“Thank you,” Delilah replies quietly, before returning to her seat as though nothing has even happened. Wow. Delilah’s sided with the North. Ethan is not going to be happy.

Finn pulls the van into the car park of the DOH training compound where I first met Pamphrock. There are other vehicles crowded around the entrance, with injured slayers being helped out and inside the building. The crowd parts to allow Pamphrock entrance, and when we get in there are trainee slayers rushing all about trying to see to the wounded. I spot Rita, Alvie and Gabriel sitting quietly in a secluded corner of the room. Their clothing is all wet but they don’t seem to have sustained any injuries.

I rush over to them and pull Rita into a massive hug. I’m realising how subconsciously worried I’d been about her after the powerful spell she just cast. She hugs me right back, she seems a little bit out of it at the moment.

“What you all did back there was amazing!” I exclaim.

Gabriel has his arm around Alvie, who looks exhausted. It makes my heart melt to see Gabriel make a public display of affection. Alvie is like a small, sleepy bird as he rests his head against Gabriel’s chest.

All of a sudden, Gabriel goes still as a statue, his eyes are focused on someone directly behind me. I find out who it is when he breathes, “Delilah…”

I let go of Rita and turn around to see Delilah standing there, her eyes trained on Gabriel.

“Hello brother,” she replies softly.

Gabriel turns to me in shock. “Why is she here?”

Before I can answer, Pamphrock’s authoritative voice explains, “Delilah has come over to our side now, Gabriel.” He has come up behind her and put a reassuring arm around her shoulders.

Gabriel’s dark green eyes narrow ever so slightly. He speaks to Pamphrock when he says, “Are you certain it’s not a trick? Ethan would never allow her to simply leave.”

“I am my own person,” Delilah snaps, interrupting him. “I have made my own decision to come here, there is no trickery at play.”

Gabriel studies her for a long moment, then a tiny sigh escapes his lips. “Very well then, welcome Sister. I really do hope you are genuine.”

He might have his reservations about her, but I have no doubt that Delilah is here because she truly wants to be. There was no mistaking the fear on her face when Whitfield had made his speech at the party tonight.

Somebody grabs my hand then and pulls me away from the group. When I look up I’m staring into Finn’s bright blue eyes. He’s smiling down at me.

“You did it!” he smiles, before lifting me up into his arms and embracing me. I feel a little bit awkward about it because I can almost sense Delilah’s critical gaze burning into my back. I pull away from Finn and grin smugly. “Of course I did it. Piece of cake.” Sometimes I revert to bravado to cover my embarrassment.

When I step back beside Delilah she leans down and whispers, “What’s going on with you and the slayer?”

“Nothing,” I answer. “We’re just friends.” Pamphrock is currently debriefing everyone on the events of the night. Hopefully this means we can go home and sleep soon.

“You could have fooled me. Listen, I’m not trying to give you a lecture or anything, but my brother is not going to let you get away so easily. He’s angry now that you’ve betrayed him, and I’ve never known Ethan to allow somebody to stab him in the back and walk away scot free.”

“Wonderful,” I reply, deadpan. I’m doing my best to hold it together, when really all I want to do is spend a good day in bed crying. I imagine my hurt is on about the same level as Ethan’s fury right now. It’s really all self-inflicted though, even if my cause had been noble.

My attention wanders back to Pamphrock, who is still addressing the slayers. “The war is at a stand still for tonight, but make no mistake, there will be retaliations from the South. We need to be ready when they make their next move. For now, go home and get some rest, but I will require each and every one of you who is of sound body to report to me at nine tomorrow morning. There will be preparations to make. You have all fought with bravery and honour tonight, and I thank you for your continuing loyalty.”

At this he steps away, and there are sounds of agreement from those present. I think everybody’s a little too exhausted to clap or cheer at the moment. Slowly, people begin to make their way out of the compound to go home for the night. I follow Finn and the rest of them as they make their way to his van. I notice Gabriel and Delilah are currently engaged in a serious, hushed conversation. The two of them get into Gabriel’s car and quickly pull away.

“Where are those two off to?” I ask Alvie.

He shrugs and answers, “Some new found family bonding I imagine. I’m too tired to care right now.”

I nod and hop in the back of the van, eternally grateful that the night is finally at an end.

Arriving back at Finn’s house, we find Noreen in the living room with Amanda. Rita’s mother has my friend all tucked under several blankets on the couch, feeding her a bowl of soup. I go to sit by her.

“How has she been?” I ask, placing a hand to Amanda’s forehead. Her temperature seems to be okay.

“She woke up about two hours ago in a panic, so I brewed up a pot of my special broth to help ease her withdrawal symptoms.” Noreen answers.

I glance over at the yellow coloured soup in the bowl. “Is it magical?”

Noreen winks. “It might be. I know of some spells that will assist in her rehabilitation. Addiction to the bite of a vampire cannot be overcome naturally. She will die if we don’t incorporate magic into the healing process.”