She wiggled her ass from side to side. Ouch. Fuck. Crap.

“Uh-uh, stay still and take your punishment like a good little subbie.”

“Hurts! Ouch! Noooo!” she yelled out as he moved his hand lower to her thighs.

He paused. She took a shuddering breath as her ass throbbed, the skin of her butt so hot and sore she was certain it had to be bright red by now.

“Do you need to use your safeword, kitten?”

Oh, that’s why he’d stopped. Because he was worried about her state of mind. But not once, even with that first surprisingly hard smack of his hand, had she thought about Vincento. This was Julian. Her Dom. Her husband. Her entire world.

“No, Sir.”

Even though it was kind of tempting to use it, because, fuck this felt like the worst spanking she’d ever had, logically, she knew it wasn’t. It had just been a long time since she’d been spanked.

She gasped as she felt a hand slip between her legs and cup her mound. She moaned. Her sex drive was starting to return. It had been absent for so long, due to both her physical and mental deterioration, not because she didn’t think Julian was sexy as hell.

But, right now, she was sopping wet and she knew he could feel that.

“If you’re a good girl and stay nice and still for the rest of your spanking, I’ll reward you by eating your pussy until you scream,” Julian promised her.

Oh, fuck. Oh, hell, yes.

“I will, Sir. I will.”

“Such an eager little kitten. Maybe we should get you an anal plug with a tail and a little kitty outfit. Yes, I think I’d like seeing you all dressed up.”

Oh, ye

ah. Her clit throbbed in reaction.

“Yeah, my kitten likes that idea. My kitten is such a good little girl. So pretty and loving. I know she’s been doing her best to keep us both together. She’s been pushing her own needs back in order to take care of me. But that’s going to stop now. I’m sorry I’ve been so blind. I’m not saying I’m going to be perfect from now on. I still have issues to work through. I feel so fucked up, I’m not even sure who I am anymore.”

“Oh, Julian.” She tried to turn, but he gently moved her back around then he sat and pulled her onto his lap, stomach down. He started smacking her ass again. Hard. Fast. The pain built and built.

“I’m not finished with you, kitten. And if you hug me right now, I’ll be doing what I just said I wouldn’t, letting you put my needs first. That ends now.”

But his needs were important.

“You’re important too, kitten. Your needs. Your desires. Your demons.”

Oh, fuck. Shit. The pain was almost too much. She needed it to stop. But as she thought that, endorphins started to flood her body, and she let go of the thoughts plaguing her. Her body felt weightless. She was aware of the tears dripping down her face. Part of the barrier she’d built to protect herself came down and she let go.

Just a little.

The sob sounded like it was coming from a distance. The sound of it almost muffled. Another one followed. And then she was crying in earnest.

“That’s it. That’s my good baby girl. Come on, let it out. I’m here. I’m here, kitten.”

She didn’t know how long she cried for, but when she came back around, she found Julian had moved them up the bed so he was lying on his back and she was curled up on his chest like a, well, a kitten.

He might have lost some weight while being held prisoner, but he’d spent a lot of time at the gym since, and he didn’t seem to have any problem eating as she did so he seemed even broader and more muscular than before.

“Way to ruin the mood, huh?” she attempted to joke.

His hand paused in the middle of running it down her back then he moved it lower and squeezed her ass.

“You didn’t ruin anything,” he growled. He rolled them over until they were both on their sides, facing each other. “You needed that.”