They both go strangely quiet when they notice the room isn’t empty. Finn grins up at the both of them. “Well bro and sis, what’s happening?”

Delilah scowls at him, but doesn’t say anything. Gabriel sends her a questioning look, as though asking for permission to tell us what’s going on. Delilah shrugs and nods for him to go ahead.

“Delilah’s had a phone call from Ethan,” he says.

My heart does a somersault in my chest. Ethan has been on my mind far more than I’d like to admit. I hate the fact that I miss him so much.

“And…” Finn prompts.

“He’s been having trouble with Whitfield. The Governor has made no secret of the fact that he plans to replace Ethan in his inner circle because of what happened with Rebecca,” Delilah puts in.

Great. There’s the guilt again, squeezing the air from my lungs.

“Wasn’t he angry about you leaving?” I ask.

“Of course he was. But he seems to have come to understand my reasons. Still, he’s been trying to convince me to come back. I’ve told him I can’t, not with Whitfield still in power.”

I want to ask another question, but I’m afraid of what the answer will be. Oh God, I can’t hold it in, it’s pointless trying. “Did – did Ethan mention me when you spoke to him?”

Finn’s body language tenses beside me. I don’t think he likes the idea that I have feelings for Ethan. He thinks it’s suicide getting involved with a vampire. That Ethan will ruin me just like Lucas ruined Amanda. I don’t think he realises that I would never allow Ethan or any other vampire to bite me. At least not willingly.

Delilah fidgets awkwardly. “No he didn’t mention you Tegan. You hurt him really badly, and my brother has a problem with forgiveness.”

I can’t help scowling. “He forgave you pretty easily.”

“Ethan understands that I did what I did because I was frightened. You chose to actively go behind his back.”

It takes a great effort to hold back my tears at Delilah’s words. I grab my envelope full of money and silently rise to leave the room. Upstairs in my bedroom I dive beneath the duvet, weeping into the pillow. I’m so sad, but I deserve this. Ethan’s hate is my punishment for doing what I thought was right.

There’s no point in feeling sorry for myself, because I know that if I had the chance I’d do it all over again. I know what it’s like to have a loved one stolen from you, and the look on Pamphrock’s face when I returned Rebecca to him might just be worth this heartache.

Chapter Nineteen

Mama, We All Go To Hell

It’s New Years Eve and I still haven’t found my dad. I’m lying on Finn’s couch with my headphones on, listening to The Damned in an effort to drown out the worry in my head. It’s not working much. Rita’s been busy taking clients and helping Finn with various DOH matters, so we haven’t had the chance to perform another spell to try and locate him. I finally get around to asking Gabriel if he knows anything about the rogue magic users I’d encountered, but he only tells me that if they do exist then he isn’t aware of them.

The door opens and Rita flounces in with a massive grin on her face. “Are you up for some excitement tonight?”

I turn off the music to talk to her. “I’m really not in the mood to celebrate the new year Rita, you go ahead though. Have some fun, you deserve it.”

Rita shakes her head and folds her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to take no for an answer. You’ve been moping around for the last week, you need to come out with me and let off some steam.”

I roll my eyes, which Rita does

n’t fail to notice and she rolls hers right back with a little too much sarcasm for my liking.

“Fine. What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Well,” says Rita, a gleam in her eyes because I’ve given in, “there’s this beach.”

“Right, and…” I prompt.

“It’s sort of a magical beach. Well, it’s thought to be a location of concentrated earth magic. It’s called Sycamore Strand and there’s going to be a New Year’s party there tonight and I really, really want you to come with me.”

“Okay, I know that place. I used to go there during the summer when I was a kid. I didn’t know it was a magical beach, but I don’t suppose that will surprise you. Have you asked the others?”

“I have, everyone’s coming except for Mum. Oh and Amanda, she’s not well enough to go out yet. Mum will keep an eye on her while we’re gone.”