“Really? The great Cole Saxon has something he’s not good at?”

Cole gave him a dark look and, for a moment, he thought he would snap back. But then he looked towards Keira, still swimming, oblivious to everything going on up here.

Thank God.

Last thing she needed was to witness this. To see how badly Julian was handling it. He needed to be strong for her.

“There are plenty of things I’m not good at, but I’m trying to improve. I’m trying to be a better person, Julian. I might mess things up along the way, but I’m not here to hurt anyone. And if that’s what I’m doing, I’ll go. All I asking is that you let me explain about why I did what I did. Not for me, well, a little for me.” He let out a self-deprecating laugh. “This being honest shit is hard. I got so used to just doing what I thought was best and damn what anyone else thought. That way was fucked up and I know that now. But I’m hoping if the two of you know what happened, it might help you.”

Help them? How could that help them? But then, Cole knew nothing about what had happened to them. Joel had promised he wouldn’t say a word to him. That he’d leave it to Julian and Keira if they wanted to tell him anything.

“I know there might be nothing I can do to make things right. To earn your forgiveness. I know I don’t deserve that.”

“You don’t,” Julian muttered then he closed his eyes briefly. Fuck, he hated that he was being like that. Sullen. Surly. Cole might have fucked up, but he was there and he was trying to explain things.

“Cole, I—” He opened his eyes and turned towards the man just as he took a step towards the pool.

Fear fille

d Cole’s face and Julian turned, fists formed to fight whatever enemy was coming their way. This time, he wouldn’t be taken by surprise. This time, he’d fight to the death to protect what belonged to him.



Before that thought could penetrate, before he realized there was no enemy raging towards them, bent on hurting those Julian loved, Cole was tugging off his shoes then diving into the pool.



It was so peaceful.

This was what she loved about swimming. She could just forget everything else and float around like she had no cares in the world. She was weightless. No noise. No one to be disappointed in her or worry over her or push her for more than she could give.

Floating freely at the end of a swim was her favorite part.

Suddenly, something rocked her peaceful world. Hands grabbed at her, tugging her to the surface. Panic filled her.

No! No, he wouldn’t take her! Wouldn’t hurt her!

She hit out at him, fighting as hard as she could in her weakened state. She couldn’t see, panic blinded her, the water blurred her vision. Her lungs burned. She’d already been down there too long. She needed to breathe.

Oh, God. He was going to kill her. He was finally going to kill her.

Suddenly he grabbed her around the waist and thrust her up, her head burst to the surface and she took a huge gulp, prepared to scream.

“Keira! Keira, are you all right?” She cleared her eyes, looking into Julian’s pale, concerned face. Why wasn’t he jumping into the pool to defend her?

Except . . . it wasn’t Vincento who had her. Of course not.

Her heart still thudding, her body shaking, feeling chilled and ill, she turned to look into the concerned face of the man who’d haunted her dreams for the past few years.


He stared back at her, still holding her tightly. “Are you okay? Can you breathe all right? Julian, call an ambulance,” he bossed, carrying her towards the shallow end. As he got close, he swung her up into his arms, striding over to where Julian stood, a towel in his hands.

“Give her to me,” Julian demanded.