And any hint of warmth he’d seen in Keira had disappeared. She stared at him like she didn’t know him.

Like you don’t deserve it.

Maybe he did. But it didn’t mean he liked it. That he didn’t want to pull the two of them close to his chest and keep them safe and, at the same time, turn them over his knee until they damn well listened to him.

Okay, that wasn’t a viable plan. He was just frustrated. He had to remain calm. He couldn’t do what he would have done in the past, which was demand and intimidate and manipulate until he got his own way.

He had to be sneakier. And for once in his life, he had to be gentle. Both of them were fragile in their own way, and he had to make sure he didn’t shatter them.

“Well, can’t ever say you’re not tenacious.” Joel slipped into the chair across from him. “Something wrong with the beef wellington?”

“Huh. No, I’m sure it’s delicious.”

“Staring at them isn’t going to help. You need to actually talk to them.”

“You think I don’t know that,” Cole bit out, frustrated.

Joel raised an eyebrow.

He let out a deep breath and rolled his neck from side to side. “Sorry. Just feeling a bit helpless.”

“Yeah, well, welcome to the club.” Joel watched Keira for a moment.

“She looks tired. And thinner, if that’s possible,” Cole commented, worried. “I thought that Malone guy was supposed to help them.” It still pissed him off they had someone else. It should be him taking care of them both. But he understood why. He’d lost their trust. He may never have it again. Never have them back.

Joel tapped his fingers against the table. “Maybe I was wrong.”

“Wait. Is that a pig flying across the sky?” Cole looked out the window mockingly.

“You’re such an asshole. Guess nothing will ever change that, huh?” Joel replied, but there was no bite to his voice. “They’re not letting Jardin in and there’s only so much he can do without them giving him anything. But they want to go to the club this Saturday night.”

“What? Do you think that’s a good idea?” They were barely holding themselves together.

“No, I don’t think it’s a good fucking idea; I think it’s a disaster waiting to happen.”

“Then tell them no.” Easy.

Joel sighed. “I may think it’s a disaster, but nothing else is working. Maybe this will help them knock down some barriers and let Jardin in.”

Cole’s hands clenched into fists.

Calm. Calm.

Joel stood and tapped something against the table. “Eat the damn food. Renard will have a fit if a full plate goes back to the kitchen. Oh, and I expect I’ll see you Saturday night?” He didn’t wait around for a reply, but, when Cole glanced, he saw a shiny black card with a discreet logo in the top right corner.

A membership card for Saxon’s.

A feeling of hope filled him. All right then.

“Is there something wrong with your meal?”

He glanced up at the soft voice and quickly placed the card in his pocket. He didn’t want to scare Keira off. He thought the two of them going to the club was pretty much the worst idea he’d ever heard. However, he knew he’d never talk them out of it. And, obviously, Joel wasn’t going to. So, the next best thing was him being there to watch over them.

“No, I’m just not very hungry tonight. Thank you.” He kept his voice soft, gentle, even though he wanted to demand she sit down so he could feed her the beef. Even as he wanted to tuck her onto his lap and wrap her up in his protection and tell her everything would be all right because he would make sure it was.

But he couldn’t do any of that. So, he just gave her a small smile as she picked up the full plate, noting the way her hand shook slightly. Because she was near him or because she wasn’t feeling well?

Either way, he didn’t like it.