“Is that so? Where was that rule when Arthur was bullying Ace every day?” she asked, standing and turning around so she stood in front of the boys, protecting them.

“My Arthur would never,” Rosemary said, holding her hand to her chest.

“Your Arthur would, and did constantly.”

“And where’s your proof?” the principal asked.

“Where’s yours?” Thea asked, glaring at the principal before turning her gaze to Arthur and his mother. “Jesus, he doesn’t even have a scratch on him. And you’re accusing my boys of attacking him?”

“We didn’t, Thea,” Keir told her. “He and his friends were picking on Ace. I stuck up for him and they attacked us.”

“See. Keir has told you what happened.” Thea knew the principal wasn’t going to take their side, but she wasn’t letting it go without a fight. The boys deserved to see someone sticking up for them.

“Well, it’s his word against Arthur’s,” the principal said.

“So, Arthur is lying. Guess it’s one strike and you’re out,” she said with false sympathy to Rosemary.

Oh, she knew it wasn’t going to work that way. She wasn’t stupid. Rosemary Pincher’s husband was wealthy. She spent her days doing yoga and drinking almond decaf lattes. Keir and Ace were going to be thrown under the bus. But she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

“Well, there are witnesses,” the principal said. “They all agree Keir and Ace started the fight.”

“That’s not true!” Ace said. “It was Arthur! He’s always saying things about Thea being white trash and a whore!”

Rosemary sucked in a horrified breath, slamming her hands over Arthur’s ears. Like her ten-year-old son wasn’t the one to speak the filthy words in the first place.

And Thea knew just where he would have gotten them too.

“Wonder where he heard that from, huh?” Thea asked.

“That’s enough!” the principal said. “Miss Garrison, I have no choice but to expel Keir and Ace.”

“You do have a choice.”

Thea startled. She’d actually forgotten Jardin was there. Which was weird. She’d never thought that was possible. He was sitting in a chair at the back of the room, still tapping on his phone.

“Pardon?” the principal tried to act unaffected by him, but there was still that hunger in her gaze.

“You said you don’t have a choice, but you do. You’re choosing to believe this little thug and his pretentious bitch of a mother.”

“Who are you?” Rosemary screeched. “How dare you speak to me like that! My husband—”

“Spends more time on the golf course than he does at home. I can see why.” Jardin glanced up to give her an unimpressed look.

“Who are you?” Rosemary demanded. “Do you know my husband?”

“Not that well. I prefer to use a broker who doesn’t scam money from his clients.”

“How dare you?”

“No. How dare you?” He stood, slipping his phone into his pocket. “How dare you call Thea names and in front of your son, knowing he’ll come to school and repeat them to her brothers? As far as I can see, we’re done here. This boy is clearly the bully. Thea’s brothers were sticking up for her honor.” He turned to the principal. “Expel the Pincher boy and apologize to Thea and her brothers then we can leave. I might actually still get some work done today.”

“Excuse me!” the principal said. “You do not tell me how to do my job. The only boys getting expelled are these two hooligans.” She pointed to Keir and Ace.

Thea was still in shock at hearing Jardin stick up for her and her brothers that she hadn’t been able to speak yet. But at those words she frowned and turned to blast the principal.

“My brothers are not hooligans. They—”

“Yeah, hi,” Jardin interrupted her. She turned to glare at him. She couldn’t believe he was making a call right now.