“Anna!” He reached for her and she sprung off the floor, backing away from him. “There’s no need to worry—”

“Where am I?” she yelled.

“You’re upset. I told you I won’t hurt you—”

“You kidnapped me!”

Was this one of those Hitchcock hotel situations? Was he preparing to harvest her organs? Was that why he brought her here? She whimpered and glanced at what she assumed was the bathroom door. Was there ice in the tub—waiting for her? “Please don’t kill me.”

“I just want to talk.”

Her gaze skittered around the room. She’d have to get past him to get to the door. He looked fast. Her attention snagged on the telephone and he followed her gaze. She was closer.

Deciding to go for it, she lifted her foot—

The phone yanked out of the wall and flung across the room and she gasped. How could he move that fast? Was she high? She should have never taken that cold medicine.

She hugged the pillow to her front. “I don’t know what you want, but please...” Her jaw trembled and tears pricked her eyes. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

“I could never hurt you. On the other hand, my life is in your hands.”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know anything! Please just let me go. You got the wrong girl. I’m just a waitress. If you let me go now I’ll never tell anyone you kidnapped me.” She should use his name. “Adam, please.”

“You have to do exactly as I say, Annalise. We’re running out of time and I need your help. Do you understand?”

No! She didn’t understand shit about this crazy fuck! She nodded.

“I brought you here last night.” He picked the phone up from the floor and raveled the cord around it before placing it in the drawer.

His motions were unhurried. She kept to the wall, mirroring his location in the room and sliding farther into the corner as he rounded the foot of the bed. Her heart jackhammered as he leaned into the closet, reaching for something.

“Put this on.” He held out a terrycloth robe.

“Where are my clothes?”

“In the closet.” The closet he was currently blocking.

“I want my clothes.”

How did he find her apartment? What happened to Kyle? Was it him all along?

Her mind was a jigsaw of confusion. “How did I get here?”

Was this a dream? Another nightmare?

She studied the room, noting too many details for it to be a dream—the NO SMOKING sign, the sprinkler system, and the emergency exit map. She pinched her arm anyway.

“Do not hurt yourself, Annalise.”

Why, because he wanted the pleasure? “Why am I here?” Where was her phone? Her purse?

“I think you’ll be more comfortable if you put on the robe.” He draped it over the corner of the bed closest to her then took a step back. Why wasn’t he wearing a shirt?

“T—t—turn around.”

His gaze lifted and the corner of his mouth twitched. Her eyes narrowed. Though he said nothing, that look said it all. She was naked and he got her that way.

Her jaw hardened and he closed his eyes, turning away from her. She snatched the robe and shoved her arms through tangled fabric. “I want to use the phone.”

Adam turned to face her. “No.”

Her jaw locked. “Can you at least put on a shirt? There are freezing people in Russia.”

“My apologies.” He reached into the closet and the hangers jangled as he pulled on a plain blue shirt. An Amish serial killer had abducted her.

He’s not Amish! “Shouldn’t you have a beard?”

“Our sect does not display facial hair.”

Excuses. He’d probably have an explanation for everything. “What were you doing at my apartment?”

“Watching you.”

She expected getting answers would make her feel better, but no. He admitted to watching her without batting an eye. Did they teach that sort of unflinching creepiness in Stalker 101?

“What happened last night? I don’t remember getting here. And don’t lie to me.”

“I do not lie, Anna. I brought you here last night after your friend paid you a visit.”

“My friend?” Oh, God. Kyle! “What did you do to him?”

“Your worry’s misplaced. I assure you he’s home sleeping soundly in his bed.”

“If you hurt him—”

“Do not shout. Your friend’s unharmed. But I was protecting you, Anna. I will not tolerate a threat to your safety.”

“Really? What about kidnappers and stalkers?”

“That’s not what this is.”

“Oh, I’m so convinced.”

“Have a seat.”

“I don’t want to sit. I want to go home.”

“I could make you sit.”

She stilled, her blood churning like ice in her veins. The air around her chilled. “You promised not to hurt me.”

“I’d keep my word. A compulsion doesn’t hurt.”

Her vision blurred with fearful tears as her chin violently trembled. “Please let me go.”

“You’ll be out of this room soon. But first we must discuss some things.”

At her wits’ end and scared for her life, she screamed and charged forward, shoving into him with all her might. The impact nearly knocked her on her ass, but he caught her before she had the chance to fall.