She slapped his hands away from her and he jerked her in front of him with startling force. “We do not hit.” Jaw firm and eyes wild, he gripped her wrists as she struggled. “Ruich! Be still!”

Her body froze the moment the command left his mouth, not by choice but by impulse. A soothing calm washed over her, and her vision blurred at the peripheral. Knees weak, her body sank into him and his grip on her wrists loosened.

“Good girl.”

He gentled her like an expert hunter might pacify a wild animal. Tension seeped from her clenched muscles and she sighed, surprised to hear her voice.

“Violence between us is unacceptable.”

“Let ... go.” Her slurred request lacked conviction, but inside she burned with determination to escape.

His gaze softened as he cocked his head to the side. He drew in a long breath. “You’re aroused.”

She tried to scowl but her face wouldn’t cooperate. “You’re disgusting.”

His chest expanded as he drew in a slow, audible breath. “I can scent it on you.”

Her eyes closed since her head couldn’t turn away. “You disgust me.”

“I’ll always be able to tell when you’re lying, Annalise.”

Her blood felt like hardening cement, sluggish and heavier with every passing second. “When whatever you gave me wears off...” Her tongue swept slowly over her dry mouth and she tried for a smile. “I’m going to murder you.”

Her heartbeat slowed, as a low growl—a sound only a wild animal should be able to make—cut through the air.

“Liar,” he hissed, and the world spun as he tossed her to the bed.

She couldn’t control where she landed or stop herself from bouncing off, but he caught her ankle and yanked her under him, the tails of the robe bunching at the base of her back and leaving her lower half exposed.

She gasped as his fingers swept over her bare folds. Screwing her eyes shut tight, she braced for whatever was to come, but he didn’t do more than touch her for a split second.

“Open your eyes.”

Trembling, she peeked through her lashes. His fingers, glistening and wet, held in front of her face.

“What do you call this, if not arousal?”

Not understanding how she could respond this way to a man who abducted her, drugged her, stripped her, and now violated her, she whimpered.

“What is it you want, Annalise? Be honest with yourself.”

Shaken, her mind whirled as a tear slipped from her eye. She’d had a dream. That’s all that was. It was hot until it wasn’t anymore. Sort of like Adam. “Who are you?”

“You know who I am.”

“I don’t. I don’t know anything. What’s happening? Why are you following me? I just want to go home.”

“My only intention is to get you home, but you have to trust me, Annalise.”

An unspoken sob quivered in her chest.

“Trust that I will not hurt you.” His fingers traced along her jaw, following the line of her fallen tear and gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “There are a lot of things you need to understand, ainsicht. But you have to keep an open mind and listen.”

“I’m not ainsicht.”

“Yes, you are. It is a sacred term in my culture, which stems from the word aasicht, meaning feminine, eenich, meaning agreed, and eensich, which means only. You are my destined female, ‘my only one’.”

Nope. Her mind shot into instant rejection mode and she shook violently, her head telling him no.

“Yes. Convincing you is only a courtesy. It’s true whether you believe me or not.”

“Adam, I think you need help. There are people you can talk to. We can go together. I’ll take you.”

“I only wish to talk to you, ainsicht.”

Fury boiled inside of her like a teapot without a valve and she screamed, “I’m not your ainsicht! I’m not Amish! I don’t even believe in God!”

His eyes widened. It was all good and exciting that she’d found a way to scream through the haze, but she still couldn’t move.

“Ganoonk.” He stood. “No more objections.” He left her on the bed as hangers jangled in the closet. “We are running out of time. What do you need from your home?”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Fighting this is futile.”

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me. If that’s true, let me leave.”

“You’ll leave with me.”

She had no one to call for help. “Did you hurt Kyle?”

“I told you he’s unharmed and resting.”

How long until he realized she was missing? How many shifts and finals would she have to miss for someone to come searching for her?

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“I haven’t done anything to you.”

“You stole me out of my home and you’re keeping me here against my will.”

He sighed and approached the bed. Over the past few minutes he seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her, but now he looked directly at her.

“Your life’s going to change, ainsicht. The faster you accept that, the easier this will be. Your job, your schooling... None of that is relevant anymore.”