Holy shit.

She’d forgotten about that. The way her body reacted to him.

He hurt you. He turned his back on you. He never wanted you.

“You should take a shower and get dressed, Keira,” Cole said in a gentle voice as he dried his hair. “Don’t stand around freezing because of me. I don’t want you getting a cold.”

“She’s mine to take care of,” Julian stated.

“Sorry,” Cole told him quickly. “I didn’t mean to overstep. I’ll just get out of here. Thanks for the towel, Keira.”

He reached out, holding the towel to her. She looked from the towel up to Julian. But he was glaring off into the distance. With a sigh, she reached out and took it.

“I’m sorry I scared you.”

She gave him a small smile. “That’s okay. You didn’t know I was all right.”

“I guess that’s what worries me. I’m not certain that either of you are all right.” He looked from Julian to her.

Julian finally turned to look at him. “That’s not your problem, though, is it? You threw us away. Humiliated us, made us think you wanted more then immediately dumped us. So, you no longer get to ask if we’re all right.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to know.” He turned and walked away, leaving Keira standing there, holding his towel and wishing she had the courage to call him back.

She quickly showered and got into her pajamas before walking into the tiny kitchen area where Julian was rummaging in the fridge. “What do you want to eat, Keira?”

“I’m not hungry.”

He turned with a sigh, leaning back against the kitchen counter. “Don’t let him ruin your appetite.”

Appetite? What appetite? She hadn’t had one in months. But she didn’t say that b

ecause then he’d feel terrible for not noticing how little she ate.

“He isn’t,” she said gently. “Do you think we’re being too hard on him? He just wants to talk to us.”

Julian frowned and her stomach dropped. She knew she shouldn’t have said anything. She didn’t want to cause Julian stress. It’s just that she hated watching Cole walk away. He’d looked lost. Alone.

It’s Cole Saxon. He could walk up the street and have any woman he wants. Of course, he’s not going to be alone.

“He just wants to talk to make himself feel better. He feels guilty.”

She wasn’t sure that was entirely it. She could see he did feel guilty, but he seemed so worried about them.

“I think it’s more than that,” she suggested. “And don’t you want to know what happened?”

Julian’s jaw clenched. “I wish I didn’t.”

“I know,” she agreed. “It’s hard seeing him. I thought that if I ever saw him again, I wouldn’t feel anything. No anger or sadness.” Or attraction.

Julian started pacing up and down the kitchen. “Why’d he turn up now? Why couldn’t he have come six months from now.”

At the pace they were going, she wasn’t sure six months was going to change much.

“Or a year ago,” she said quietly. Because maybe then some of their pain would have healed and they wouldn’t have gone off with Vincento.

“He’s not here for us, Keira,” Julian told her gently. “He came here for his brother. They’re blood. We’re not. I think we need to move.”

She blinked at the abrupt change of topic. “You think Joel doesn’t want us here anymore?” Her voice sounded little and lost. Fear flooded her. She couldn’t leave. This place was safe. Where else would she feel safe?