick cut bacon, biscuits, and gravy, she nearly sprinted for the stove.

“Careful!” Grace warned. “It’s hot.” She rose from the table and put down her needlepoint. “Let me. Forks are in the drawer beside the sink.”

Annalise found a fork and gasped when Grace lifted the plate off the hot, raw iron surface. She carried it to the table and sat, returning to her needlepoint. “I know Adam told you about our rapid healing.” She waved her fingers. “I’m fine.”

Annalise lowered herself into the chair and picked up a slab of bacon. “But don’t you feel pain?”

“Our pain’s as sharp as yours, but it doesn’t linger. Sort of like the prick of a needle or the sting of a bee.” As she spoke, she didn’t lift her gaze from her work. “Eat.”

Amish food was delicious. The meats and eggs tasted incredibly fresh and the side dishes were warm and comforting. She supposed people who busied themselves as much as the Amish did, didn’t have to worry about calories that much—that and their impeccable metabolism.

As she ate, her mind returned to Adam. What was he doing? How much longer would he be? When would they be alone again?

She hadn’t anticipated sleeping with him. Her decision actually shocked her when she awoke this morning and thought back on what she’d done. But then he’d kissed her and all logical excuses of why she shouldn’t have sex with him disappeared.

She nibbled the last strip of bacon. He really was an incredible kisser. And the way he made love to her, like he wanted to possess her soul. Her body still had tender spots from how aggressively he filled her, how hard he thrust into her. Pumping... Panting... Gripping...

The hoop in Grace’s hand slammed on the table and Annalise startled out of her daydream.

“You have to stop picturing my brother naked!”

Annalise stilled, unsure what just happened. “I’m sorry?”

Grace blew out a breath and massaged her temples. “I know you can’t help it but try. Please!”

Realizing that Grace was once again nosing around in her head, she laughed. Served her right.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be poking around in people’s private thoughts if you’re worried about what you might find.”

“It’s not up to me. You’re shouting your thoughts. Believe me, if I could block them I would.”

Adam’s six pack and broad chest... His muscular thighs and thick—

“Genunk! Please stop!”

Annalise laughed. “Well, this evens the playing field a bit.”

“It’s not funny.”

“It’s a little funny.” Finally, a weapon.

“You don’t need a weapon.”

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “That didn’t last long.”

“I told you, I’m not hearing your thoughts on purpose. You’re screaming them at me.”

“Well, I’m not doing it on purpose.”

“You could at least have the consideration to sensor your memories.”

“Sensor my memories?” She laughed. “How exactly does anyone do that?”

Grace huffed. “You English are exhausting.”

Adam’s penis.

“Stop it!”

“Then wait for me to talk. It’s bad enough you can hear every gurgle in my body and smell me from miles away. I should at least have the privacy of my thoughts. And I’m not exhausting.”

“I'm sorry. You’re right. It’s only partly your fault.”

There had to be some way she could block other people’s thoughts.

“Well, there is, but it’s draining.”

Adam’s ass...

“Annalise! All right. I’ll try. Please stop thinking about my brother.”

“How does your family put up with that?”

“I can’t read—” Her mouth pursed. “It’s not as easy with them. It’s an Amish thing.”

She raised a brow. “Well, stay out of my head. And for the record, I know it’s not an Amish thing. I’m not an idiot.”

“I know you’re not, but since I’m trying not to hear your thoughts, I don’t know everything Adam explained to you about what we are.”

He explained enough—

“I doubt that.”

“Damn it, Grace!”


She tried to think of something else. “What are you making?”

“A pillowcase.” She showed the top of her work and Anna was impressed by the details of the stitched flowers sewn without a pattern.


“Do you sew?”

“Not even a little.”

Grace lifted her gaze and stared at her as if she admitted to kicking puppies. “Not at all?”