“I feel him. He’s powerful.” She laced her fingers with his, sharing her emotions, which translated Cain’s.

She was right. Cain was there, but only communicating with her. “How...”

She shrugged. “He brings the rain. And when he’s sad the sky moans. When he’s angry lightning flickers. I always found him after the rain in my dreams. I felt his pain and fear and last night he felt mine.”

Adam understood that their connection might last forever, and it was a connection that should not include him. “Do you feel me, Anna?

“Yes, but in a different way. With you, the emotions are so complete I have to think to decipher what is yours and what is mine.”

“Ours.” They were now one.

Cain, to his knowledge, did not possess gifts like he and Gracie claimed. But last night, when he’d nearly lost her, the storm had demanded their attention. Gracie had said something similar, claiming Cain was calling to her.

With his gifts for empathy and Grace’s gifts for telepathy, it wasn’t a surprise that Cain would also have a similar gift. Empathetic-meteor kinesis was a very rare gift indeed, the gift of manipulating the weather with emotion. Cain would likely need some time and space to learn to control his talents, much like Adam had needed as a boy.

“It’s funny how we realize our strength in times of crisis,” she said. “We can either let our fear conquer and control us, or we can rise up and use our strength to fight back.”

Adam dropped his gaze to the windowsill. “I never wanted to fight you, Annalise. I only ever wanted to give you opportunities.”

“Yet, this morning, when I first awoke in a world I didn’t recognize, in the arms of a man I didn’t love, you took my choice away and decided for me.” Her gaze sliced to him. “You don’t have to fight me, Adam. But you do need to fight for me.” Her anger singed him as she narrowed her glare on him. “I should have given you what you asked of me. I should have gone to him just to punish you.”

The inescapable tightness crushing his chest cinched until he could no longer breathe. “I’m sorry. I was wrong, Annalise. The mere thought of you with another man would have ended me. Despite my words, I now know I will never be strong enough to let you go. But if you want to leave—”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence! Since we’ve met it’s been eternity this and destiny that. Well, here you are, married to the woman of your dreams. But rather than be happy and celebrate the fact that you’re alive, you keep searching for reasons to let me go.” Her fists shoved into his chest with immortal strength. “You said you loved me!”

“I do love you.” He caught her arms and pulled her to him, refusing to let her go as a sob ripped from her throat. “You’re all I know in this world that means anything to me. Without you, I have nothing. I am nothing. I’m a fool, Annalise. I’m so used to following the rules and doing everything that’s asked of me. But when it comes to love, there are no rules and I’m lost. My only compass is you, my love, and the fear that I might not be enough, or that I will somehow let you down, destroys me on a continuous basis.”

“Then how could you have given me to someone else?” The walls rattled under her rage.

He shut his eyes, allowing her fury to wash over him like brush fire. “All I’ve known is this place and its rules. My life, up until meeting you, followed the simple formula of our order. We are taught to never put pride before the needs of our brethren. To live a life of simplicity and discipline we do not question the rules of our fate, but forgive those who wrong us. When I couldn’t save you, it felt like my life ended. I would have bargained with Satan himself if it could have saved you. And while it eviscerated me to let you go, if it were ever the price of your survival, I’d do it again. I love you, Annalise. That means putting your safety and happiness before mine—no matter what.”

Her lashes flicked low and she angled her face out of view. “Keep going.”

“You’re far more courageous than me. You’re reckless and determined. I don’t expect you to darn my socks or mend my buttons, but I do expect you to show me what a modern marriage looks like. We come from two different places, my love. Your experiences are far beyond mine. When I first started my quest, I had no idea who you would be. I underestimated you, and that is a crime. Now, I see the real you. I realize your sacrifice far outweighs mine and that’s why I live in fear that I may never be enough for such a woman.”