Her eyes creased and happiness washed over him. “Home,” she whispered. “I love the sound of that.”

Without her, it was only a house. But with her, his heart, his love, his ewichkeit, his ainsicht, it would forever be a happy home.


Annalise waited in the field just behind her home. Her bare toes pressed into the cool grass and she closed her eyes and listened for the wind. He never went longer than a week without visiting her, and it had been six days.

The softest breeze whispered over her lips and she smiled, sensing him near. A strand of unruly hair slipped from her kapp, fluttering like a kite tail as the wind picked up. The hem of her skirt rippled, dangerously close to flapping over her knees.

She smirked and batted down the fabric. Incorrigible.

Smiling, she opened her eyes and searched the distance. A flicker of light shuttered near the stone wall, sketching his form into thin air.

“I see you,” she called, and Cain laughed, approaching at a slow saunter, his hands buried in the pockets of his street clothes. “You cut your hair.”

He tipped his head, showing off the shorn blond strands. “Do you like it? Perhaps you’re regretting your choice, maybe you married the wrong twin?”

She tossed a pebble at his pant leg. “You’re hideous.”

Crossing his ankles, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and dropped to sit in the grass beside her. “Must you tease me so? You know I’m sensitive.” He glanced at her waist, only slightly hidden by her apron. “Gracie’s sure it’s not twins?”

She shoved him. “Rude!”

He laughed. “I’m only teasing. You’re well? No sickness?”

Her hand caressed the small bump. “No sickness. Just a few flutters here and there.”

Cain wore his emotions openly around her, and she noted his relief. After Abilene’s multiple miscarriages, it made sense for all of Adam’s siblings to worry. “Any sign of Larissa yet?”

“No.” His eyes squinted as he stared off into the distance. “Has the Bishop returned?”

“No. Silus is pestering everyone. I hate when he comes to the house. Adam doesn’t trust him.”

“The man is an arrogant fool. Larissa will never return to him.” His eyes turned serious. “I only wish I had some inclination that she’s safe.”

Annalise pressed a hand to his back. “You’ll find her.”

She let out a breath, and he turned to study her. “What is it?”

She blanked her expression. “Nothing.”

He scowled. “No, I felt something. You’re worried. What has you upset?”

She pursed her lips. Adam asked her not to mention it to Cain, and she wanted to respect his wishes, but it was a little difficult when his brother had a direct link to any negative emotion or sensation she experienced.

Giving up her efforts, she leveled with him. “It’s your parents.”

“My parents?”

She nodded. “I’ve been visiting with your mom every day. I let her know you’re doing well and that helps a little. But there’s been no word from Larissa, and Silus continues to demand answers no one has. And your father isn’t acting like himself.”

“How so?”

She couldn’t quite explain it. “He avoids the house, misses meals, and works well into the night.”

Concern flashed in his eyes. “Is he sleeping?”

Annalise shook her head. “He’s losing weight.”

At that, Cain showed true alarm. “What other symptoms? Has he lost his appetite?”

“He eats,” she quickly assured him. “It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

Her lips pressed tight. She didn’t want to make assumptions. “It’s as if he’s avoiding the house. Avoiding...”

“My mother?”

She didn’t want to say it. “I know he loves her.”

“Love is not a big enough word to describe the way my father feels about my mother. Whatever is wrong, it has nothing to do with her.”

She nodded. “You’re probably right.”

They let the topic drop. His gaze drifted to the woods. He pulled a blade of grass between his fingers. “How is my brother?”

She smiled at the mention of her husband. “Amazing. Busy. He’s having a barn built closer to the house.” She loved their home, especially the wood burning water heater he’d built and the flushing toilets. “He finished the baby’s cradle last week. Now, he’s whittling a collection of toys.”

“He’s always been gifted.”

Her heart pinched at the longing in his voice. No matter how he tried to hide his soft underbelly from the world, he couldn’t hide it from her. “You have gifts, too, Cain.”

He drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. “I’d trade them all for half his blessings.” His gaze drifted to her hand over her stomach. “I should go. Adam will wonder what has you sleeping so long.”

“He knows we still share dreams.”

His smile turned triumphant. “Hope it makes him jealous.”

Her lips twisted with disapproval. “You’re mean.”

“Does it?”

“I’m not giving you any information.”

“Oh, come on, Anna. Tell me he’s a little jealous of my time with you. It has to bother him on some level.”