“Hello. I’m Jardin Malone.”

He blinked. Okay, that was unexpected. He’d thought they’d walk straight past him. He hadn’t thought this guy would come right up to him and introduce himself.

He had to work hard not to slap the other man’s hand as he held it out or snarl at him to stay away from his subs.

Not yours, asshole.

Cole shifted out of the booth and took the other man’s hand.

“Cole Saxon.”

“I guessed as much. You look like your brother. Just wanted to introduce myself so we knew each other.” There was a note of something in the other man’s voice. Curiosity, maybe? Whatever it was, he wasn’t acting like Cole thought he might. Keira and Julian had to have told him what Cole had done, right? If Cole were in his shoes and he was confronted with a dickhead who’d hurt his subs like Cole had, he’d want to punch the guy’s lights out. But Malone was surprisingly calm.

Maybe Julian and Keira hadn’t told him? That wasn’t good, he knew from all his training that communication was key in this sort of relationship.

“Well, we best keep going and grab some lunch. Burger looks good as always.”

“I ordered the special,” Cole told him. He moved his gaze over Julian then down to Keira. As soon as she saw his gaze, she dropped hers.

Fuck. He hated that she looked so timid. So scared. Julian made a noise and he slammed his gaze up to his. Anger and something else stared out at him. Hatred?

Christ, he hoped not.

Please, don’t hate me.

He didn’t like the feelings swirling in his gut. All his life, his father had hated him. He prayed they didn’t.

“Ah, yeah, Doris has some interesting ideas sometimes about what people should order.”

“My ears are burning, Jardin Malone.” The craggy waitress strode up to them. But instead of her scowl from earlier, she actually gave Malone a warm look.

“Just telling Cole how wonderful the burgers are here. Only made better with your presence, of course.”

Jesus, was he laying it on thick or what? Cole waited for the older woman to shoot him down. She didn’t seem the type to fall for any bullshit.

To his shock, the waitress melted, smiling at the other man. “Oh, you. Sit down, I’ll get you all some coffee.” She turned to Julian and Keira and, to his shock, she seemed to soften. “Keira, sweet tea, honey?”

“Yes, please, Doris.” Keira gave her a small smile. Her gaze darted to Cole then away.

“We’ll let you get back to eating then.” Jardin turned away.

“Wait,” Cole called out. “Julian, Keira.”

They both froze.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the other night. I didn’t realize you were here, if I had, I . . .”

You’d have what? Called ahead?

“Anyway, I wanted to apologize for upsetting you both.”

Julian just glared at him. Keira’s look was harder to decipher. Hope mixed in with wariness?

“If you could give me some of your time, I have some things I want to explain.”

Keira looked up at Julian. Fuck. If it was up to just Julian, he was pretty certain what the answer was going to be.

“No,” Julian stated. Then he and Keira quickly turned away. Okay, he’d expected that. He’d hoped they might give him a chance, but he couldn’t blame them for shutting him out. Julian was just protecting them both. But he couldn’t help but watch them walk away. Then Keira turned, looking towards him and the sadness on her face punched him hard in the gut.