“Eddy, there’s more going on than you know,” Malone said in a low voice. Oh, now he was trying to help. Where had he been when Keira was freaking out?

“No, no, no, don’t hurt him,” Keira moaned. She pushed at the Dom, but he stepped to the side and she went flying, thumping against the floor.

A roar so filled with rage that it made his blood go cold filled the room. Julian grabbed the Dom, and picking him up in the air, shook him.

Cole was aware of Joel racing into the room, of someone helping the sub off the St. Andrews cross, but it was like it was all happening off-stage. His attention was focused on Julian. And stopping him from killing the Dom he shook like a rag doll.

“Julian.” Joel started moving towards him. “Put Eddy down.”

/> Julian snarled into Eddy’s face. “You. Hurt. Her.”

“He didn’t mean to, Julian,” Cole said in a quiet voice, moving slowly towards the enraged man. “Put him down. Keira needs you. She needs you to be calm and help her.”

Keira let out a quiet noise of distress and Julian turned to look at her. Whatever he saw must have convinced him to move because he dropped the older Dom and moved swiftly towards her. She’d landed near the corner of the room and he picked her up then herded her, so she was more firmly in the corner. When he turned to face them all, Keira tucked safely in behind him, Cole could tell his mind was somewhere else. Somewhere dark.

“Fuck. All right, everyone out. Now,” Joel snapped.

“Joel, speak calmly,” Cole told him. “You’re making things worse.”

The room cleared out, leaving just Joel, Cole, Malone, Julian, and Keira.

“I’m going to call Molly,” Joel muttered.

“Julian, it’s just us now. How about you step away from Keira so we can check if she’s all right,” Malone said reasonably.

Julian just snarled at him. Right now, he was like a cornered animal. Something had pushed him into the dark, into losing control. Most likely, Keira’s distress. Or had he also been affected by the scene with the Dom and the whip?

What had happened to the two of them? Had they had a Dom who’d mistreated them?

Keira’s breaths were growing erratic. Concern filled him. He couldn’t even see her beyond Julian’s wide shoulders.

“Julian,” Joel said in a low, firm voice. “Julian, you know me. You know I wouldn’t hurt you or Keira, but I need to check that she’s all right.”

Julian didn’t move, but he watched them with a deadly glint in his eyes that was almost otherworldly. When Joel took a step forward, he tensed like he was about to attack.

“Joel, stay back,” Cole warned.

“I’m trying to fucking help.”

“You’re not helping,” Cole snapped back. “And if either of them gets hurt because you didn’t listen to me, I’ll fucking kill you.”

A low whimper sounded from behind Julian. The large man puffed out his chest, growing even more outraged.

“Kitten, it’s all right,” Cole said in a soothing voice, deliberately using Julian’s name for her. “Everything is all right. You’re safe. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

“Julian,” she managed to gasp out.

Julian didn’t acknowledge her, just continued to watch them.

“Julian, stand aside. I need to check on kitten.” Cole kept his voice firm. Both Joel and Malone had taken a softer approach but that hadn’t fucking worked, had it?

“Cole, what the fuck?” Joel whispered.

Cole took a step forward. Julian’s rage-filled gaze landed on him.

“Julian, this isn’t the way to protect kitten, you’re hurting her.”

Julian frowned.