She cupped his face. “Adam, listen to me.” She forced him to look into her eyes. “I haven’t been safe with you since the day we met. But I’m here. I’ve been here. I’ve gone along with everything you asked, and this is where we are now. You’re right. We don’t have any time to waste. You need blood and I need pants. One thing at a time.” She lifted her wrist again. “Feed.”

He looked at her, truly seeing her strength for the first time. More than a fragile human, this female had a spirit stronger than steel. And when he felt weak and weary, she acted as his backbone, reminding him to rise and face whatever lies ahead.

He carefully turned her wrist. His thumb pressed gently over her pattering vein as he looked into her eyes. “Thank you.”

She gasped as he bit into her flesh. Her tension melted away as he pulled from her vein. His eyes relaxed, and he watched her through a half-lidded stare.

Her head rolled back on her shoulders and she moaned softly. The heat of her blood soothed his agitated beast inside, and a low purr emanated from his chest.

Her lips parted. A breathy sigh mixing with the soft sipping sounds of his throat.

Her chest lifted as her breath quickened. She stared at him through her lashes, her eyes telling him she was close.

It hadn’t been his intention, just the natural consequence of feeding from one’s mate. But as her head lulled and her cry of completion met his ears, her sweet cream bathing her thighs and tingeing the air, he groaned. The heat of his seed covered his hand, and he retracted his fangs, licking away any drops of blood at her wrist.

He looked at her as her head tipped with curiosity. He wanted to hold her. Kiss her. But he knew she was still very angry with him. He was angry with himself.

“So, I guess that happens every time,” she said, voice low and raspy.

He dropped his gaze to the mess in his hand. A strange sensation crept up his spine. “I know you only wanted to feed me.”

Silenced stretched and when he looked at her again, something dark and threatening hid in her eyes.

“If you ever take away my ability to speak again, I’ll leave you for dead. Understand?”

He nodded. “I’m—”

“Stop apologizing. I know you didn’t mean it.”

“Do you?” His sorrowful eyes searched hers.

“Yes. Now, come on. These woods freak me out.”

He followed at her side, unsure why she hadn’t left him there when she had the chance. Her car, though not the most dependable vehicle, provided some needed privacy. As soon as they were inside, she turned to him and said, “We’ll go home tonight, and you can send someone else to get the buggy tomorrow. I’m not wasting any more time.”

His head cocked, misunderstanding her meaning. “Here or home, my state won’t change.”

“I know. But the sooner we bond the sooner you’ll have your control back.”

She put her hand on the gearshift and he caught her fingers, shoving the car back into park. “What did you say?”

She glared out the window. “You heard me. I’ll do it. I made up my mind.”

“Annalise...” He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her. This was amazing. He was saved. “Even after what just happened...” His head shook in awe and disbelief. “You honor me.”

She wouldn’t look at him. “Don’t get too excited.”

“I promise to be a good husband and always—”

“I’m not marrying you, Adam.”

“But you just said—”

“I said I’d do the bonding to save your life.” She finally looked at him. “But I’m not marrying you.”

His jaw locked. “A bond is stronger than a marriage.”

“Not where I come from. Marriage is as big as it gets, and I’m not ready to promise the rest of my life to someone, especially someone I just met. You need me to stay alive and I’m okay with that. I’m even okay with the whole immortality thing. But I’m not Amish, and I don’t believe in arranged marriages, so that’s where my generosity ends.”

He folded his arms over his bare chest. “Drive.”

“You can’t get mad at me. I just said I’d save your life.”

“And I heard you. It’s impressive.”

“What is?”

“How you could offer something so selfless and life altering, yet diminish the gift at the same time.”

She scoffed. “Are you kidding me?”

“Why would I kid? Nothing about this is amusing, Annalise.”

“I must be out of my fucking mind,” she grumbled, and he’d heard enough.

Climbing out of the car, he slammed the door.

“Hey!” She jumped out of her seat and yelled across the lot as he walked away. “Where the hell are you going?”

A split second later he had his hands on her, clutching her arms tight as he towered over her. “Have I not warned you about such filthy words?”