“She needs help and you’re preventing her from getting it. She’s upset. Do you want to hurt kitten?”

Julian shook that off. “Don’t move any closer. I’ll kill anyone that touches her.”

“You won’t hurt me,” Cole said with a conviction he didn’t entirely feel. But if there was one thing he’d learned over the years of heading the board, it was that confidence was everything. And, if in doubt, bluff like hell.

“I won’t?”

“No. Because you know I would never harm her. I’d never hurt her physically. I would step between her and danger, Julian.”

Was it his imagination or did the tension in Julian’s body lessen slightly?

“I know I haven’t been around. I know I’ve made mistakes. But I just want to help her and you. I want to protect you both. I promise, even if you want nothing to do with me again. Even if you can never trust me again, I’m always going to be here to help you both. Right now, Julian, kitten needs us both. She’s panicking. She’s scared. She needs you to hold her.”

“I need to protect her,” Julian growled.

“Nobody here will harm her. There’s just me, Joel, and Jardin.”

“The last time he got like this it was only Keira that could pull him out,” Joel commented.

“Maybe the two of you should leave us,” Cole told them. “The fewer people here, the less he’ll feel threatened.”

Keira let out a low moan. Her breathing didn’t sound right, and his worry increased.

“Are you sure?” Joel asked.

“Yes. Go. Please.” He managed to keep his voice soft, but it was only through sheer force of will. What he really wanted to do was snap at them to get lost and leave them all alone. “I’ll get them out of here, and you can get everyone back in here to play.” He winced thinking about everyone waiting beyond those doors. About the Dom that Julian had basically assaulted. “Go do some damage control.”

Joel nodded and shared a look with Malone. He let out a reluctant sounding sigh. “Right. Call me if you need me. Come on, Malone.”

“Fine,” Malone said. “But we’re just outside the door if you need us.”

Like he’d ever ask for help from him. He barely refrained from sneering at the other man. The two of them left.

“Julian, it’s just us now. I’m coming closer.”

“No,” Julian growled. “Stay back.”

“I can’t.” Christ, he didn’t want to stress out the bigger man more. Cole wasn’t worried about being hurt. Hell, even if he was, it would be no less than he deserved. But he didn’t think he would hurt him. Sure, he’d hit him the other day, but he’d been taken by surprise.

If Cole was wrong, well, he could put up with a bit of pain.

“Julian, I’m coming closer. I’m going to help kitten. We are going to help kitten. Understand me?”


“Julian, do you understand me?” he said more sternly.


“Yes, Sir,” he told him.

He hated doing this without there being any sort of understanding between them. Negotiation. Trust. But he needed Julian to listen to him. Right now, Julian wasn’t in the right state of mind to look after himself, let alone Keira. He needed someone to take charge. And that person was him.

Don’t fuck it up. Christ, he’d never had a problem with confidence before them. They were ripping him apart.

The stern note seemed to work because Julian jerked around towards Keira. “Keira? Kitten? She’s panicking.”

“I know.” Cole kept his voice low and calm as he walked around Julian and crouched down next to her. Julian was looming over her, seemingly unsure about whether to take care of Keira or guard their backs.