These people were insane! Didn’t anyone care what she wanted? “You’re not listening. I didn’t want to come here.” As a matter of fact, she had no recollection of getting here. “Adam kidnapped me. He broke the law, and I could have him arrested. I want to leave and I plan to, with or without your help.”

How much danger was she actually in? Did Amish people own weapons? Where were her shoes?

“You’re in no danger here. Adam will protect you. And weapons are forbidden.”

Annalise stilled. Had she spoken aloud?

Can you hear my thoughts?

Grace smiled and glided to her feet with little effort and surprising agility. “I brought you a dress. It belonged to my sister.”

Belonged to as in past tense? What happened to the sister? Was that why she was here?

“My sister lives on the opposite end of the farm with her husband now.”

Once again, the girl seemed to read her thoughts.

“You look about Larissa’s size. Mother will have more dresses for you by week’s end.” She shook out the black material and held up a maroon chemise. “Your English clothes will not be appropriate here.”

Annalise glanced down her front. At least the bastard dressed her. “These are pajamas. I was taken from my home in the middle of the night. Had I known I’d be kidnapped, I might have changed. I’m not wearing that dress.”

Maybe she shouldn’t be difficult. Acting agreeable and keeping her mouth shut would probably help her more. But she couldn’t see past her anger. He took her—against her will!

And maybe she’d have more sense when he showed back up. He’d already proven he could drug her and abduct her. But this little thing... Annalise was pretty sure she could take her.

Grace’s brow lifted. “Well. Adam said you had spunk. I’m sorry, but you can’t leave the barn in that. Adam would forbid it. Males can be very protective of their mates. Your hair and legs should be covered when walking about the farm.” She held up a sheer bonnet.

“I’m not his mate. I’m leaving.”

She cocked her head. “I think you’ll stay. You care for him.” Annalise stood, and lost her balance, falling back to the haystacks and pricking her thigh with a blade of straw. “Ouch.”

“Careful. You’re weak.” Her head cocked and she placed the clothing beside Anna. “Adam’s back, now. He’ll explain everything to you.”

No! Her wide eyes searched for an exit. A ladder poked through a hole in the floorboards. Heavy footsteps climbed closer. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

Grace gasped, covering a giggle. “That’s a nasty word.”

What the fuck? Get out of my head! Annalise stood, gripping a wooden crossbeam as she struggled to find balance. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Leaning close, Grace whispered, “This isn’t a dream.”

The sharp inhalation that precedes a scream filled her lungs only to freeze there as Adam appeared from the hole in the floor. His gaze met hers and held.

“You’re awake.”

As he climbed out of the hole Grace smiled and stepped toward the ladder. Her petite size made him appear all the more daunting. “She just woke.”

He didn’t look to the other girl. His gaze remained fastened on her as he slowly approached. “How do you feel, ainsicht?”

Her breath hitched as he softly pinched the tip of her chin, angling her face to his. She didn’t answer. He took her against her will, drugged her, held her hostage in the middle of nowhere, and she wanted to go home. The less she cooperated the better. Or was it the opposite?

Why hadn't she watched more crime shows? She had no strategy for escaping Amish psychopaths.

“She thinks you drugged her.”

He frowned, breaking eye contact to glance at the other woman. “You can read her?”

“Like an open book. She isn’t very fond of you.”

His focus returned to Annalise and he sighed. “Leave us.”

Was he the Amish king around here? Or did men hold that much authority? The girl obeyed his command, leaving them alone. “You’re angry.”

She answered with her hardest glare.

“You’re not speaking to me?”

Pure venom seeped from her eyes.

“How long do you intend to stay silent?”

Fuck. You.

He didn’t react to her thoughts the way Grace had, which had probably been nothing more than coincidence anyway. She considered vocalizing her rage, but the silent treatment seemed to bother him enough, so she stuck with that.

He let out a long breath. “So be it.” Lifting the clothing off the haystack, he shook it out. “You need to dress.” As he tried to touch her she jerked back. “Annalise.”

There was no way she was putting that stuff on. She swatted the bonnet out of his hand.

He muttered something in another language and bent to pick up bonnet. “Is this how it shall be between us then, a struggle at every turn?”

How else could it be? She was there against her will. “I want to go home.”