I smile at him. “How do you think I feel, thinking of all the women you’ve been with?”

He pulls out a stack of CDs, flicking through them as he answers, “Don’t think of them, then.”

Giving him a sheepish glance, I reply, “Okay.”

At last he finds what he was looking for, a cream-coloured album. “Is that Damien Rice’s ‘O’?” I ask.

He nods. “The song from the taxi is on this.”

“I know.”

Looking at me with smouldering eyes, he sticks it in the stereo by the shelf and hits “play.” A soft acoustic guitar song comes on as Robert strides towards me and then kneels on the floor by my feet. Slowly, he slips off my ballet flats, placing them to the side of the bed, and then runs his hands up and down my bare calves. A pool of lust coils deep in my belly as I stare at him, breathing heavily.

“This is a very romantic album,” I say, trying to divert his attention to something else. Anything other than how he’s touching me.

“You bring out the romantic in me,” he says, his attention not diverted at all, his eyes remaining focused on the curve of my calf.

He lifts my leg, bringing it to his mouth so he can place kisses all along my skin. He stares up at me and vows, “I’m going to make this good for you, Lana.”

“This feels good,” I manage as his other hand reaches up my body and strokes my belly.

“Fuck, I worship you. I love how big your eyes get sometimes.”

A small moan escapes me as he pulls me closer to the edge of the bed and then starts unbuttoning my dress down the middle. It hangs loose at my sides, revealing my underwear beneath. I’m wearing the bra and knickers set he bought for me. Robert takes my forearms in both his hands and rubs them up and down, just like he’d done with my calves.

“Tell me you want this,” he whispers, his eyes intent on my body, like he’s figuring out how to take me.

“I want this,” I say with a quiet whimper.

“Undress me, then.” His words come out a gentle instruction.

Doing as he asks, I remove his shirt as he watches the movement of my hands. I lean forward and place a kiss to the centre of his throat as I unbuckle his belt, and he swallows deeply. He pushes me further onto the bed and holds himself over me, taking his time removing my dress and my bra. He blinks, taking in my nakedness, and then pulls down my knickers. He strokes the soft tangle of curls between legs. My hands get a bit shaky as I bring them up to rest on his shoulders.

“Are you nervous?” he asks.

I gulp. “Just a little.”

“Don’t be. I’ll take care of you.” His eyes flicker between mine.

“It’s going to hurt.”

He draws a long breath. “It might sting, but it’ll get better on the second or third time. So I’m told, anyway.”

“You’ve never been with a virgin?”

He smiles softly. “It’s a first for both of us, baby.”

Bringing his mouth to my nipple, he begins stroking between my legs. I can feel how wet I am already. It seems like this entire day has been one long stream of foreplay. He makes slow circles on my clit until I come in heaving gasps, my face pressed into his warm shoulder.

He kisses down the middle of my breasts, and when he reaches the lowest part of my belly, he flicks his tongue right across in a long, wet, tingling caress. Leaving me for just a second, he goes to his drawer and pulls out something small, a condom. He crawls back in between my legs and tears open the wrapper with his teeth. Just seeing him do that is a huge turn-on. My mind scrambles with anticipation. I have no clue what this is going to feel like — all I know is that I want it so badly I ache.

I watch in curiosity as he pumps himself with his hand a few times and then slides the rubber over his erection, standing proudly to attention. Once it’s on he pauses, staring down at me. Then he comes closer, taking my earlobe into his hot, wet mouth and positioning the head of his penis at my entrance. It feels like a blush has crept its way over my entire body.

“Slow, deep breaths, okay?” he whispers in a low voice. “If you need me to stop, just say it. This is all about you, Lana.”

I feel him easing into me, and I bite down hard on my lip. He sees me tensing up, so he holds himself above me with one hand and laces the fingers of the other through mine. The contact soothes me, and the deep breaths seem to work in calming me down.

“Love you,” he breathes, claiming my mouth in an earth-shattering kiss as he thrusts himself into me fully. I cry out, feeling like I’m being stretched. The pain is sharp and stingy, just like Robert said it would be. His tongue meets mine, and I try to focus on that instead of the pain.

He groans, pushing himself in and out of me slowly. I can tell he’s holding back, and I’m glad, because I’m not sure I could handle it if he didn’t. My body burns hot like an inferno. It feels good and bad at the same time, almost a relief to have a part of Robert inside me. This is the deepest connection we can possibly have, and my heart is beating fast; butterflies are flittering through my chest.

“You feel amazing,” he says, and then groans. Being able to see him like this is worth any pain I might be feeling right now.

I reach out and run my fingers over the drops of perspiration on his forehead. “You’re so beautiful,” I tell him in an awed voice.

“Only now because you make me so,” he says, his words penetrating deep.

The feel of him inside me stings again, so I bring my mouth to his shoulder and instinctively bite down. He lets out a low curse, his head tilted so he can watch me. Then he looks down between our bodies, seeing himself move in and out of me. His mouth hangs open. I take back everything I’ve said previously — this is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.