“Look who’s talking, Malcolm. It’s pretty clear you let yourself get attached, too. It happens. There’s always one kid who’s story just speaks to you. Plus, we didn’t have any space and Sky seems to have taken a liking to Claire too. What’s a week going to do? It’s a bed for crying out loud. Just not a bed here, it’s in Claire’s spare room.

I paced the tiny office, needing to do something to get my temper under control. It was one of the bullshit techniques I learned at a young age that actually did something for me, the controlled breathing, counting my footsteps, all that jazz. The other shit was all hippie nonsense that did shit all for me in real life.

“You’re mad because Claire did and felt exactly the same way you did, just to clarify?”

“Nope, I’m angry because I know what I’m doing. Claire is a kid herself.”

Isla walked over to me. Getting right in front of my face. That’s what I liked best about her. She was fearless—even confronting me. “She knows what she’s doing, Mal. You think I would hire a moron? A kid with a masters in social work, spotless track record and a completed, and might I add, flawless internship to boot.”

I had to respect Isla. She was petite, but fierce, and she wasn’t scared of anyone, not even teens pumped up on drugs and hormones who were ready to fight. She faced the world without flinching and I admired her gumption. She reminded me of my sister. Ready to go down no matter the cause for people and things she believed in, even if she got hurt in her efforts. I nodded at Isla and leaned back on the wall.

“Seems like maybe there’s something else going on, Malcolm?”

“What’s her address?”

“Oh no!” Isla said. “I’m not randomly giving out my employees addresses.” She waved her finger at me, pointing it directly to my chest. “Not even to you, old friend, that’s against the law.”

“I’m not going to bother her. I just need Sky to know I’m here—that I’m checking up on her. What if she needs something or if anything goes wrong? She can come to me. I want her to know that.”

“Nothing is going to go wrong, Malcolm. She’s fine. She’s in good hands. Is this jealousy I’m seeing?” She waved her hand up and down at me. “Wait, are you jealous of Claire or of Skylar?”

“Isla, give me her address.” I demanded.

“You’re not gonna drop this are you?”

“You know me better than that,” I said. “Also, I can just call the club and have the archivist use Lexis Nexis and pull her records.”

“But badgering me is easier? I thought you had to work?”

“I’ll call in sick and camp out here all fuckin’ day if I have to,” I said. I pulled up the chair across from her desk, taking a seat and crossing my arms over my chest.

Chapter 4


Sky huddled in the corner as soon as the first bang on the door sounded. I hated that she was still scared inside of my apartment. She’d been through a lot, that was plain to see. The whole reason I brought her here was to avoid startling her unnecessarily. She jumped and shook at every sound like a frightened animal. The gym was loud, plus the metal folding chairs we used there crashed and banged all the time and the sounds reverberated throughout the whole room. It was apparent from the get-go that she wasn’t comfortable with the kids at the shelter. Her eyes would scan every person looking for signs of danger, and as soon as they noticed her, she would cower and shake. It was either take her home with me or bring her inpatient psychiatric, which both Isla and I hated because those kids, we usually never saw again.

I knew exactly who it was before I hung up the phone with Isla. “I think he’s already here, Isla. I can hear a giant coming. Thanks for the warning,”

I flung the door open wide before he could knock and shake the whole building like he had pounding on the main door.

There stood Malcolm, looking devastatingly handsome in a suit so expensive that it would probably cover my rent for a year. The man was a God, jet black hair, falling loosely around his forehead and framing deep emerald eyes. Serious brows that streaked across his lightly lined forehead. Looking at him was like looking at the sun, wholly blinding and mesmerizing. I could watch all day without even inviting him inside.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“Well, hello to you too, sir. Is this an immigration raid? To what do we owe the pleasure?”

“Sorry, that was rude. Morning Claire, Is Skylar here? May I see Sky?” Malcolm cleared his throat. “Um, please?”

“Come on in!” I said, moving aside and letting him step into the small foyer. Once again, I was taken aback by the sheer size of him in my tiny apartment.