“He’s your brother! What if he’s telling the truth and I am called to both of you? He could die, Adam!”

“The moment he endangered you, he was already dead in my eyes.”

He was wrong. Everything inside of her screamed this was a mistake and they needed to find his brother before he got too far.

“He could have taken me, Adam. No one was around. I was helpless. He could have grabbed me, and left, but he didn’t.”

He paced, frustration emanating from his clipped movements. “You ask too much of me.”

“You’re the one who said I could ask for anything.”

“Not this.” His face wore a hardened mask that told her he’d never budge. “I will not risk losing you to a brother who betrayed me.”

“Then you don’t trust me.”

“I trust you—”

“If you trusted me, you’d believe that my mind’s made up. I chose you, Adam. I don’t want Cain. He can’t make me change my mind any more than you can. But you don’t believe that, because you don’t think a woman can actually decide for herself. Deep down, no matter what I say, you still think you’re wiser than me.”

“That’s not true.”

“Prove it. Prove that I’m your equal, and that you trust my judgment. Put everything on the line, and show me that you see me as an equal.”

“And if I do?”

Her shoulders drew back, and her chin lifted. “Then I’ll marry you.”

He studied her for a long moment. “Marry me first. I’ll not have this rivalry between us. We have trust or we have nothing. I love you, Annalise. Even if you weren’t my called mate, I’d find it impossible not to feel something for you. If helping Cain is what it will take to prove my feelings for you, if it will prove I value you as my equal and will do anything for you, then so be it. But I want you as my wife. It’s the only way I can do this. I need to know you’re irrevocably mine. You say nothing will change our path. Prove it. Marry me before we bond.”

“You’ll forgive your brother?”

“I’ll try to help him. Forgiveness is a separate matter.”

And after all this, it might not matter anyway. What if Cain could not be saved? “Okay. I’ll marry you.”

He didn’t grab her or kiss her. He simply nodded his acknowledgement of their deal, the distance between them proof that their conditions had cost them both. And when he turned away, she worried he might be right. She may have just invited a serpent into their home.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

“Do you like it?” Grace asked, holding up a pale blue dress.

“It’s ... lovely.”

She glanced at the door. Since agreeing to marry Adam she’d been under Grace’s watch.

“I don’t understand how everyone will have enough time to prepare.” She’d only accepted his proposal an hour ago.

Grace laughed. “They’ve been preparing since Adam announced he’d been called. You’ll see.”

A ribbon of black carriages snaked over the dark road, approaching the house. No one seemed bothered that it was the middle of the night. At least the rain had passed and the stars painted a pretty canopy overhead.

The windowpanes rattled from the vibrations. Crumbs of plaster bounced on the sill. “There are so many.” She’d expected a private ceremony and now worried some might find her lacking.

Grace pulled her away from the window. “Let’s get you cleaned up and changed into your wedding clothes.”

After a drawn-out trip to the bathing room, Grace braided her hair. “Are you excited for your new house?”

Voices rumbled throughout the home. Men she didn’t recognize carried furniture out to the barn. “Hi,” she said as a tall man crossed her path. She frowned when he dropped his gaze and ignored her.

“They won’t speak to you without Adam’s permission.”

Annalise rolled her eyes. Her nerves kicked in and Grace helped her dress in the blue gown and that’s when it hit her. She was getting married.

“I need a drink.”

“Do you want me to fetch you water?”

“I was hoping for something stronger.” She pulled at her collar. “Tell me what to expect tonight. I’m starting to freak out.”

What if this was a mistake? Why had she agreed to this? She needed to see Adam. He was upset with her and avoiding her. She didn’t want to say her vows like this. She needed to...

“Anna, you’re shaking. Here, drink some water.”

Her hand trembled as she pressed the glass to her lips. “I can’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“Marry your brother. I can’t marry someone I don’t love.”

Grace looked at her as if she were crazy. “Anna, you shouldn’t lie.”

“I’m not lying. This is a mistake. I need to talk to him.”

“Hey.” Grace caught her hand. “You are lying. How can you not tell?” Her fingers pressed to Annalise’s brow. “It’s right here.”


“Shut your eyes and try to calm your breathing.”