Her chin trembled. “Well, when you put it that way...” She flicked her fingers over her lashes, dashing away any tears. “I guess I’m just not used to living that way.”

God help him, he might be dependent on his mother’s cooking for the rest of eternity if she truly despised domesticity that much. However, that depended on if he could convince her to stay. He needed to choose his words with care from now on.

He smiled in show of a truce and kissed her. “Would you mind waiting here while I meet with the Elders? My sister and mother would love your company.”

She smiled. “That’s much better.”

To his mind it sounded the same. “My willful, modern English female.” He traced a finger along her jaw and she caught his wrist.

Her smile disappeared. “If you ever shake me like that again, I’ll knee you in the balls.”

He chuckled, but the sound faded when she didn’t crack a smile. He could have responded a number of ways. He could have told her that according to their laws, a bonded male had complete authority over his mate, that the females typically deferred to the males in marriage, or that no one would bat an eye if he had done more than shake her. But he said none of that.

Rather, he nodded, understanding that this would be one condition where her people’s principles would always outrank his. “I’ll never lay an ill-tempered hand on you again. You have my word. And if I should break my vow, you have my permission to do more than use your knee on me.” God forbid he ever truly lost his temper around her.

For as infuriating as she could be, he couldn’t bear the thought of upsetting her. He would apply himself to modernizing his thinking in terms of relationships and worry less about what other males did and model his conduct after her expectations.


He turned her, and parted her hair into three sections. “Let me help you with this.” He plaited the hair in a few quick crosses, making the point thinner and easier to tie. “There.”

“I don’t understand why Amish women can’t use hair ties.”

He smiled and kissed her nose. “No elastic.”

“Yes, I’m told it’s the product of the devil.”

He yanked her closer by the bunching of her skirt. “Don’t mock.” His hand gripped her curves through her skirt. “Perhaps our silly rules were written in your favor. If this dress could be removed with a simple tug of elastic or the pull of a zipper, you’d never stay dressed for more than a few minutes.”

His hand fit between her bottom and slid lower. She lifted to her toes and sucked in a breath. “You’re awfully sure of yourself for having just lost your virginity.”

“I said I never had sex, ainsicht, not that I wouldn’t enjoy it.”

“Do you have to leave?” Her pupils dilated and her heartbeat quickened.

He couldn’t afford another delay, so he let her go. “I won’t be long.”

“And what is it you’re going to do?”

“My brother broke a law yesterday. It needs to be reported.”

“I thought Amish didn’t have laws.” She pinned her braid to the top of her head and hid it under a kapp.

“Every society has rules.”

“What sort of punishment will he get? He didn’t really do—”

“He betrayed me and misled you,” he interrupted, refusing any excuses for such behavior. “This goes beyond jealousy, Annalise. You’re unaccustomed to our laws and traditions. He took advantage of that. It’s inexcusable. As my brother he should have protected you, not preyed upon your vulnerabilities.”

He still could not understand what would possess Cain to betray him so. Perhaps he was jealous of his calling or could not resist coveting his mate.

His actions not only violated their kinship, but also any bond they shared before then. In a low voice, he admitted, “I cannot find forgiveness in my heart for a male who would betray his brother so thoughtlessly. His actions are without redemption.”

“Family’s important, Adam. Take it from someone who doesn’t have one. Maybe it would be better to go to him instead of the Elders and just talk it out.”

“That’s not an option. Forgiveness comes with remorse. Cain’s too angry to feel sorry. I only wish I knew why.”

“So ask him.”

She had yet to fully grasp the nature of their kind and he wanted to finish that conversation when they had more time. He couldn’t go to Cain because his emotions were too raw. The thought of facing his brother filled him with an unholy urge to slaughter.

Pre-bonded mates faced enough challenges. Touching another male’s mate was a crime punishable by death because it threatened another’s survival. Considering Cain was his brother, the Council might show clemency. But the treachery was too fresh for Adam and no mercy resided in his heart.

Even now, recalling how he’d sliced open Cain’s chest, flaying his flesh, he regretted not ripping out his heart. Their brotherhood had caused him to flinch when he had the chance to end his life, but now, looking back, he shouldn’t have hesitated. Annalise belonged to him and any male that thought to lay a hand on her would suffer a quick death.