“That didn’t happen,” Keira said after she’d tamed her giggles.

“I assure you, it did.”

“Good Lord, I’m glad you got more practice in before joining my club,” Saxon said, sounding appalled.

Jardin pointed at all three of them. “This stays between us. There’s a code of silence, understand? Because if my cousins ever hear that, I’m going to be finding lubed up plugs everywhere.” He gave a shudder. “Those assholes are ruthless.”

Keira let out another giggle.

“Feeling better, sweetheart?” Jardin asked kindly.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Good. Can I please see your hand to make certain you didn’t burn yourself?” He held out his hand. Julian stiffened. He didn’t want the other man to touch her.


Jardin shot him an assessing look, but kept his arm stretched out.

“I didn’t,” she replied quickly. “And Julian checked.”

“I know, but I’d still like to check myself.” He kept his arm out. Julian admired his confidence. And calm. Eventually, Keira caved in. Her hand shook slightly, and she stuck close to him, but she let Jardin take her hand and check it over before he let it go.

“Good. Thank you for letting me do that, sweetheart. I’d never have been able to leave until I made sure.”

“Oh. Sure.” Keira looked up at Julian in confusion. He knew what she was thinking. The only Dom they’d spent any length of time with was Vincento. And he’d never thanked them for anything. Of course, he’d never have concerned himself with whether Keira had a slight burn. And that was even before he’d showed his true face. His greatest care had always been for himself.

Cole, well, he wasn’t a Dom. And it was hard to know what his reaction would have been. He was definitely protective, though.

“W-what about you?” Keira managed to ask. “Did you hurt yourself?”

Jardin held out his hand, waiting patiently for her to take it. She reached for it, as though waiting for it to strike, but Jardin just held still. She had a look at the red spot. “Oh, no, I have some burn cream in the first aid kit if you’d like.”

“That would be wonderful, thank you.”

As she left, Jardin sat. Julian realized he was the only one standing and forced himself to sit.

“I don’t think this will work,” Julian said.

Saxon leaned forward. “You have to give it some time. You’re both going to be wary of anyone trying to get close to you after what you’ve been through. Trust takes time.”

Jardin gave him a smile. “I like you, Julian. And Keira. I once had two people that I . . . that I loved. I lost them both. I’m not looking for a romantic relationship. But I would like to help you both.”

A knot eased inside him.

“What happened to them?” Keira asked, stepping into the room. “The two people you lost, are they all right?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart. They refuse to see me.” He took the burn cream she held out. “I can’t help them. But I can help the two of you. If you’ll let me.”

Keira sat beside Julian again and took his hand in her smaller one. She squeezed it tightly.

“I don’t want a Dom,” Julian told him. “I’m not certain I’ll ever want or be able to submit again.”

Jardin just nodded.

“But Keira and I have been talking. We think it would help to take back that part of ourselves. We thought it might be forever gone to us. BDSM is what brought Vincento into our lives, and ever since, I’ve been angry at that part of me that needed him, wanted him.”

“And I’ve been scared of it,” Keira admitted.