“Why thank you Alvie,” I reply, good naturedly. Finn is gawking at me, so I roll my eyes at him. He straightens up then and clears his throat.

Rita approaches, handing me the branch dowsing rod, it’s got a red ribbon tied around it and a chunky gold ring on one of the branches. “The ribbon belongs to Rebecca and the ring is Pamphrock’s, you’ll need to think of them in order for the rod to lead you to them. Just picture them in your mind, but make sure that it’s them you’re thinking of and no one else, otherwise it won’t work.”

“Got it,” I reply, taking the branch from her and putting it nervously into my bag.

Rita places a hand on each of my shoulders and looks me right in the eye. “Breathe Tegan, you’re going to be fine. If anything goes wrong text Finn and we’ll come get you straight away.”

“Thanks,” I whisper, her words of reassurance aren’t really making me feel much better. “By the way, Ethan wants to know if you’ll come and work for him,” I remark sarcastically, knowing full well Rita won’t go for it. I expect her to tell me no flat out, instead she raises her eyebrows and slinks off, a contemplative look on her face. Oh, she better not be considering it.

Finn’s looking at me again, but he doesn’t say anything. Suddenly he comes marching toward me, his expression is unreadable. He grabs me by the elbow and shoves me out into the hallway, slamming the kitchen door shut after him, seemingly to afford us some privacy.

I lean back against the wall and he stands close in front of me. I raise my eyebrows at him but he doesn’t talk for a minute.

Finally he says, “I’m really s

orry you’ve been put in this position,” his voice is low but steady.

I shrug. “I’m getting paid for it, and it’s not like you’re making me or anything. I agreed to do this of my own free will.”

Finn’s shoulders slump a little, it’s the only outward sign of his distress. “It still doesn’t feel right, you going in there. It’s one thing for you to be at the club with Cristescu, but it’s a whole other kettle of fish going to a party where every vampire in the city will be in attendance.” He pauses and runs a hand through his hair. “I’m – I’m worried about what might happen to you.”

So am I, says a tiny voice in my head. But I can’t say it out loud. I need to be strong right now. I can’t let Finn know that I’m frightened of what I’m about to do.

“I’ll be fine,” I whisper, before taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Finn’s eyes lock with mine, and it’s just too much to take so I try to diffuse the tension with humour.

I nudge him in the shoulder and tease, “Jesus Finn, anyone would think you actually cared about me.”

He scowls, but his lips twitch up a little in a suppressed grin. “Yeah well, you’ve grown on me,” he stops and winks then, his humorous demeanour has returned fully. “Kind of like a fungus you can’t get rid of.”

I laugh and hug him just as my taxi arrives outside, I hear the driver beep the horn.

“Good luck Tegan, if anything goes wrong I’m only a phone call away,” Finn reminds me as I close over the front door. I walk toward the car, my heart in my throat as I get closer to what could very possibly be the last party I ever attend.

Chapter Sixteen

They’ve Got Some Hungry Women There

As I sit in the taxi on my way over to Ethan’s, my phone buzzes with a text from the man himself.

Are you on your way, my love? It reads.

Yes, I’m coming now. I write back quickly.

Another message pops up half a minute later. You will be tonight. His reply makes me snort and shiver at the same time.

Very self-assured Mr Cristescu, I’ve not yet agreed to stay over. A smug smile forms on my lips as I hit the send button.

It barely takes a second for his answering message, all it says is, You’re staying, Miss Stolle.

I snap my phone shut then, not bothering to write back this time, we’re almost at his house anyway. My entire body is alight with nervous excitement to see Ethan, even if I am basically going to be an intruder at this party. I really don’t want to think about what the vampires do to spies when they catch them. Going with Ethan tonight is the ultimate masochism of the emotions, it’s both pleasurable and painful to be around him. Painful because I know it can’t last. The pleasure side is quite obvious.

He’s standing outside by his Cadillac when I arrive, dressed all in black, it really is a sight to behold. Ethan’s golden hair stands out even more so against the sleek blackness of his designer suit. I can feel my knees going weak just looking at him. He walks to the taxi and opens my door for me, taking my hand to help me out. Oh what a gentleman this vampire can be. Then he pays the driver, before escorting me into his shiny, silvery black car.

“Allow me,” he whispers, taking the seat belt and strapping me in. It reminds me of the night we first met, when he’d done almost the exact same thing. I notice him grinning slightly, he must be remembering too.

“Is Delilah going to be at the party?” I ask, wondering how the dhamphir is doing. She’d been in quite a state the last time I saw her.

“Yes, she’s coming with Lucas and Dru. We’ll see them there.” Ethan answers, his eyes consuming me. “I have half a mind not to go. You look dangerously beautiful tonight Tegan, I don’t think I want to share your company with anyone else.”