I hit the “call” button, and she answers almost immediately.

“Lana! We’ve been waiting to hear from you. How was your flight?”

By the echo through the phone, I can tell she has me on loudspeaker and is probably sitting having tea with my gran and sister in the living room while they listen in.

“Hi, Mum. It was fine. Sasha collected me from the airport and brought me back to the house. It’s a gorgeous place, must have cost a mint.”

“That’s Alan all over, flashy bastard,” I hear Liz muttering in the background. She spends almost every evening at our house now that Sasha and Robert are no longer living at home.

“Hi, Liz,” I say, laughing at the cutting tone of voice she always uses when referring to her ex-husband.

“Hiya, honey. I hope my daughter is treating you well.”

“She is, as always.” I trail off before saying, “And Robert’s here, too.”

“What’s he doing there?” my mum butts in, her voice rigid. She knows Robert and I have had our problems, though she doesn’t know the true extent of my mixed feelings for him. She thinks I just can’t stand him; she doesn’t know that I also pity him in my own strange way. She also considers him to be a true brat. Of course, she’d never admit as much to Liz.

“He and his girlfriend had a fight, and she kicked him out of their apartment. Sasha’s letting him stay here for a couple of days.”

“I never liked that Kara girl,” says Liz. “They can barely go a week without breaking up.”

“He’s not giving you any trouble, is he?” asks Mum, worried.

“We’re not teenagers anymore, Mum,” I say, not wanting her to fret over me. “And he’ll only be here a few days.”

“All the same,” says Liz. “I know what my boy is like, and he’s always enjoyed showing you his bad side, Lana. If he starts back at his old tricks you call me and I’ll put him straight, you hear me?”

“I hear you,” I say. “Listen, I’ll call again on Monday after I’ve finished my first shift at the restaurant and let you all know how I get on.”

“Okay, honey, love you, take care,” says Mum.

Liz, my sister, and my gran all call their goodbyes, and I hang up the phone. I hear a knock at the front door, which is quickly succeeded by the sound of voices filling the house. Sasha’s and Robert’s friends have arrived. Feeling a little nervous of the company, I make my way downstairs to say hello nonetheless.

In the living room is Alistair, who’s tall with long dark hair in a ponytail and a slightly quirky dress sense, and his girlfriend Sandra, who’s a pretty blonde. Also present are the fair-haired, blue-eyed brothers, Victor and Jacob. Sasha and Robert have a couple of other friends, but these four are what you’d call the “inner circle.”

Sasha sees me come into the room and immediately calls out, “Hey, you all remember Lana, yeah?”

“Of course we do,” says Alistair with a warm smile, coming over to shake my hand. “I’m looking forward to having you join the team at the restaurant.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to joining,” I reply politely.

“Hi, Lana,” says Sandra, giving me a kiss on either cheek. “Wow, your hair looks gorgeous, and I love that dress on you.”

“Thanks,” I mutter.

I’ve always found these people a little intimidating. They’re just so level-headed and career-oriented for their ages. Most of my friends back home who are in their early twenties haven’t got a clue what they want to do with their lives.

I exchange hellos with Victor and Jacob after Sandra has finished being all complimentary, in that way when you can’t whether or not it’s real or fake. Jacob seems to like what he sees when he takes in my appearance, though. I remember him flirting with me a small bit on my last visit, but nothing ever came of it.

“Hey, pretty Irish girl. I was wondering when I was going to see you again,” he says, giving me a peck on the cheek. Look at me, getting all the kisses tonight.

“Yeah, I haven’t been over since the last time we met. I’m staying for the summer now.”

He nods happily as Sasha brings in a bottle of white wine and begins pouring everyone a glass.

“You having a drink, kid?” she asks, glancing at me sideways.

“Nah, I probably shouldn’t,” I answer, noticing Robert paying attention to our conversation.

There are a whole variety of things that can be hard on my diabetes, and alcohol is one of them. Even when I do drink, I can’t have much more than two glasses at a time. And I get drunk really easily since my body isn’t used to it.

“Oh, go on, Lana, have a drink. It’ll loosen you up,” says Robert, eyeing me speculatively.

I shake my head and reply, “I don’t drink much.”

“Let tonight be the exception, then.”

“Rob,” says Sasha in warning.

“What? I was only encouraging her to have a glass of wine. I was hardly offering her crack.”

“And she said she doesn’t want one, so leave her alone.”

“She’s a grown woman. She doesn’t need you to speak for her,” he bites back.

Feeling uncomfortable that I’ve caused them to snap at each other, I interject, “Maybe I’ll just have one very small glass, then.”

Robert grins at me approvingly.

“Are you sure?” Sasha asks. “He’s an arse. Don’t let him bully you.”

“It’s fine. I should have one to celebrate my first night in London anyway.”

“That’s the spirit,” says Robert, handing me a glass and grabbing the bottle from his sister. I hold it as he pours a little too much in, and when he’s finished, I have a sip. Sasha takes the bottle back from him and goes to pour some for Sandra and Alistair.

“It’s Chardonnay. What do you think?” Robert asks, stepping closer. His nearness causes a little rush of anxiety to go through me.

I stare up into his eyes for a second, and he seems genuinely interested in what I have to say. “It’s nice. It doesn’t have the burn of cheap wine, anyway. That’s about as far as my knowledge goes,” I answer, wondering why he’s giving me his attention when his friends are around.