Grace pulled back the covers and gestured for Annalise to lie down. “My brother is a good man, Anna. He will prove he’s worthy of your heart, but you have to give him the chance. Right now, things are just... shrecklich.”

She glanced at the door and back to the bed where Grace waited. This was his room. Was she expected to share a bed with him? She’d never sneak out with him right next to her.

“You wouldn’t make it to the front door, I’m afraid. Adam has excellent hearing and old houses come with lots of creaks and moans.”

Her head lowered, her shoulders drooping in defeat. She slid into the bed, and Grace pulled the covers to her chest.

“Give him what he wants, Anna, and he’ll grant you any wish, even if it’s returning home. It’s that simple. You just have to help him before he can help you.”

“What does he want?”

She blushed and smiled, turning her gaze to the floor before meeting her stare again. “You, silly.”

A quick breath filled her lungs. “You mean...”

She nodded. “Most males are not so patient in similar situations. If you give yourself to him tonight, he’ll likely be more indulgent to your needs tomorrow.”

What was this? She was supposed to have sex with him? Was this what Amish human trafficking looked like?

“I can’t sleep with him after everything he’s done.”

Grace’s eyes turned serious. “Most males would not wait. They’re conditioned to take what they see as theirs. You are his, Anna. Make the right choice while you still have one. Eventually, patience won’t be an option.”

“What are you saying?”

She squeezed her hand. “Would it really be so bad to give yourself to him? You have to feel something for him. I think you’re being dishonest if you claim you hold no attraction for Adam.”

Her lips pursed and Grace smirked.

“See. I sense it. You find him attractive. Put aside your anger for one night.”

“Just because you think you know what I’m thinking doesn’t make it real. I despise your brother.”

Her smile only grew. “Of course.” She patted her hand and stood, collecting the lantern from the table. When she reached the door, she looked back. “I know my brother. I know his faults as well as I know his gifts. He’s a decent man with a good heart. If he accidently hurt you, it would break him. If he had the choice to hurt or heal someone, he’d heal them every time.”

She opened the door and stepped into the hall, taking the light with her. “Good night, Anna.”

Her heart raced to an unsteady beat. An open door could often be seen as an invitation. “Goodnight, Grace.”

The door pulled shut and the room darkened. Only a sliver of moonlight slipping past the plain curtain. Annalise waited only a minute before bolting out of bed.

Her bare feet hit cool floor and her heart pounded, stabbing into her ribs like a jackhammer. With trembling fingers, she opened the timber box and removed the slender knife inside.

Squeezing the small knife in her fist, she glanced at the window. Fear and adrenaline brought a shortness of breath. Lifting the simple cloth that covered the window she looked down. “Shit.”

The closest tree was still too far to help her escape. She pushed the window, glad to discover it opened easily. The door clicked behind her and she spun, putting her back to the window and holding the knife at her hip.

Chapter Nineteen

Adam stilled, his gaze dropping to the blade. “Are you planning on pricking me with that?”

Annalise’s breath hitched, her lungs working overtime to keep up with her pounding heart.

“Maybe.” She’d never overpower him. She wasn’t even sure if she had it in her to stab a person.

It was only a simple pocketknife. Chances were, if she got close enough to cut him, he’d grab her and take her only weapon.

He sighed and removed his hat, hanging it on one of the pegs on the wall. He didn’t appear too concerned that she was armed.

She swallowed as he shouldered off his suspenders, letting them droop at his hips. He didn’t wear a belt, but his pants had multiple buttons, two at the front and back where the leather loops of his suspenders hooked.

As the leather slipped through his hands, his gaze met hers. Silence stretched between them, him slowly undressing, her gripping her little knife.

He hung the suspenders on a wooden peg jutting from the wall and flicked a button at his hip. His pants barely clung to his hips as he stood there, presenting her with his back.

She sucked in a breath as he pulled his shirt off, exposing a herculean back, taut with thick muscles that bulged with every bend of his arms and shoulders. Golden skin, naturally tan, invited fingers to play. The air thickened, making it hard to swallow.