Julian studied him. “Come with us.”

Cole swallowed. “Are you sure?”

“She’s waiting. Come.” He turned and stalked away.

He should probably insist they get some sleep, they certainly needed it. But maybe they needed a few moments of fun more. Well, he guessed there was only one thing to do then.

He followed.


He walked into their bedroom to find Julian standing on one side of the bed, his arms crossed over his massive chest, his face scrunched up into a mock-frown. Keira stood on the other side, biting on her lip.

Probably to hide a smile.

Little minx.

“Ah, you waited for me to start,” Cole drawled. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Julian gave a small bow. “I thought you’d enjoy the sight of kitten getting her butt beaten.”

“Hey! No fair. Cole said it too. He needs his butt spanked.”

An idea unfurled in his mind. It made him feel uncomfortable and he wasn’t certain he could do it. But it was there, and he needed to think on it before he decided.

“Trying to deflect isn’t going to get you out of a much-deserved punishment, little bit,” Cole told her gravely. “Would you like me to grab her for you?”

Julian nodded. “I might need some help. I seem to have damaged my spanking hand.”

Cole’s cock hardened further.

“Happy to help.” Cole sent Keira a grin.

She narrowed her gaze, slammed her hands on her hips. “Gotta catch me first.”

She pretended to fake a dive to her left.

“Be careful of your leg,” Julian barked.

Cole stiffened. Her leg? What was wrong with her leg? He hadn’t noticed her favoring one of her legs. Had she hurt herself?

“It’s fine,” she shot back at the other man, poking out her tongue.

“Oh, that just earned your bratty little bottom another five,” Julian told her. He turned to Cole. “Grab her.”

Gladly. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. He also wanted her off her leg until he knew what was going on. Fuck, he hated not knowing everything.

He leaped forward and picked her up, swinging her up into his arms. Julian had already sat on the bed. He patted his lap. Cole brought her to him, setting her on her husband’s lap. He stood there, feeling uncertain and hating it.

Julian tapped the bed beside him. “Sit.”

Seemed insane for a man who’d always been the one to take charge, but he found himself surprisingly grateful for the direction. Once he’d sat, Julian rolled Keira over, so her chest and head lay on Julian’s lap. While her bottom half rested on Cole’s knees.

Oh, hell yes.

Now, he needed no direction. He rubbed her ass through the thin material of what looked to be one of Julian’s old T-shirts. It swamped her far too small frame. And he reminded himself to go very easy. She was much more delicate and fragile now than she’d ever been.

And he would do nothing that might harm her.